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Alien - Human War? Just to incite Speculation

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posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:08 PM
In the era we live in, and the forum we are in UFO's is an always-talked-about. We always talk about how UFO's sighting are rare and such, and how intelligent species besides ourselves exist. Well, assuming that they do, and I believe that the majority of the site does believe they exist, and they're probably covered up.
So no this thread is NOT so Aliens and extra terrestrials existence can be bashed, hence this thread is being made assuming they exist so please don't say "oh but how can you speculate about a war with them, not even having solid proof they exist".

Well, in shorthand, let's say they do exist, and out of some reason, they want to exterminate us, for whatever reason be our planets resources, because we seem inferior to them, because of what we have done to our planet, or whatever reason it may be (meaning please don't come in and bash the reason, ), would humanity stand a snowball's chance in hell in surviving and/or even being able to war with technology aliens may have?
I mean, I don't consider us humans as weakly and brittle, we do have pretty good weapons, it's just the choices leaders of the world use it as and yes humans altogether are agressive towards what we are afraid and are rather stupid sometimes when it comes to violence.

But overpassing that, I think we'd be able to hold up, as a unified force though, not any Independence Day crap, if we knew like let's say a 1 years or 10 months in advance of their wage of war (by some cheesy reason we know when they're coming to invade) I think we could mobilize the world together, stand a chance.

Just want to see the speculation, like enthusiasm, I mean it's great to see people maybe have positive views on this subject, cause you know were not alone in this universe, and that extra terrestrials may not be as friendly as we'd like, so this subject should be explored, if even by just an online forum. Yet, the other hand must be explored and they could be friendly and helpful, but that doesn't move units does

So Please people speculate, what would happen?

In my honest and somewhat optimist view, sure we could band up the nations of the world into a temporary military alliance, kinda like the United Nations for the armies of the world, to combat this extra terrestrial threat.
Us humans over they thousands of years have only proven ourselves to be good at one thing TOGETHER and that is warring with each other, so when it comes to that, I think we could hold our own together. Sure we could get our asses owned, but at least we would go down together.

Just speculate, it's pretty inspiring, if it ever came down to something like this, doubt it would, maybe?

EDIT- Moderators if you could please move this to the Alien's and UFO's subesection, that would be great, I kinda messed up there

[edit on 20-12-2009 by Koolcdj69]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:44 PM
I love speculative threads! I think that the we (Earth) would work together to fight off the aliens, but seriously if they can get here from another planet with the intent to attack us then they would definitely have the means to win the war...Sucks to be us


posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Koolcdj69

Dear Koolcdj69

One well placed Virus and that would be the end of us and all other useful life building etc, would be unaffected.

In other words not a snowballs chance in hell.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:41 PM
Speculation: To allow an entire army/navy travel from another star system to here is a greater leap in Technology from where we currently are to where we we were in say, 1810ish. Given that speculation, I speculate that I agree with MAC269, and that in this event we should focus on survival like "Bigfoot" (a few living on in mountains, forests, jungles etc.) , using what technology we can muster to allow a few of us to survive rather than to throw our energy into what would be the equivalent of Wellington and his allies vs. a NATO task force circa 2009.

[edit on 20-12-2009 by Landru]

[edit on 20-12-2009 by Landru]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:53 PM
The United States has just proven at the expense of Trillions of Dollars, the economy as a whole and tonnage of bullets, bombs and what have you...

That all the technology in the world is useless unless your intention is to completely exterminate a people... if holding the territory is what your after (which I think would be the case on a living world) a band of barbarians can hold off all the technology in the world if they have dedication and will and believe in their cause strongly enough....

So in short...

yeah we can fend them off...

To occupy and posses the place they can't just blow it up and eventually have to get out of their space ships...

From there it's just a matter of doing what we do best. Fight

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 11:18 PM
It has been theorized that on average alien civilizations would be about 4 billion years older than us. Look how far we have come in just 100 years.

In the moment of an attack, my opinion is that we wouldn't even have the intellect to comprehend what was taking place.

Edited to replace atrocious grammar.

[edit on 20-12-2009 by dainoyfb]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:05 AM
If we are on our own (no outside help from another ET group), I think the best we could hope to do would be to deny them whatever they are coming here to get.

If they are coming to feed on us (ala War of the Worlds), then we fight until we die - let them eat dead rotting flesh.
If they are coming for resources, we nuke wherever we can tolerate it - sort of a drastic "scorched-earth" approach.

On the other hand, if there is more than one ET society out there, and we have time, perhaps we can beg for assistance from one group to counter the other - either at war-time, or hopefully in some diplomatic/chess-type maneuver in advance to avoid armed conflict all-together.

If we can get access to advanced technology and the assistance to replicate it, I believe we have the potential to defend ourselves. Any technology has a military application. Almost anything can be used as a weapon in some form - either directly as a weapon itself, or as a means of delivering a weapon or making a weapon more effective.

Being a (presumably) younger race, we may have the advantage of being the most animal-like and most brutal. We are very, very good at killing each other - given the right technology, I'm sure we could be come very, very good at killing outside threats as well.

This is one case, where our "lesser-evolved" status might work to give us a survival edge. Just a thought - though admittedly, a pretty grim one.

[edit on 2009-12-21 by EnhancedInterrogator]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:34 AM
Hi there. I always think about these senarios, no matter how daft they may seem. The only thing i can only realy think of and its pretty obvious is that we need to get some of their tech. And judging by the speculation of this site we are ment to have some.
But what if we dont?
Probably a shock tactic so that we can steal their weapons or even one of their spaceships.
Hopefully we can reverse engineer or at the very least, use the weapons against them. But theres no way to ever be sure about any thing untill something does happen. But then, no matter how prepared you are, stuff will go wrong.

And you never know, aliens may underestimate us, maybe our bodys are more pain resilient than theres, and what seems like a pea shooter to us could be the equivalent of a bullet for them.
I just wonder though, if we did repel an attack, would we counter-attack?
Go to a new world with their stolen tech and destroy something that we dont know nothing about.
They may come to use to rage war, but then if we went to them in peace, could we change their perception of the human race?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by EnhancedInterrogator
If we are on our own (no outside help from another ET group), I think the best we could hope to do would be to deny them whatever they are coming here to get.

If they are coming to feed on us (ala War of the Worlds), then we fight until we die - let them eat dead rotting flesh.
If they are coming for resources, we nuke wherever we can tolerate it - sort of a drastic "scorched-earth" approach.

On the other hand, if there is more than one ET society out there, and we have time, perhaps we can beg for assistance from one group to counter the other - either at war-time, or hopefully in some diplomatic/chess-type maneuver in advance to avoid armed conflict all-together.

If we can get access to advanced technology and the assistance to replicate it, I believe we have the potential to defend ourselves. Any technology has a military application. Almost anything can be used as a weapon in some form - either directly as a weapon itself, or as a means of delivering a weapon or making a weapon more effective.

Being a (presumably) younger race, we may have the advantage of being the most animal-like and most brutal. We are very, very good at killing each other - given the right technology, I'm sure we could be come very, very good at killing outside threats as well.

This is one case, where our "lesser-evolved" status might work to give us a survival edge. Just a thought - though admittedly, a pretty grim one.

[edit on 2009-12-21 by EnhancedInterrogator]

Ah, I like the way you think with that drastic scorched-earth policy, leave nothhing for them to dwell on, I like everyone's ideas.

But one well placed virus does not seem a credible way to kill off nearly 6 billion of a species. Why yes, the majority of the population would be devastated and killed but I don't believe all of us would meet our end.

I do think that maybe being able to take some of their advanced technology, reverse engineering it and tweaking it to our advantage would give us a boost. But who knows, what if they use almost the same tactics as us? Using foot soldiers and heavy force to back them up, well then we would do our best at defending in that scenario. And if they did choose not to even set foot on our planet and just destroy us with like almost a death-star type of thing, I think we'd be at least able to band the nations temporarily together in order to maybe send forces up there, or nuke them from down here (yes, I know that would have devastating affects overall) and then bring the fight to home.

It's some thing that could happen, not likely but could.

Like if they were to attack in the next ten years, I think we'd have some alright technology by then to combat them.
I don't think 6 billion people would want to go without a fight.
Who knows what were capable of?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:46 PM
Also, to means of them getting here, and yes if they can travel inter-galactic distances and then have the face to wage war with us in such a manner, then of course they have technology much vastly superior to ours, but if they're also going to be traveling intergalactic distances, I think we'd be alerted for quite a while before they get here, I mean if we can calculate where asteroids are heading years, decades in advance, then something LARGE (like a fleet or huge mothership, whatever it maybe) advancing towards our solar system would seem a bit suspicious.

We might not know it's an alien species coming to exterminate us, but we'd at the least explore possibilities to alert ourselves, and if they aliens aren't scared of us, then I'd hope they'd tell us in advance their coming to end a 6 billion member species.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 09:53 PM
i like the scorched earth policy if we cant have it then no one can
. as for can we win i have no doubt that we could the human race is a verry resiliant one and when it comes to an occuping enemy force ( alien or terestrial) we have shown to be quite adept at riding ourselves of said force. A group of freinds and i allready have an action plan in place and ready to be implemented at a moments notice in case of hostile invasion of our land (australia) we know what to do where to go how to fight and how to survive off the land. now how many other people on this planet have our idea?? we cant be the only ones so ineffect that will mean they will have to face our main millitary might and also thousands of groups of roaming guerilla fighters we will win

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 08:56 PM
That's great, lol.
Maybe after disclosure, hopefully something like this does not happen, though it is sort of peculiar to think about, kinda makes you think what the WHOLE world would do in a time of peril that everyone is facing.
Who knows, maybe by the time they invade (if so) we might have some more advanced tech to compete with theirs, they always will have the upper hand on this though.

We would needs MEGA NUKES. lol

posted on Jan, 5 2010 @ 09:03 PM
Oh, I dunno

Maybe we can get the tooth-fairies and Easter Bunnies and Santa Clauses elves to help us ?

Or maybe we can dig underground and create an entire new civilization in the centre of the earth and make movies about intrepid super-heroes who tunnel their way to the surface and conduct sorties against the reptilians ?

Should be exciting, just like the movies

It's all beginning to form images in my mind now --- great crystal caves where beautiful humans grow vibrantly coloured fruits and vegetables and where humans live in peace and harmony, united and safe from the fire-breathing reptilians and Star Wars type aliens which prowl above ground

Schools in lilac crystal caves, especially for indigo children

And wise Ring type characters making contact via magical devices, with the Good Aliens which are circling the Earth, preparing to fight the Bad Aliens and Free Humankind

Can't wait

[edit on 5-1-2010 by Dock9]


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