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Football Manager Can not be named!!! UK Media Frenzy!!

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posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 09:11 AM
Oh please....moral this,karma that.Does anyone know the situation at home of whomever this guy is?No?!?For all anyone knows he may have the blessing from his other half.I also agree that for making front page of any paper is a sad state of affairs.Move along...nothing to see here!

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by fotsyfots
Oh please....moral this,karma that.Does anyone know the situation at home of whomever this guy is?No?!?For all anyone knows he may have the blessing from his other half.I also agree that for making front page of any paper is a sad state of affairs.Move along...nothing to see here!


posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by LiveForever8

Originally posted by fotsyfots
Oh please....moral this,karma that.Does anyone know the situation at home of whomever this guy is?No?!?For all anyone knows he may have the blessing from his other half.I also agree that for making front page of any paper is a sad state of affairs.Move along...nothing to see here!


Mrs. Brown??

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

well thats a smart idea.. all we need to do is wait to see who quits? LOL

mark huges? rofl

Oh wow look a football manager been to a brothell wats new? pop stars take coke?

BTS / BIN if i want to read crap ill buy it .. oh wait i DONT

omg why am i even commenting.. must be the lack of interesting topics atm.

did i tell you im an elf? LOL

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:32 PM
I can't believe how many of you are getting hung up on the 'public curiosity' part of this story. The underlying issue of these draconian libel laws are the crux of the problem here, I for one AM interested in where the genitals of these public figures have been, that's my prerogative though and I'm grateful for the "media" here in the states such as TMZ for reporting it.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by BrokenVisage

your kidding right?

So if you was 1 rich 2 being cheated on "in a way" and I all of a sudden wanted to know were your wat nots have been.

You calls that as NEWS??

thats the most retarded thing i have read.

More so because you make the idioits get worshiped

Now can we ask about the rest of the 6 billion people on the planet were there bits and bobs have been?

Oh no wait we cant because "hes a football manager"

so wat ? hes NOT PERFECT AND NORE ARE YOU so stop being full of xxxxx

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by 13579

An elf huh? oh well little man, im sure santa will be home soon.... Prick xxx

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 01:21 PM
After a quick bit of t'internet investigation, it seems that the mystery man is indeed Avram Grant! Apparently the story has been doing the rounds down Portsmouth way for the last week or so. Is it true? I don't know. I could easily believe it's a made up story, given the nonsense the tabloids have come out with in the past...

AMERICANS! You know NOT what FOOTBALL is!!! Talk about a misnomer! How can you call that poor imitation of rugby football? The ball barely touches the player's feet at all. "Wimpball" would be a more fitting moniker, what with all the shoulder pads and crotch cups...

(Sherman tank anti-sotp posse forming in 3...2...1...)

*edit to add: I couldn't give a rat's ass either way, it's no business of mine if someone likes the ladies of the night. I just hope he got his money's worth!

[edit on 24/12/09 by sotp]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by THELONIO

soccer is some stupid american name,

You should actually research where "soccer" came from. "Football" was being called "soccer" colloquially in the Englishsprach realm long before it was known as "football" colloquially.

why do you call rugby football?

Originally posted by sotp
How can you call that poor imitation of rugby football? The ball barely touches the player's feet at all.

'Cause it's not rugby and your use your feet to run and kick. At least we do in America.


I personally don't think it matters who the manager is. It's a private matter and should stay that way. Our culture needs to stop caring so much about what happens in the lives of celebrities. How would we feel if all our failures were broadcast for all to see?

[edit on 12/24/2009 by octotom]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by octotom

Originally posted by sotp
How can you call that poor imitation of rugby football? The ball barely touches the player's feet at all.

'Cause it's not rugby and your use your feet to run and kick. At least we do in America.

Yes, granted, there is the occasional kick, but that's all. Football (soccer) is a game of skill, where the ball is deftly controlled with the FOOT for the entire game. Only the goalkeeper handles the ball on the pitch, and even then only for a maximum of 6 seconds before he has to kick or throw it to another player. That's why 'soccer' is more worthy of the name 'football'. To disagree would just be stubborn, and typically American!

I kid, I kid...because I love...and because it's fun!

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 05:09 AM
Apparently he has been named on wikipedia

Link to story

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by spirit777child

The fact they cannot primt the name has fudge all to do with the Human Right's Act (as bad a peice of Ligislation as it is anyway).

It has everything to do with archaic libel laws that have been on the books since day dot. They are being looked at anyway for change as they do stifle free speech. I suggest you look it up and learn, you may not look so dopy next time.

(I know the Mail said it was because of the Human Rights Act, but they blame that on everything. It has nothing to do with it)

As for "Soccer", the name originates from the name Association Football, with the Soccer coming from the word association, or "assoc".

Quite why the Americans call a game played primarily with the hands of overpaid girl scouts in padding, "Football" and call a game played by overpaid girl scouts with long hair, "Soccer" is the real mystery.

Oh, Rugby is better than both sports combined. Only REAL men play Rugby, any old nonce can play Football.

[edit on 26/12/09 by stumason]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 06:41 AM
Its not football or scoccer, its Fitba where i come from LOL.



posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by happygolucky
reply to post by spirit777child

More than likely it's not Wenger - he's into teenage boys...

Go the Gunners..!

If I had to take a guess...


Can you believe it actually was this guy

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