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Why is "Disclosure" important to people?

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 04:25 PM
An excellent thread topic. I was thinking of the same thing the other day.

What if the government "discloses" that it looked into aliens and found out that there was nothing. Well, at least no aliens that had made contact or been discovered? Everyone on here would call that "Disinformation!"

So, look, I would love real disclosure... at least to show some transparency in government. If that means that there are real aliens, that would be AMAZING. Don't get me wrong, I am pretty sure that there is something out there, it's just a matter of them making contact with us.

Anyhow, an interesting topic, SF

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by Iago18

EVEN IF the government did disclose that there was nothing to disclose they would still have to give explanations for all the UNACCOUNTED for UFO sighting. And im pretty sure swamp gas and weather balloons arnt going to cut it this time around.

Look regardless of WHAT the governments official stance on the matter is you cant deny there are some strange goings on in the sky. BE it advanced MILITARY tech or angels or spirits or EBE in alien craft whatever the hell is going on i think its safe to say people want to know. in fact we have a RIGHT to know.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 04:42 PM
What if disclosure means finding out that we're ET's version of lab rats?

"Hostility" on their part doesn't necessarily have to take the form of anihilating mankind with their ray guns (which I would suppose they could easily have done by now). It could take the less-than-appealing form of experimentation upon us, or study of us.

I would think that most of us are able by now to handle the confirmation of an extra-terrestrial presence, but perhaps not so much if it is made known that they are not benevolent.

I think that response to disclosure with a message of non-benvolence would involve more panic than a 'coming together' of mankind.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

(CNN) -- Nearly 50 years since an alleged UFO was sighted at Roswell, New Mexico, a new CNN/Time poll released Sunday shows that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.


Now, take a large guess at how many people believe now.

There is UFOs/Aliens, I've seen a UFO myself.

And, disclosure is imminent, why?

Governments are killing the secrecy about this subject.

Your post is ignorant in the most greatest sense, you could have reworded.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by Revolution-2012]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
reply to post by RestingInPieces

(CNN) -- Nearly 50 years since an alleged UFO was sighted at Roswell, New Mexico, a new CNN/Time poll released Sunday shows that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.


Now, take a large guess at how many people believe now.

There is UFOs/Aliens, I've seen a UFO myself.

And, disclosure is imminent, why?

Governments are killing the secrecy about this subject.

Your post is ignorant in the most greatest sense, you could have reworded.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by Revolution-2012]

I'd say it's more ignorant to substantiate your claims because more people "believe" in it.

Think about what ignorant things humans used to believe in. We attributed weather to spirits or gods, not to the sun heating up different parts of the earth and atmosphere, creating wind, evaporation, rain, storms, etc... etc..

... and look, I know it would be more better if all of everyone believed in more bigger and the most biggest belief of foreign aliens from another exo-earth space planet.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by RestingInPieces

The "disclosure" movement is based on the assumption that there is something to disclose. Study the materials, the web sites, and I think you might be persuaded to agree that there is something to disclose.

Disclosure is important because it would be a step towards putting our governments and our leaders back on our side of this game. Currently, the lies and cover-ups have led to a rampant distrust of government officials. Many people in positions of "responsibility" are seen, literally, as traitors to the human race. If government people were willing to be "up-front" on this subject, it could potentially change the public's perception about whether or not they should be believed or cooperated with on any subject.

To drift a bit, there are some in the disclosure movement that believe, or want us to believe, that the ETs that are involved with earth are all benevolent. That might be a cool sales pitch, but I don't think it will go over with most people. Most of us have experienced the fact that people exist who have criminal intent and try to hide it, often successfully. Why should we think it would be any different with ETs?

Most of us see this thing happening in stages. The first stage would be a willingness to talk. A later stage would be the sort-out of truth from lies, of useful projects from criminal projects. If we were to make it that far with our governments it would be a huge step forward for human life on earth. I don't think that our current set of leaders will be willing to go that far, though.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by RestingInPieces
I don't get it. If ET has never visited earth, and if the government knows nothing about this... thing, how will this provide any satisfaction to the people who actually want disclosure?

I am coming from the other side of the argument because I have experienced some” things” and on one occasion (eighth of May 2008 03:00) there was a very strong emotional response from me to an external stimulus that I am certain did not come from my Wi-Fi.

I hesitate to use the word telepathy or anything similar because it does not do the feeling justice and also because it would be easy to label me a loon (not that I care too much). The after effects were wide ranging and nearly drove me crazy and I did end up pushing a lot of people away after the event. I nearly lost my wife and because of it.

I know I lost most of my so called friends.

One thing I know is if the things I have seen were built here on earth by human beings without any help by extraterrestrials then I really will be confused and left scratching my baldy melon.

Originally posted by RestingInPiecesThe only way that "disclosure" will provide any satisfaction to the "believers" is if the government actually confirms that ETs have been visiting earth if they have, or that they have been in communication with us if they exist.

I am already satisfied that there are peoples not from here who are visiting us and the only reason I would like my government to come out and confirm this phenomenon is happening on a global scale is because people who have experienced these things will no longer risk out of hand being pushed to the fringes of society and ostracised because it is assumed they have an over imaginative mind.

It is an unfair state of affairs that has destroyed many lives and until this phenomenon is accepted as a fact many more lives will be ruined.

Originally posted by RestingInPiecesThe whole "disclosure" thing is hinging on the government confirming a belief that ET exist.

I agree because until government grows a spine and comes out and admits that something very strange is going on above our heads this ferris wheel will continue to turn until everyone has experienced something and by then no person will believe a single word that comes from our governments ivory towers.

Originally posted by RestingInPiecesIf they say it doesn't, then disclosure isn't disclosure.

If government continues to hold onto this diminishing handful of sand that is the lie of the UFO phenomena then I will assume they are lying because I think they are. They have such a massive pool of scientific knowledge and wonderful technology at their disposal and surveillance technologies (paid for by my taxes) . Yet for all this power government still cannot decide if UFO’s are real?

In my opinion they are lying and this lie is coming apart at the seams.

Originally posted by RestingInPiecesDo you "disclosure" people see what is wrong with your anticipation, or are you really so blinded by your want to believe?

If anything I am as cynical as they come when it comes to the government and the disclosure topic but that said, I live in eternal hope that one day the disclosure will come, not because I yearn to believe in extraterrestrial visitations but because I yearn to know the truth even if that truth is no more than finding out that I am part of a race of beings that is feared and despised by the visitors.

One thing I can say with hand on heart that if my government tries to tell me that the visitors are a threat I will fall back upon the government track record of deceit and dodging the issues on the subject.

I will take my chances and walk towards a landed otherworldly ship and there will be no thoughts of war in my heart.

In other words I will take my chances with the visitors and make up my own mind based upon what I experience from them. If that means I end up stripped of my vital organs and cored out up to my colon then it would have been a risk I was willing to take.

I guess you could say if anything I am blinded by hope.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by SmokeJaguar67]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 05:55 PM
Why does the goverment have to disclose that they have had contact or even the existence...I would prefer them to disclose there secret dealings with corporations, slimy arm deal, drop the fossil fuel dependence and allow full use of the technology we already have.

Would it be good to know...yes
Should it consume our consciousness wondering and seeking

But to simplify it even further, who really cares, it seems a tiny amount of people have made up this fabled persona of these beings... Its no different thn me telling you as an 'expert' that person A is all wise and knowledgeable and can do this and that, with absolutely zero proof of the before mentioned intel.

There is no proof what so ever that the ufo's have not destroyed their 'own' planet...or to say it not in worse condition than earth...
Apart from a few fans of ufo's, that claim that they are the saviors of this earth...maybe there are here using our resources and killing our planet along with all of us.

And last point is technology....sure some of the things we have invented have been great, but in reality most of it has wrecked the way of life.
Whats to say even higher forms of technology is going to be a benefit or more of a hindrance in life...real life.

Or would it become another tool of oppression used by the governments?

[edit on 2-11-2009 by 297GT]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:10 PM
To me it seems like people have problems differentiating between the idea that aliens are out there, and the idea that we're in contact with them.

I do almost feel bad for the Government though... the amount of stick they get given and accusations of hiding things is ridiculous. Its sillyness to the point that if they dont come out and answer questions about whatever new theory is going around they get accused of ignoring. And if they do answer questions people just say they're lying anyway. They cant win!
Also, if the Government are hiding something, why do people always look upon that negatively? I think if we got disclosure tomorrow it would do a hell of alot more harm than good. State of the world at the moment I dont see that it would be an appropriate time to announce 'hey world, we've just been lying to you for the past however many years about this huge thing'. Any trust that was left would be well and truly gone.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:26 PM
Disclosure is important because Knowledge is power. And if the government withholds knowledge we are powerless.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:59 PM
cos they got sick of real religions and now their waitin for a rapture and a jesus to come and save em

just like the rest of em..

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:29 PM
I'll tell you the truth of the matter.

I have the strength to say this truth, if no one else does.

It is merely for validation. That is it, validation. Ego...whether or not a person jumps up and down screaming "I told you so" or wears a smug grin without saying a word, it is all about the validation.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:39 PM
I find it odd that people are into this disclosure thing.

People are so trusting of the same government that allegedly hides these things amongst others.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:59 PM
discloser is important to many of us, because we are fully aware the government is keeping info from us, things we have a right to know. also, im sort of sick of trying to convince the sheep that just because your government says it, that doesnt make it truth... i think discloser would help show how much we can truly trust our government, which is not at all in my opinion

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