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Inside UFOs

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posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by MissSmartypants
reply to post by Eurisko2012

If you remember from one of the Star Trek movies I think it's Scotty who talks about how the invention of 'transparant aluminum' revolutionized space travel. Talk about life imitating art.

Actually, If you can do replicator technology which is basically the Manipulation
of Atoms then all sorts of Possibilities would open up.
Light, Thin, Strong materials, Force Fields, Transporters, Replicators are all
similar priciples.

It sounds simple all you have to do is align all the Atoms in Matrix, but
how do you do that.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by deejayiwan

im still waiting for even one ufo person to learn how to use autofocus on their camera or come up with anything relevant or even possible as far as spaceships. either the aliens are the size of bugs, or besides the drive, there's literally apparently enough room for a cockpit and toilet, tho not apparently labs or anything else.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by MissSmartypants
reply to post by Eurisko2012

If you remember from one of the Star Trek movies I think it's Scotty who talks about how the invention of 'transparant aluminum' revolutionized space travel. Talk about life imitating art.

I was just thinking about that same movie Star Trek 4 the Voyage home, they were trying to make aquariums for two humped back whales to take back to the future to repopulate the species because of an Alien Space Probe that was destroying the Earth searching for them.

Great movie, it was funny watching scotty type up the formula on the "keyboard" of the factory owners "Macintosh"... lol

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:32 PM
One sighting of the second kind perhaps when you see inside but
do not see the occupants, showed a central column in the ship.
Any one go for that as the anti gravity force column.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by Uni77
Cool Thread!

Im reading Communion. A True Story By Whitley Strieber...
And he describes the inside of the room in the UFO he is in as very dirty.

I thought i should share that.

I highly reccomend the book by the way.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Uni77]

I have also read that book by Whitley Also the follow book
"Confirmation- the hard evidence of Aliens amongst us" was also a fantastic read.
While you are reading books on ET's etc. You should also have a read of a book called K-Pax by Gene Brewer as well

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 05:21 AM
Who is up from making a UFO ? If the military can do it, so can we.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Svaba
Who is up from making a UFO ? If the military can do it, so can we.

The UFO came upon us in WWII. Not sure but Japan air force had the
Foo on their tail as shown in captured photos.
So UFOs were harmless at that time and perhaps made by
mechanics. I say mechanics due to the switching on and off of an
electrical coil which is just a wire. Somehow that has become the
force beam of popular theory. There have been many UFO designs
and patents. Have not heard of any working yet. The Tesla bulb is
as secret as any part in the UFO, which some think they have
identified as well as seeing parts from a crash, yet my dad once
showed my a half sphere and said it was a bulb. Now I find dad
was right all along.


[edit on 11/16/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by OceanBeing

Interesting to say the least!

I too have experienced some strange humming, usually while alone, followed by missing time. Only one time, I awoke with what looked like a surgical incision directly over my heart which looked like it had been burned shut, instead of being sutured. No one believed me until I showed them the incision.


posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Svaba
Who is up from making a UFO ? If the military can do it, so can we.

Sounds pretty easy.
I could build one out of Aluminum Oxynitride .
Aluminum 6063 would cost less.
Put 3 semi-spheres on the bottom.
200 foot diameter. Anodize it white.
Make it into a restaurant on the Las Vegas strip.

- Starship Hotel and Casino -

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Everyone says the saucer is aluminum.
Yet people can't figure it out.
Aluminum is not magnetic.
The UFO does not operate on magnetism or magnetic currents.
Wow, are we getting somewhere or not.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Everyone says the saucer is aluminum.
Yet people can't figure it out.
Aluminum is not magnetic.
The UFO does not operate on magnetism or magnetic currents.
Wow, are we getting somewhere or not.

I think it's more of an Aluminum Ceramic.
- Insulator - not conductor
Wrong area of physics.
Forget magnetism. It's gravity.
I would need a Gravity Wave Caterpillar Drive System in all 3
semi-spheres to get my spacecraft off the ground.
In the mean time it could just sit there and be a restaurant.
I would install a thermoelectric air conditioner on board.
You can buy them on line.
Of course i would install a $ 300,000 sea FLIR on the roof!

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by OceanBeing

Interesting to say the least!

I too have experienced some strange humming, usually while alone, followed by missing time. Only one time, I awoke with what looked like a surgical incision directly over my heart which looked like it had been burned shut, instead of being sutured. No one believed me until I showed them the incision.


UFOs affecting the brain.
The UFO works on electrical pressure waves or scalar waves or
longitudinal waves like sound waves in air.
Some frequencies can be sensed by the brain or human body
and besides using the technique of this type of wave generation,
only done by one man before his time, for the UFO power drive
the pressure type ether wave can be used for brain communications,
if developed, without a device wired up to the brain. So the secret
of the UFO is doubly secret and will never be revealed or researched
allowed by individual without permission of the elite and perhaps under
heavy guard. What country had the biggest security for its scientists
other than Germany that we know developed Tesla technology.
As one researcher indicated, why would Tesla come to America to
develop his aircraft if Europe would have allowed his patent.
Tesla came to America to make his airplane. The elite on both sides
of the Atlantic were on to Tesla.
edit: if Europe ( suspect Swiss patent office where Einstein worked )

[edit on 11/16/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 06:18 PM
Hmm Lets work together to build our own UFO Spaceship , We are very Close , Who can supply the Needed Resources? Keep in Mind we Will need to build a Aquatic Tank for me

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:57 PM
So many different accounts on the interior of UFOs. Is there any sketches of the same insides of the same UFO by different people?

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:20 PM
I read on this thread that someone wondered why there arent any chairs in UFOs, or if ETs even use chairs. Well i assure you that they do use chairs and that the ships ive been inside did indeed have chairs. One ship had a pale room(White w/ a weird greyish blue hue to it) and i remember seeing several chairs, ive always described them as weird Sci-fi style Salon chairs (the ones you have to sit in and get your hair dried in) and they were completley white and looked sorta like they were made of the Michelin-Man's body(because they had sections/segmented and they were srota plumped) anyhow, i remembr seeing a type of cockpit in a ship, these Alien pilots were telling me about other ETs races that had abducted me and told me their names(dont recall what they wer though) and they were sitting in chairs. It kinda reminded me of the driver/passenger seats in a RV because of the way it was positioned. And the other Ship i remember had a bunch of seats. Some looked like those ugly egg-shaped chairs, and they were white with a weird bluish interior.

Ive seen the inside of a few Ships. One of which had huge corridors, wide with high ceilings, it was an ugly unhealthy green and black color and looked somewhat organic. It actually looked like the cartoon depictions of the inside of a Whale, but instead of pink flesh and bones, there was a wet and gross texture, it actually remeinds me of AlienII where theyre walking through the halls of an organic cave made of alien 'stuff.' Anyhow, it was very disgusting, i hated being there, the entire corridor was ribbed and ridged, i could see the floor, there was a weird thick mist, more like smog, covering the ground and was practically everywhere (except for the labs) It was dim and dark in the corridors and in most of that ship. I hate thinking about it. All ive got to say about the race this ship belonged to, is theyre worthless pukish bastards. Anyhow, the inside of another ship was in was warm and lit with a pleasant red glow (sorta like a Snake's heat bulb for nighttime) The floor was a metallic dark silver, and there was a lot of tables that were black that these aliens were seated at (the seats were black too, and made of a black metal. Another ship i was in had an odd interior, sorta dimly lit, and there was another person there, human looking and it was a woman, she went up to a window in the ship and sat on the weird bench attached to the wall under it, she told me she hated it there, and that she coudnt leave, they wouldnt let her. The rest is a blur.

there were many more ships ive been inside, but i wont discuss those due to personal reasons. If any of these ships ive described sound familiar let me know.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by deejayiwan

Inside UFOs


so, how does an UFO interior look like?

Well, I don't know for sure. But here is Steven Spielberg's version from Close Encounters of the 3rd kind.

(In case you missed the extended version)

or this scene from "Fire in the sky"

[edit on 16-11-2009 by ByteChanger]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:35 AM
On the subject of what materials are used to make the craft we have to take into account several things. The first of which is that the alien, or whatever they are, are obviously eons ahead of us in a technological sense. They most probably know the physical laws of the universe and how to alter them to a very great extent. Given this probability, Any conjecture on materials used in the crafts construction is useless. The craft would most likely be fashioned at a molecular level, right down to the atomic structure, for the use they need. Thus any attempt at analyzing said substances would be futile, for the material in question may not even exist for us. The seamless appearance of the craft tend to lend to this hypothesis. Maybe they are not made in a mold like we imagine. Maybe they are grown, or assembled in some sort of field, molecule by molecule. As for the inside, we can make one assumption, the craft would be made for the size of the occupants. But that is the only assumption we can make. For the rest is a complex combination of how there bodies and science work. Too many unanswered questions. For instance... How many fingers do they have? Lets say they had fouor each hand. Does that mean they count in base eight math? Do there ships controls even operate on this method? Who knows. Right now we can only theorize on what might be and hear the accounts of said "experiencers" themselves.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:06 AM
Great thread ,

I always have ask myself how would it feel to fly such a fast ship.
And to be in seconds around Mars or Jupiter, or other heavenly bodies in our solar system and beyond.. maybe one day we know ?

[edit on 11/15/2009 by 0bserver1]

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