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Thought Problem: AI or not?

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posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by clever024

Sorry for the confusion, I meant "I" as is me myself posing as a computer. "I" am human but my AI personality is not, and in the context of this thread no one can prove that "I" posing as an AI is human. I'm going to change the title.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by clever024

And I agree, you have proved it. However, I don't think the general population would agree with us.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by clever024

ugh. double post.

[edit on 7-10-2009 by afterschoolfun]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:23 PM
title of thread and Op are 2 different things. first "AI" would have the intention of learning as it grows as you stated. but once that starts to happen, foreign information is added, its no longer original as i stated, its become tainted.

so this "AI" is not technically "AI" its more of a program, that will just respond to questions, according to the man's knowledge at the time you were programmed?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by clever024

I don't see the problem. It's intelligence... that's not biological, man-made etc. If the brain is a highly advanced computer, why couldn't we (with the right technology) create a functioning replica of a human mind? Not just to answer questions, or just a program, but an actual mind in a computer.

Just another question: So just because the AI can learn, how does that make it "tainted"? If you compare a mind at two different times, it has learned and added more info etc. how is that different?

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 12:43 PM
you are absolutely right they cannot prove something that is theoretical. when it is in fact human posing as AI. Okay "AI" - artificial intelligence

artificial - fake/false/man made
intelligence - capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity.

its really a metaphorical statement in the sense you put it out there, since we are in fact talking to intelligence, as intelligence understands, there is nothing artificial about asking YOU questions and YOU answering them. the thing is Yes your theory is possible, as i stated earlier. but if this "AI" does want to learn, then it won't be an exact replica of the mans mind, as reasoning would have to be adjusted as new information is taken in during the learning process. it may still be human, just not the human it once was. because the reasoning has changed, its no longer the same mind. the information and responses are the same, according to its knowledge, but it understanding of things will shift when enough information is added

edited : THUS TAINTED!

[edit on 7-10-2009 by clever024]

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 05:42 PM
the reason it would be difference is because a human mind would function differently than the machine, it couldn't possibly maintain the way of reasoning that its man counterpart had, because as new information is added, it has to be processed or reasoned. depending on the outcome of some information, it would most likely alter its own reasoning abilities, because it has discovered a different perspective in accordance to the new information, and then lets say its studying a subject it have no knowledge of prior, it would learn reasoning skills from that, and most likely incorporate it into its code to be top notch as to say. but in the end, your gonna just end up with a talking computer that will eventually know too much, and at that point, it kinda becomes a Guru of sorts. and people will gather around for information.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by clever024

This is all speculation but I guess if we don't all explode on 2012, we'll find out in our lifetimes.

posted on Oct, 7 2009 @ 09:34 PM
You can't be an AI because artificial intelligence isn't supported by current/past models of programming. The first thing that my teacher taught me in Algorythims and Data Structure I was "the base of all computer programming and therefore, algorythims, is that it's not the answer to a problem, but a sequence of steps taken to answer that problem". Basically, software, systems, computers, electronics, etc, are created with 'a purpose'. They generate an outcome through a series of fixed processes after some data income. Philosophy 101 taught me that the human being was useless, for it didn't serve a purpose and it found the meaning of its existance in itself. Computer programs are useful, because they are created to serve a purpose.

Aaand, even if you wanted to download your entire conciousness into a computer, you wouldn't be able to because there isn't any software or hardware capable of supporting your thought process. Why? because the brain works in an entirely different way. More info:

[edit on 7-10-2009 by Aelur]

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