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Society’s obsession with beauty

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posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 05:53 AM
The obsession of beauty is to do with eugenics.
The most beautiful are in demand when it comes to marriage and having kids to pass on this beauty to the progeny.
The ironic thing is, often the children of "beautiful people" are incredibly homely and average looking.
Yet the myth persists.

posted on Jan, 6 2010 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Merigold

I think the conspiracy lies in the fact that our children are growing up with a false sense of what is important in life. Millions of people vote for the next winner of X factor but few can be bothered to vote for their next councilman, or senator ect;.

We, as a society, have become blinded to the things that matter. Our children's heroes are the "beautiful" people. We follow the intricate details of the lives of the shallow husks that populate Hollywood. We spend our money, and the banks, in order to live up to this ideal of perfection. We must have a new car and a new house and perkier breasts. We happily, enthusiastically pay any price to get it.

I met my partner online. I had no idea what he looked like until I was already deeply in love with him. When we did finally meet, after exchanging only one picture with each other, there was no question of attraction. In my eyes he was the most attractive man I had ever met. The physical attraction was secondary to what we already felt for each other. I tease him now, I got the better end of the stick, he is what "society" would call very attractive where as I'm just average ( I am, even though he insists I am the most beautiful woman he has ever known

Beauty is truely in the eye of the beholder, but when a vast majority of beholders are blinded with shallow lies fed by corporations and media then what IS beauty?

I agree with much of what you have to say here, I really do. I just don't see it as a conspiracy, I see it as advertising.

You are completely right that many children have a false sense of what is important, but I don't blame websites, or tv for that. I blame the parents of those children for not instilling in the them the very basic values that would enable them to see past a truly meaningless magazine article, or be able to decide what is beautiful for themselves without needing some website, or fashion guru to tell them.

Kids these days have strayed so far from what is really important that it is not funny, especially here in America, and a major reason for that is parents putting the blame on tv, magazines, video games, etc.., when what they really need to do is look in the mirror and ask not, why is society failing my child, but why am I?

I don't believe that censorship is the answer to any of this mess that our kids are in. I think the answer is a return to parenting, something that we as a people are far too separated from. If anyone who reads this has a daughter who doesn't see herself as beautiful; instead of trying to figure out what advertising agency is at fault ask yourself how it is that you allowed her to be in a position to put value in what that agency has to say.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 12:42 AM
My husband has a customer who is a shut in. He goes on and on about his deformed face. He says people laugh at him so he doesn't go out.

Recently there was a fire in his building. The FD/PD had to evacuate everyone. Later this man told my husband how the police, firemen & fellow residents were laughing and pointing at his face. I know most of the officers in town they're good people. This man was really traumatized and broke down in front of my husband. He says he can't have a relationship because he is so hideous.

The thing is my husband says there is nothing wrong with his face. He's an average looking man of normal weight. This guy has it in his head that he's beyond ugly he's sickening, it has disabled him. He gets a disability check because he can't work.

He really has anger issues with the PD/FD and says he will not leave his apartment again if they ask him to. He was so upset he had to write about it all in a letter. My hubby let me read it.

Here's a perfectly normal looking guy who has all his limbs in good working order and is housebound. He honestly believes he looks like the elephant man. It's so sad. He gets bad panic attacks in public. This is probably what people are picking up on, not his looks, and it makes them stand offish Idk. It's a horrible way to live.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Muckster

There are plenty of websites out there that although I have no intention of joining, disturb me greatly!

Are you not worried about fundamentalist websites, hate websites, websites featuring illegal sex acts, criminal websites etc...

Just because you don’t want to join them doesn’t mean they will not have a negative effect on your life somewhere down the line.

I believe that sites like help to nurture a culture of self obsession and a feeling of superiority over others. This is dangerous and can lead to bullying and discrimination in the wider world!

I agree with your first line. I hadn't considered that.

There is a huge difference between hate mongering and illegal acts and self (and website) proclaimed pretty people trying to date pretty people. So no, this website does not threaten my personal security or anyone else's who I may know or are about.

"Can" isn't the same as "does."

I'm not saying you are wrong to have your opinion though. If this truly bothers you that much and you can see it harming you in some way then have at it. We all must choose some battle at some point.


posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Flighty
The obsession of beauty is to do with eugenics.
The most beautiful are in demand when it comes to marriage and having kids to pass on this beauty to the progeny.
The ironic thing is, often the children of "beautiful people" are incredibly homely and average looking.
Yet the myth persists.

Do you have any research to back that up?

If we are just speaking from experience then I can say what you have posted is incorrect.

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