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My Sister's Reincarnation Story

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posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:30 PM
Hi Everyone....

I'm sure you have heard one of the many stories about children being able to remember past lives... and even being able to identify people and locations from a past live... Going into a neighborhood they have never been in before and be able to effortlessly navigate to their destination. Cool stuff.

I have a similar story about one of my younger sisters. This happened about 7 or 8 years ago... and she has no real recollection of these events or instances and their significance.

From an early age... my sister was full of life and adventure. She would often leave the house in the middle of the day, walk around our block and neighborhood and walk in and visit with the neighbors... when she was 4. My mom would turn her back, and she would be gone. This usually resulted in a lot of phone calls and a lot of headaches... but we had recently moved... and my sister's initiative helped us make a lot of new friends. Not bad for a 4 year old.

Anyways... one night, my mom was tucking her in, and she randomly told her the following:

" I love you mommy, but you know your not the only mommy I've had. I had a black mommy, a mommy that left me once, and one time, I had no mommy at all"

This was said in the most casual, matter-of-fact tone, and it really shocked my mom, a devout catholic. I still remember her coming downstairs, absolutely shocked. What on earth would drive a four year old girl to say something like that in such a factual tone?

She also had a monstrous phobia of fire as a child. She would cry when we lit candles, and had to be treated for shock once when her kindergarten class had a fire alarm. She would scream during lightning storms... and we couldn't have a fire in our fireplace for a very long time.

Of course she has now gotten over this fear... but it was a fear that puzzled my parents, as well as her psychiatrist. These events caused my mom to read a few books about reincarnation and indigo children... and since become a much more liberal catholic.

So that's one of my stories.... Peace to all

[edit on 2/12/0909 by Monts]

[edit on 2/12/0909 by Monts]

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 07:42 PM

I too started my past life memories from an early age. At the time I actually didn't know they were past life because I wasn't thinking in terms of one life, ends, then the next life. I thought it was all one. It wasn't until i was onler that i started going-..That...never happened in this life lol.

One of my lives reminds me of your sisters somewhat.
I had my mother die when I was little and a little after she gave birth to my little sister. (I was middle child). Our home/farm burned down with them inside. I escaped. It reminded me of it b/c she remembers a fire and not having a mom. Interesting-Though probably not the same.

Try to write down her experiences in a journal, keep it for her.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Zerra

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure it's painful to even bring it up. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in their own miseries and forget that there are other people who have had it worse. I'm guilty of that sometimes too. Sending out hugs to you. ((hugs))

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 08:06 PM
I'm what you call a new guy in reincarnation I'm 15 years old but I have no memory of a past life

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 08:11 PM
I frequently check my past lives to obtain information that may be important and relevant to my current life. Quite often I find enough details so that I can do some research and get these past lives verified by historical documents etc.

Some of the more interesting ones is a previous life as an egyptian pharao that I personally knew nothing about, yet the details I got from my self-induced past life regression gave me details about the cause of death, the name, the age and location, and upong checking it out, everything matched perfectly.

Another one was me as a mongolian warrior more than 1000 years ago. I had absolutely NO knowledge about Mongolia or how it looks there or its history or anything. Yet, the details I managed to get, matched perfectly. Even the exact date I got in my vision turned out to be completely correct. In my vission I saw myself as a man sending my son into battle. Then I did some research, and discovered that the exact year I had seen in the vision a great war happened in Mongolia. I also checked photos of Mongolia, and the mountain landscapes looked identical to what I saw in my vision.

There has been other such cases too, and it is always interesting to be able to verify such things so one can be sure that it is indeed a real past life.


posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Did you develop the ability to see your past lives through meditation and astral travel... or did someone teach you how? Or did you remember your past lives as a child?

I've heard of people remembering past lives through hypnotic regression... and even remembering life in between lives... I find it so amazing that no matter who you are or what background you come from... the ability to remember past lives is present within all, and their stories are very similar.

BTW, do you think that children remembering their past lives is a new phenomena? Or do you think it is one that has been around for ages but is only now being looked at do to the modern lack of religious suppression?

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by gazerstar
reply to post by Zerra

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure it's painful to even bring it up. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in their own miseries and forget that there are other people who have had it worse. I'm guilty of that sometimes too. Sending out hugs to you. ((hugs))

I'm sorry hun, i didn't mean to mislead you. I was speaking of a former life before this one I am in now. Though the memories of the fire are still consciously there and the emotions were deep. I've had my fair share of miseries in this life, luckily though, nothing as huge.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 09:12 PM

I learned to access the Source myself, and I have provided instructions for others on how to do the same on my website (in my signature).

I have never had any past life regression performed on me by someone else.

Children remember their past lives easier because they just came from one, pretty logical really.

By time they forget, just as we all forget various things we experienced as kids even in this life.


posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 07:58 AM
Reincarnation is like the other me in me isn't it.

Unfortunately in this day if you say that you are known as mental. Life is interesting isn't it.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 08:25 AM
I remember just a few of my past lives, the one that hunted me the most until I found out the meaning of a persisting childhood and young adult dream was that I drowned as a child in another life.

To this day I am afraid of water, never was able to learn how to swim and I experienced the drowning over and over again for many years since childhood, until the Revelation that, that is how I died in another life was given to me, since then the dreams stop, but still I can no swim even for my life.

The other lives comes in dreams as role playing, so real . . . they repeat like scenes in a movie over and over again.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

I experienced the drowning over and over again for many years since childhood, until the Revelation that, that is how I died in another life was given to me . . .

Interesting. Wondering how this revelation came about - was it personal or through some form of clinical medium?

The other lives comes in dreams as role playing, so real . . . they repeat like scenes in a movie over and over again.

Do you believe these dreams are representative of past lives because they present as the former mentioned above or for some other reason?

Not questioning your experiences here. Just interested in this sort of thing.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Wonderer77

Actually on the drowning my experience was so real that I will wake up tasting and feeling my lungs full of water and unable to breath.

Once I acknowledge that this was something that happened to me in another life I decided to see advise, without telling what was my problem the person that I went to see told me straight in my face that in another life I died as a child in a lake, like my dream I fell from a canoe that I was in with an elderly men.

Is nothing worst than experiencing something that you have no way of knowing how it feels because it has never actually happen to you but in dreams.

The dream has gone away as soon as I knew what the meaning was.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Monts

I just experienced something similar Monts (love your avatar btw)

My brother just had a baby girl born March 11 which he named after our grandfather Leo. He named the baby Leah.

On March 11 the same day she was born a friend of my brothers found a box of papers in his attic. The home once belonged to my grandfathers two spinster sisters.

Now this home was rummaged through by some especially greedy relatives after these sisters died...These (nephews and grand nephews) went through their clothing piece by piece and threw the clothing in a giant pile on the lawn for the trash man to take...finding a rumored 5-10 thousand dollars in clothing pockets.
It is inconceivable that they missed this box in the attic of the house before they sold the place to my brothers friend.

He brought the papers to my brother who went through them over the next couple of days.

My brother just called to say he found many photos and newspaper clippings and side by side he found the Obituaries for both my grandfather Leo and his wife Ethel.

Leah is named after Leo and she was born on the same day of the year, March 11 the same day... my GRANDMOTHER DIED.

The box was found on March 11.

My brother's call interrupted me going through a box of photos I had not touched for months, and then it was just to move the box, so it has been years.
But I happened to be looking for a photo (It is a Polaroid so I want to preserve it ) of me sitting on the lap of Pierce Brosnan, (we were filming a Lark Cigarette commercial) so I can post it to my Facebook page and show up a friend pictured with David Cassidy but I digress...anyway going through these photos .. I just had in my hands and put aside a picture of the two sisters that owned the house, my grandfather and my grandmother When suddenly the phone rings...It is my brother with this news.

I am still all tingly.

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