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What's really wrong with Winnie_the_Pooh!

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posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:10 AM
Ok, don't get me wrong. I really loved Winnie the Pooh. He's a gentle kind bear. I enjoyed Captain Kangaroo and that Gentle Giant and Mister Rogers. One thing really great was about how the Gentle Giant was so big but so gentle that he calmed little tykes fears about their world and let them realize that their parents and other grownups even though they were so big, were benevolent. This is how it should be.
I was looking at some ATS threads about the CIA MKUltra and especially disturbing testimonies from individuals who had been experimented on by our government. They had had radiation experiments and had been molested and terrorized and forced to watch animal sacrifices. I may have some of this wrong, I will have to go back and review so don't jump on me if I got that wrong. Their parents apparently allowed this and were paid. The purpose of this experimentation was to understand psychology or to train assassins and they found that children if traumatized were more pliable for brainwashing, hypnotism and mind control later. The animal sacrifices were techniques to terrorize them. Of course consider your tax dollars at work.
At another time I noticed a "testimony" not in ATS, but it is probably here somewhere, again I should research that before writing this, but bear with me. She was an "illuminate" child who was trained that she was destined to be great in their leadership but broke with them later. She was conditioned as a small child by being forced to watch human sacrifices, smaller children, being ritually murdered in front of her. Please correct me if I am wrong. Which explains at little of how satanism works. The human sacrifices are to terrorize the followers to make them into real "zombies" who are under mind control and unable to resist control.
But back to the MK Ultra discussion. That these children at the age of four should be so brutalized and the "valuable" knowledge gained from is bad enough. Buit, back to Winnie-the-pooh, my little four year old stands behind the chair when winnie-the-pooh is threatened by a Skul-a-Saurus, repesented by an enormous Skull, in which Christopher Robin is supposedly held captive. This terrified him. I kept thinking What happened to Disney? Madagascar scared him silly as a two year old, all the "foosas" He was watching Ice Age III, yesterday without any adult supervision until he came running into the living room asking me to put on another cd. That Ice Age dinasaur looked just like the one in Jurassic Park. What's going on? Does the government, our tax money at work again here, think they should subtly terrorize our children so they will make good zombies in their New World Order? Please feel free to correct me on any of this. But I think there is a link. This isn't just confined to those movies but the violence that we have heard from the sixties is so bad for our children, but is inevitable because people like it so much, that this might be just another lie from the elite, like the fluoride, to introduce it into our "culture" and make our children more their slaves. Look at the military for pete's sake. Our soldiers are complaining about the brutality they are being made or encouraged to commit against Iraqis and now probably Afghanistanis and only some object. Don't look now folks, but we have been brainwashed.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:29 AM
I remember reading a poll done on US troops and about 20% 'I think' would without questions shoot US civilians if ordered to.

I will try and have a look for it later but I'm sure I posted a link to the paper a while back.

I would say a little scare is not harmful but as usual that line is different for every individual. What is posted above is clearly child abuse and the people in charge should have been locked up for a long time.

It never cease to amaze me how cruel 'ordinary' people can be. but again by the same token they can be amazingly courageous and kind in the face of insurmountable odds.

It only takes 1 person to make a stand and the world sometimes changes.

What are we all doing about it - NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:06 AM
one oxy-moron, gentle and kind, always tryin to get golden "hunney". cmon, a nice bear, goin after somethin he wants? you know you cant tame a lion!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:37 AM
Geez. If people have a problem with what their offspring are watching, then they need to take action and be a responsible parent. Do not expect and demand that society sanitize every aspect of our lives, just because some parent might not approve of what they allow their own offspring to watch.

My opinion? I watched My Little Pony in the 80's, as a small kid. The ponies had enemies they had to out-smart. My Little Pony of the 2000's? Now their only predicament is needing to figure out what to wear to their tea party!!

Seriously, nothing is wrong with past generations because of the cartoons they watched. And I am seeing that kids these days actually watch severely sanitized and lame cartoons compared to past generations.

What does this mean to me? Probably too many parents didn't want to be responsible for what their offspring watch. Therefor, they demand that every aspect of our lives be safe -- For their offspring.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:44 AM
but it was it not society who has tainted your very way of living? imosing things you don't want imposed? letting your freedoms be squandered for your working wages?

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 08:12 AM
So now any film with a "frightening" scene is a mind control tool? And if a dog comes running round the corner and scares them? Must be mind control, obviously the dog is a government agent whose sole job is to scare your child. I swear, I think I'd rather live in an elite controlled world with Winnie The Pooh than a world full of Mary Whitehouses, where everyone is on prozac to prevent "the fright" and we all walk around in our own personal Zorb to prevent booboos. Either way you get a nanny state.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by quackers]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by m khan

At another time I noticed a "testimony" not in ATS, but it is probably here somewhere, again I should research that before writing this, but bear with me. She was an "illuminate" child who was trained that she was destined to be great in their leadership but broke with them later. She was conditioned as a small child by being forced to watch human sacrifices, smaller children, being ritually murdered in front of her. Please correct me if I am wrong. Which explains at little of how satanism works. The human sacrifices are to terrorize the followers to make them into real "zombies" who are under mind control and unable to resist control.
But back to the MK Ultra discussion. That these children at the age of four should be so brutalized and the "valuable" knowledge gained from is bad enough. Buit, back to Winnie-the-pooh, my little four year old stands behind the chair when winnie-the-pooh is threatened by a Skul-a-Saurus, repesented by an enormous Skull, in which Christopher Robin is supposedly held captive. This terrified him. I kept thinking What happened to Disney? Madagascar scared him silly as a two year old, all the "foosas" He was watching Ice Age III, yesterday without any adult supervision until he came running into the living room asking me to put on another cd. That Ice Age dinasaur looked just like the one in Jurassic Park. What's going on? Does the government, our tax money at work again here, think they should subtly terrorize our children so they will make good zombies in their New World Order? Please feel free to correct me on any of this. But I think there is a link. This isn't just confined to those movies but the violence that we have heard from the sixties is so bad for our children, but is inevitable because people like it so much, that this might be just another lie from the elite, like the fluoride, to introduce it into our "culture" and make our children more their slaves. Look at the military for pete's sake. Our soldiers are complaining about the brutality they are being made or encouraged to commit against Iraqis and now probably Afghanistanis and only some object. Don't look now folks, but we have been brainwashed.

Just a small correction. Big blocks of words like this, are really hard for some of us to read. Could you please break it up a little more next
time. I know alot of others would appreciate it besides my near sighted self.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:19 PM
The thing about children's books and such is, they are best viewed with an adult. The reason being, there are usually lessons and morals contained within, Winne the Pooh being by far one of the best examples.

As far as I understand it, when AA Milne wrote Winnie the Pooh for his son, he was touching on Taoism, but I do not believe there is a direct confirmation of this from the author. Whether this is intentional or unintentional I believe remains unknown at this point, and merely speculative and an educated guess.

Benjamin Hoffe recognized this, and seized upon it, and wrote the Tao of Pooh, and used the characters to illustrate this. Tao of Pooh is by far not a children's book, however, it is an excellent tool for teaching. As with anything else in this world, too much of anything is not a good thing.

I certainly doubt I would leave a 2 year old to watch much of anything alone, as they are too young at that point to understand the subtleties that underlie the messages hidden within stories.

With adult supervision, adult understanding, and adult direction, the morals and ethics taught by such stories make them less fearful to the child by giving them understanding they cannot echieve on their own.

I would suspect 2 years old is a little young unless the child is particularly bright, such as AA Milne himself demonstrated, but I would suspect that the fear demonstrated by your description of his behaviour would lead one to believe he is not grasping the concepts, and perhaps needs parental guidance and direction, or may even need to wait another year or two to view these materials.

Small childrens' minds are malleable like playdough, and it is up to the parent to control what goes into that mind, and to guide the child on how to use the flow of information. At that age especially, they are quite fragile in that respect.

Personally speaking, my children were born before the great boon of the video tape babysitter, an DVD's as well. From the moment they awoke in the morning, till I put them to bed, I didn't allow them to watch any television unless it was something I knew would be of educational value, and I was always there with them guiding them and answering their questions. Television an films were watched in extreme moderation, I reviewed all materials and books my children read until they were teens.

We had far more fun reading books and playing than we did watching television, and in fact, turning on the television was a rare thing in my home when they were small.

I guess I am saying it is your responsibility to filter unwanted things, and to educate your child.

The stories of Pooh contain much valuable teaching tools, and if you would wish to know more, check out this link, and grasp those tools for the benefit of your child. If you do not like this link, then google some others and learn the history and story behind Pooh, it is rather fascinating.

Also, if you are unfamiliar with Taoism, perhaps you could google and read up on that, as well, as anything that teaches a form of belief or religion should be reviewed to be sure you agree with the principals.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 05:59 AM
Here is a link to the interview of that woman who was in the illuminati from you tube

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 06:19 AM
Winnie the Pooh was published in 1926. Which significantly predates the MKULTRA style indoctrination programs.

With disney having bought the rights, done movies based on the origional story, then creating a tv series, and then selling the rights to any company worldwide, i think much has gone astray.

Remember this: the NWO / Illuminati are masters of corruption. They will take something inane and infiltrate and corrupt it until nothing wholesome remains.

Get the origional AA Milne books, and read those to your kids.

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