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Will You Ever Get Past The Issue Of Slavery?

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posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by buds84
reply to post by wx4caster

I knew you would come with the weapon trading theory, you must have watched the same propaganda films I watched on that subject.

That blog was written by Richard Lamm, former governor of Colorado.

The last person I would trust on a black history lesson is the government.

I have heard this guns for slaves trade thing many times and thou I my believe some blacks may have been sold this way, I don't think its was many, most were just rounded up and taken.

Tell me, why would the guys with the guns need permission to enslave?
There holding the weapons they can take what the want for free anyway like they are used to doing. You think they just deiced to be nice and give guns away for free when they could take off with slaves at gun point anyways?

I'm not buying that full story.

actually not really propoganda. it is used by many to alleviate the atrocity of slavery, but in doing so it has not lost its legitimacy. the fact remains a fact no matter how it is used.

look... slavery was horrible, it was wrong, and it was ignorant. however it was the times and it was accepted. the same as drug use was once accepted and coc aine was even sold as a medicine once.

the real issue of racism comes from the early to mid 1900's when blacks remained segregated. instead of focusing on the horrible things that happened in the very beginnings of our country, focus on the now.

if you want to abolish racism, then draw a line in the sand and dont make it ok for one race to cross it and not another.

get rid of all black colleges, the NAACP, BET, Ebony magazine... the list goes on. Imagine the uproar that would follow the establishing of the NAAWP? lol

racism is not defined as white people hating blacks. racism is the discrtimination of ANYONE based on their race and that goes for white people being hated by black people for being white. and that is just as common today as any other form of racism, as well as black people using the color of thier skin as a sort of crutch or a reason to be entitled to more with less qualifications.

affirmitive action needs to go.
ensuring that there are percentages of races in a workplace is enrooting racism while trying to get rid of it.

you cannot treat the issue with such tenderness and expect it to quietly go away if we shove enough cash and public apologies at it.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by SkitzoFrenic

Black gangs kicking and beating other white kids on school buses, in the streets etc...

One of these days a couple of white kids are gonna snap, and they are going to pack in their pistols, and their shotguns, and their semi automatic rifles and they are going to retaliate against those black kids, in a very violent way...

can anyone else see that happening ?

Thats nothing compared to what grown men did to blacks even after slavery.

Black Gangs are a direct result of slavery.
Kids in the ghetto with horrible upbringing, picking on people because of race.

This is because of the ghetto itself which were put there are "project's" to separate blacks after slavery from whites and to figure out ways to kill us off(Planned Parent Hood #1 killer of blacks by far). They dumped blacks in there of course already poor and berly able to find a job because of racism and no schooling, forced to act like wild criminals to survive, and the mentality stayed for generations of kids growing up poor in the ghetto.

Everyone thinks it's so easy to recover from slavery, but it's not.
Thou there are many rich blacks that have come a long way, it's chump change on the money scale compared to what whites are holding.

So while we recover from slavery regular whites had a head start in the game of life in America, whats your excuse for not being a wealthy billionaire by now?

See what I mean?

(I myself personally think no matter what ghetto you came from you can't go around gang beating people, I grew up in a ghetto myself and I would never do anything so stupid my parents tought me manners and respect.)

P.S I love white people.
Watch Maafa 21 and you'll learn a lot about your American history you never knew and it explains just about everything you need to know about the conspiracy against blacks , there is a genocide on blacks TODAY and you never knew it.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by wx4caster

if you want to abolish racism, then draw a line in the sand and dont make it ok for one race to cross it and not another.

get rid of all black colleges, the NAACP, BET, Ebony magazine... the list goes on. Imagine the uproar that would follow the establishing of the NAAWP? lol

Yes I agree, get rid of all that stuff and mix it in with everything else, Black history IS World history.

Black schools are ridiculous!

Thou to get rid of all those things would rid Black Americans of their culture, if we didn't rewrite our history books before we do something like that it would be bad.
You have to admit our history books and more are white washed as long as the same rulers are in charge.

The last thing we need is kids learning about Christopher Columbus, the man who magically discovered places that are already inhabited, and the like.

[edit on 17-9-2009 by buds84]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:14 AM
I'm from the Netherlands. Under our flag a lot of slaves were transported and sold. It is truly a black page in our history. But I cannot change history. And only a fool will apologize for the actions of other people. People that would have felt no remorse over their actions, as they were doing something that was not only legal, but considered normal at the time.

And I refuse to feel guilty towards someone who has never known slavery. Who just use it, the same way as the holocaust is being used, to pressure people into making certain decisions. It's a form of emotional blackmail.

Every time someone tries this on me, I simply ask them what they are doing about slavery now? Slavery is now a bigger business than it ever was:UN chronicle: Slavery in the 21st Century. Over 27 million people all around the world are enslaved. It usually shuts them up quite nicely.

Oh, and before someone asks: You can pressure your local politicians into action. A large percentage of modern slavery revolves around the sex industry all around the world. It's probably happening right now in your own city. See that it gets the attention it deserves.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:17 AM
I just wanted to chime in and reiterate that people of all creeds and colors have been forced into slavery throughout the history of mankind. I'm willing to bet that 100% of us have ancestors somewhere down the line who's whole existence was spent working for the slavers dusk til dawn every day.

It's important to remember where we came from, and that people have been subjugated due to a whole host of reasons over our history.

I wish that the race card wasn't so f***ing popular these days. Seems to me that the people constantly yelling "RACE!" are always the least educated, the most ignorant, and/or the most judgemental and hateful of our species. I don't care if you're white, black, pink, or puce....unless it is completely warranted, leave skin color out of it!!

Thanks again for a good thread all.

Edited to add that I love people from every creed, color, culture, and religion....or non-religion if you prefer!

[edit on 17-9-2009 by mpriebe81]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by buds84

but while rewriting the books, i believe that we should also include a few truths about slavery and the civil war. it was not about slavery so much as tarrifs between states. but we talk so much about slavery in an effort to repent for the act itself...

nice to see that you are not as extremist as i originally thought

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by mpriebe81
I just wanted to chime in and reiterate that people of all creeds and colors have been forced into slavery throughout the history of mankind. I'm willing to bet that 100% of us have ancestors somewhere down the line who's whole existence was spent working for the slavers dusk til dawn every day.

It's important to remember where we came from, and that people have been subjugated due to a whole host of reasons over our history.

I wish that the race card wasn't so f***ing popular these days. Seems to me that the people constantly yelling "RACE!" are always the least educated, the most ignorant, and/or the most judgemental and hateful of our species. I don't care if you're white, black, pink, or puce....unless it is completely warranted, leave skin color out of it!!

Thanks again for a good thread all.

Edited to add that I love people from every creed, color, culture, and religion....or non-religion if you prefer!

[edit on 17-9-2009 by mpriebe81]

why the edit? what purpose does it serve?? you had a point, you put it out there, and you said it well enough, the fact that you felt compelled to defend your point by saying "i can say that, and its because i am not racist" simply empowers racism itself.

be happy with who you are, be proud to believe what you do, and if you are wrong, be man/wpoman enough to admit it and make the change, but do not cower behind your beliefs...

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:27 AM
*double post*

[edit on 17-9-2009 by wx4caster]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 04:44 AM
Just wanted to chime in on another point.
Slavery, in its own right, depends on the view of not only the persons being enslaved, but also the people who are enslaving.
Back then, people were being used as slaves to perform everyday tasks that others did not want to do. So basically it was enslaving for the purpose of personal gain, without having to do the work themselves.
It was used by the "masters" as a way to control other human beings, whether it was for personal reasons or not. SLAVES MAKE PROFIT.
But has much really changed? Do people really think that slavery in its own right has disappeared from this country? Slavery is still alive and well in this country folks, but its not as many think it is. The only thing that has changed, is the viewpoint. Back when the "white men" owned slaves, at the same time, the white men as well were being enslaved even as they owned their own slaves. WE ARE ALL SLAVES, but not many of us realize this. We are all told how to act, how not to act, what to wear, what not to wear, what to drive, what not to drive, ect ect. Who is our slavemaster you ask? DEBT. Debt has the entire world enslaved, and we are all born into it, each owing something around $300,000 the day that we are born to a system that has us all under the umbrella. Its not the govt that has us enslaved, it is a group of private company owners, the federal reserve.
They have the entire planet in the palms of their hands because basically, we could NEVER pay back the interest we owe them due to the fact that there was never any money printed into the system to pay back that interest. So we are all on the neverending rollercoaster of debt, and for that reason alone, we will never be free. They own everything around us, everything we see, we are just the people who are occupying their space for the time being. Its not whites, its not blacks, nor asains or any other race of people that own everything around us, its just a group of greedy individuals who care about nothing more than their own self interests.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 05:02 AM
Black Americans are actually pretty forgiving when it comes to slavery. If slavery happened to white people, there would be a lot more revenge.

One downside to the Western mind is the need for revenge. People in indigenous societies are not taught the need for revenge, and Western societies historically took advantage of the fact that they didn't fight back.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by paxnatus
I'd like to ask a very honest question. How long will we pay for the sins of our fathers?

As long as it takes.

The horrid sins of our collective fathers are still reverberating in modern culture throughout the world. Until those echos are no longer heard, the wicked atrocities of our ancestors will haunt our every step toward the future.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 07:48 AM
Ask an Israeli or a jew:
Will you ever get past the issues of being without land?

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by SkitzoFrenic

I worry about you Skitzo. Many of your statements are really angry
like "you want something BIG to happen?". I'm not going to interpret
what you meant by that but others will. I haven't lived your life so
I don't know what you have suffered to make you feel this way.

I grew up pretty much a racist. My parents taught me otherwise but
it's peer pressure that often determines who we are. There were few
blacks in my school and none in my neighborhood so my interactions
were limited. When I started working that all changed, working side
by side with black people I learned that they were just the same as us
for the most part. I also learned that they had a great distrust of
whites and I can understand that. The couple of times I have been
stolen from it was whites that did it. The only physical altercations
I've ever been were again, only with white people.

To most, the Establishment appears to be predominately white. They
have the money, the control, and they make the rules. All of us who
are poor or middle class suffer under these rules that make us pay
an inordinate share of the taxes in this country while the rich get
richer and the poor get poorer. So now we have 2 good reasons for
blacks to be suspect of whites - history of slavery and bondage and
a modern system of debt slavery. For whites to get past their racism
they have to understand those 2 things first. Next they have to gain
an appreciation of black culture which to the unititiated appears
foreign and strange - the same as white culture appears to them.

Music was one of my keys to appreciating black culture. So many
american forms of music were invented by blacks - blues, jazz, r&b,
rap, disco and yes, much of rock music owes it's roots to them too!

Ultimately I think it's fair to say that racism is simply fear and that
fear is manipulated subtly by the PTB to make it continue. Every
method of division is yet one more way to keep the power out of
the hands of the common people, be they black or white.

I do think we have a level playing field in this country for the most
part. We have equal opportunties for jobs, education, housing and
I have seen good financial progress among blacks in America, not
all but many (the same applies to whites here) in my 50 years on
the planet. I can even remember seeing whites only signs as a
young child. Thank God those are all gone! Should we forget the
mistreatment of blacks in this country? No, it's history that we should
never forget, but should we forgive? Yes, if white forgiving our ancestors
and if black they should forgive them too. Any anger only holds us back
and is a self-defeating mechanism.

It is definitely time to move on, we have so much more in common
than we have differences between us. Black people need to take
care to not give the image of being separatist like when the term
African-american is used. White people don't call themselves European-
americans do they? How about claiming to be Black americans, what's
wrong with that? If we're not proud to call ourselves americans yet
then we need to do some work to make it so.

Racism is alive and well I can't argue against that. But I think the
more we talk about it the more resentments will come up. We need
to get on with the business of living and someday we can all just forget
about it altogether. And won't that be a glorious day when those
wounds have finally healed? It will be for me.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

Personally I am not making up for something my ancestors did. I had NOTHING to do with it. People need to get over it and quit thinking they are owed something their whole lives. At one time or another ALL races were slaves to someone....Hell we are slaves now

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 01:43 AM

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:50 PM
What irritates me about this subject, is the PC cultural Marxists always trying to make it "something white people did to blacks", and that's just not true. The black slave insitution was going on way before Europe was settling in the New World. "White people" did not go to Africa and round up blacks as slaves. Slavery was a normal thing back then, and was practiced by black Africans for 1000's of years, and it still being practiced there. Current media and agendas today, just push forward an anti-white racism, that people just suck up without question. If China had been where England is, and they were establishing a new land, and needed workers, and if Europe had an active slave trade and was positioned where Africa is, then the New World would be rulled by Chinese and whites would be slaves. Slavery in the USA happened because Europe was moving to the new world, and had need for workers, and black Africa was just across the ocean, and they had a long established slave system, which willfully sold their slaves to whoever. Slavery is not something "the white people did", it's more something black people did, and the black Africans made slaves of them, and eventually the whites freed them. But it was not "whites", just like every crack dealer is not the "blacks". Only the well to do wealthy people who had plans to set up plantations and such even had a need for slaves. Common white people were more poor than not. And often there were white slaves, but just had a different term, as indentured servant. Also there many free blacks, even in the south, and well educated blacks, doctors, scientists, and even black landowners and slave owners that were black. So, this whole slave thing has been twisted by the anti-white cultural Marxists, to feed into ignorant people that is was all bad things whites did to blacks. And you can see how it's a big lie for an agenda.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 02:58 PM
I had never researched very deeply into the subject of slavery, but over the summer I had history and government classes in college... and since slavery played such a tremendous role in this country's beginnings, I learned quite a bit about it. As well, I learned about the extents people were willing to go to in order to protect the institution of slavery in America. The Civil War was an ugly thing. The depths of discrimination that followed the war were even uglier. The Black Codes... the Jim Crow laws... everything imaginable was enacted for the express purpose of oppressing blacks and keeping them somehow "beneath" whites. Throughout the greatest portion of American history, blacks have been used, disrespected, hated, despised, and condescended. That is historical fact, not opinion. Today, in the modern age, there is no right or privilege or opportunity available to a white person that isn't also available to a black person... but can blacks ever truly get past the history of their race? I think so. I think most already have. However, as a white person, I can say that I am not over it. The history of slavery and discrimination in this country disgusts me. I have no difficulty whatsoever understanding why Michelle Obama once publicly alluded to the fact that, for most of her life, she had never really been proud to be an American. Neither have I. This country was built and has thrived by the degradation of other races. "Crimes against humanity" doesn't even begin to describe the atrocious acts and endless disrespect dealt against other races for the sake of building America and maintaining white control over it. I wonder if some day I, too, as Michelle Obama did, will find a sense of pride in my country.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

How long will we pay for the sins of our fathers?

Time's up.

It is highly doubtful that ANYONE knows a person who was personally a slave. (they'd be dead by now).

There's a black man in the White House. Kind of hard to play that race card these days...and say "the man" is keeping blacks down.

I know for a fact that my ancestors (generations upon generations of southern farmers) owned slaves. In fact, I have direct evidence my family seemed to be pretty progressive, even having graves with nice headstones for them in the same cemetery, etc. I once knew a direct descendent of a slave family that worked for my ancestors. In fact, his family and ours were good friends.

Thing is, I had NO say in the practices of my ancestors, therefore I have NO responsibility for their actions, or guilt for something I wasn't a part of.

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