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Climate Change: 'The Tilting Of The Earth Changes Everything'

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Arguably, the most bizarre, fascinating and perhaps groundbreaking of all observations we've heard from Inuit is that they believe our world has tilted on its axis and this contributes to climate change.

Elders across Nunavut have noticed that the sun and stars have changed their position in the sky. The sun is now rising higher and staying longer than it used to. Importantly, in the far north, you must remember that the sun goes below the horizon for a large part of the year, and therefore Inuit are very familiar with its celestial pattern. Indeed, Inuit we're talking with are telling us stories about how in the old days, during the dark months, they would travel the land by dog team using stars as their navigational tools. So, when Inuit talk about the sun and stars, they do so with an intimate knowledge of these systems.

We've heard that the earth has tilted in the direction of the sun. Elders explain that this is why the sun is higher in the sky and there is increased and more direct heat entering the Arctic ecosystem. As Japiti explains, this has subsequently altered migratory routes of animals, warmed the ocean water, and thinned the ice cover. While this almost sounds like a fringe theory to obfuscate that fossil fuel use increases greenhouse gases, it is actually something has just recently been acknowledged by scientists.

*note* Inuti is a general term for a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic coasts of Alaska, the eastern islands of the Canadian Arctic, Labrador, and the ice-free coasts of Greenland.

*note* Nunavut is bordered by Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea to the east, Manitoba and Saskatchewan to the south, and the Northwest Territories on the west.

(read full article here)


This does make sense .....we're told we are experiencing 'global warming' and many parts of the world are seeing 'global cooling'....the tilting of earth axis would explain both...

If the earth's axis is shifting that would explain the melting of the north pole's ice and the record low temperatures in places that used to be more tepid...

Makes sense to me...


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:51 PM
Yes. There is a tiny problem of millions of people looking at the stars, some professionals, majority eager amateurs,with telescopes and such - and nobody noticed that. All part of major conspiracy?
There were major climate changes before, even in recorded history. All without Earth axis changing. And all without man-made CO2.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Yes. There is a tiny problem of millions of people looking at the stars, some professionals, majority eager amateurs,with telescopes and such - and nobody noticed that. All part of major conspiracy?

With all of the light pollution in the world today, It's no wonder this has been difficult to find. Also, if you aren't looking for something, you are not likely to find it.

It will be interesting to see where this theory goes.

And how Al Gore will try to make a profit from it.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
Yes. There is a tiny problem of millions of people looking at the stars, some professionals, majority eager amateurs,with telescopes and such - and nobody noticed that. All part of major conspiracy?
There were major climate changes before, even in recorded history. All without Earth axis changing. And all without man-made CO2.

Actually there is overwhelming evidence that a regular wobble is responsible for the Sahara fluctuating between bone dry desert and lush green every 20,000 years or so.

Africa's Sahara Desert is the size of the United States, making it the largest desert in the world. It's also the hottest place on the planet. But now an astonishing series of geological discoveries has revealed this searing wasteland hides a dramatically different past. Scientists have unearthed the fossils of whales, freshwater shells and even ancient human settlements. All clues to a story that would alter the course of human evolution and culminate in biggest climate change event of the last 10,000 years.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:20 PM
Why do they keep saying it's man made if it really is the tilt of the earth? Don't tell me that's man made too.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 04:33 PM
The earth does change it's tilt. It has a cycle. Our orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle.

"More recent researchers noted this drift and that the orbit also moves relative to the orbits of the other planets. The invariable plane, the plane that represents the angular momentum of the solar system, is approximately the orbital plane of Jupiter.

The inclination of the Earth's orbit has a 100,000 year cycle relative to the invariable plane; by chance, this is very similar to the 100,000 year eccentricity period.

This 100,000-year cycle closely matches the 100,000-year pattern of ice ages.

Milankovitch Cycles - Wiki

Which matches right up with the Ice Age Charts

Ice Age - Wiki

This global warming farce is crazy. We've been brain washed into a narrow group's opinion based on manipulated data.

Next ice age in on it way - DUE RIGHT NOW.

Both the Wiki links have lots of good information, charts and images.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by Julie Washington]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Record snow brings travel misery to China, S.Korea

"I don't remember ever seeing such heavy snowfall in the city," one female Beijinger surnamed Zhou told the China Daily.

In the South Korean capital Seoul, around 26 centimetres (10 inches) of snow fell Monday, marking the biggest snowfall since record-keeping began in 1937, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).

More proof that the earths axis is tilting?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:22 AM
Extreme weather warning as Met Office forecasts 16 INCHES of snow across southern England tonight

The current cold weather started in mid December and it has been the most prolonged spell of freezing conditions across the UK since December 1981. Bitterly cold and wintry weather is forecast to continue for the next couple of weeks with further snowfall expected at times.

Scotland and the North of England have been worst hit so far today.

Airports have been closed, entire bus services were suspended in some of the UK's major towns and cities, while motorists have become trapped in tailbacks up to 12 miles long.

It comes as business leaders warn of a major impact on the economy as employees fail to turn up for work during what is predicted to be one of the coldest winters in 100 years.

Read more:

More proof the earths axis is tilting?

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 11:48 AM
I was theorizing just last night the same thoughts on the earth's tilt. As we already know the Magnetic north has been drifting towards Russia, and I think , in relation to true north it is moving south westerly(not 100 % sure). It would stand to reason that the weather patterns would start to look different as the magnetic south would be moving in a similar path. The Equator although assigned a hard and fast address cannot be at the same exact locations as the hottest points in the northern hemisphere should also be moving slightly north westerly. This IMO only happens as the tilt changes in relation to the movements of the magnetic poles movement.

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by habfan1968

I was theorizing just last night the same thoughts on the earth's tilt.


Also that would explain so many earthquakes in the recent months.....

The earth tilting on it's axis would mean the equatorial bulge is also shifting...wouldn't a shifting bulge cause earthquakes.?..

I think I just figured it out...

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

You know, I've been saying pretty much the same thing over and over and over again. The climate change crowd just can't get off CO2.......


Originally posted by rainfall

Originally posted by habfan1968

I was theorizing just last night the same thoughts on the earth's tilt.


Also that would explain so many earthquakes in the recent months.....

The earth tilting on it's axis would mean the equatorial bulge is also shifting...wouldn't a shifting bulge cause earthquakes.?..

I think I just figured it out...

Bingo.. Look into the trends of volcanism too. It is a pattern of a higher level of volcanism during the colder periods of the cycle. You know on the drop off...

[edit on 6-1-2010 by DaMod]

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 12:49 PM
I think this thread pretty well sums up why we are seeing the things we are with climate and earthquake data. The Earth is a very sensitive thing. Even the slightest change can change everything. Look at the NAC. Even a slight fluctuation of average temperature can change weather patterns in a gigantic way.

You know what I think?

I think we as a species do not give the earth enough credit for what she does. Everything has to be man made! Even the most catastrophic occurrences can be pure nature in the works.

I just wish people would focus on the real environmental problems...............................................................

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: ZeroKnowledge

There were major climate changes before, even in recorded history. All without Earth axis changing.

Sorry for replying 11 years too late..

..however, Earth magnetic poles and axis have changed MANY times throughout this planet's history, and this has always caused massive upheaval (and thus 'climate change'). Lots of other things have also happened, but that's a story for another time.

Why do you think climate changes, if not because of axis / magnetic poles / etc.? What do you think causes drastic climate changes for a planet? What reasons are there for climate changes, if everything can always remain peachy axis-wise?

posted on Aug, 15 2021 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: DaMod

The Earth is a very sensitive thing.

Is it, now?

You forget what it has gone through and still survived just fine.

Even if it's true that it's 'sensitive', it's also a 'self-correcting system' that survives all kinds of things that people don't give it credit for - even if it's sensitive, it's also massively resilient. There's no reason to omit this fact.

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