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It irks me that people still don't get it

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posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 08:31 PM

People need to really pull the wool away from their eyes and just realize that they have been duped by Obama. It amazes me that there are still people who really believe that anything good is going to happen with him. They really believe he is a leftist, socialist, for the people. The truth is staring you right in the face every day people, admit you've been duped and start doing something about it.

I couldn't agree more. This guy is spot on and more people need to listen.
He's got some other great posts on youtube as well.

check out this one

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 09:32 PM
I guess it really irks me that absolutely anything Obama does is picked apart by the right-wingers without even being given a chance to work. With that said, I CERTAINLY don't agree with everything he has done. But I guess I'm a bit more patient to see how things play out before becoming judgemental.
Of course, I respect that everyone has a different opinion on this. If we all had the same one, the world would be pretty darn boring.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by md11forever
I guess it really irks me that absolutely anything Obama does is picked apart by the right-wingers without even being given a chance to work. With that said, I CERTAINLY don't agree with everything he has done. But I guess I'm a bit more patient to see how things play out before becoming judgemental.
Of course, I respect that everyone has a different opinion on this. If we all had the same one, the world would be pretty darn boring.

Bush had eight years to make this mess and we have not even seen the tip of the iceberg.

Closed door early am sessions with threats and manipulations to get their dirty deeds done.

Lies and blatant disregard for our demands and our rights and not a peep from these angry individuals.

Less than eight months on the job and these people want his head.

It irks me that that suddenly, after the thieves have run off with the farm, that now they want to speak up.

Maybe if all of this angry, vitriolic energy had been displayed and utilized when it could have made a difference they wouldn’t have to waste their time.

Maybe they wouldn’t be so darn angry.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
People need to really pull the wool away from their eyes and just realize that they have been duped by Obama. It amazes me that there are still people who really believe that anything good is going to happen with him. They really believe he is a leftist, socialist, for the people.

Raising hell with the administration will just get your name on a list.

I think I will make plans to go camping instead.

The ppl that were laughed at for years have said this was coming
for years, we just did not know when or who would be the
front man for the game plan mentioned by JFK years ago.

Even the Birchers saw it coming, and really odd enough so
did the founding fathers.

Obama is only doing what he is being told to do by those above him.

CFR, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, etc etc.

Bush just received a different set of orders via Cheney.

They play the facade of left and right, and keep us at each others

What Obama is doing is wrong, but Bush did a lot of wrong as well.

A lot of ppl forget most of the bills have been passed by the House
and Senate on first go and some without even reading them.

There are bigger issues here than just the marxist president.

The communist van jones is what lies beneath the surface in
Obama and friends, and it will cost him his 2nd term, maybe more.

I do not think they even have hopes of a 2nd term, and the worst
they plan to do in this 4 year window.

Hopefully this time round ppl will not elect the left - right sock puppet
of corporate interest and will elect someone that will actually
represent the voters.

I'll be shocked if it happens, and I will be shocked if we have that
kinda time at this point.

Good Luck to you all !

[edit on 4-9-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

[edit on 4-9-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by SpiritoftheNightSky

Where were you? Why weren't you raising hell during the Bush years, getting something done? Done blame people now when you were just as guilty of inaction in the past. Sure, maybe you complained on this site, but what did you really do? The difference now is that it's not just the right that is angry. Sure, the MSM wants you to think that, but it is left right and middle now. There's also been a huge swing toward conservatism lately according to several polls. People don't like being lied to during Obama's entire run for the presidency and now it's more than just repubs who are mad. Those who voted the man in for change but got no real change in return are PO'd too.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by bagari
reply to post by SpiritoftheNightSky

Where were you? Why weren't you raising hell during the Bush years, getting something done? Done blame people now when you were just as guilty of inaction in the past. Sure, maybe you complained on this site, but what did you really do? The difference now is that it's not just the right that is angry. Sure, the MSM wants you to think that, but it is left right and middle now. There's also been a huge swing toward conservatism lately according to several polls. People don't like being lied to during Obama's entire run for the presidency and now it's more than just repubs who are mad. Those who voted the man in for change but got no real change in return are PO'd too.

Well just to set the record straight I didn't just protest here.

I have a box full of form letters sent to me from Capitol Hill from both sides of the aisle. I am an independent so I was an equal opportunity pain the butt to both sides.

If I wrote to my state's Democratic representative I also wrote to the Republican representative. I wasn't letting anyone off the hook but it was of course to no avail because I was just another nut case voice my lone opinion because people like you were doing nothing.

I wrote letters to the editors of the big name news papers, I blogged and did emails.

No I didn't march on Capitol Hill and I didn't hold up signs in front of the White House. I did what I could.

Since you are so quick to assume that I didn't do anything but post to ATS that must be all that you did, so you think everyone is like you.

Wrong. I may not have done enough in your eyes but I did what I could.

What did you do?

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:10 AM
That guy needs to take up meditation or yoga or somethin'

- thought he was going to blow a valve

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by warrenb

You have to consider the attack which the people are under. If there are flicker rate issues or flouride and so on, is it really so surprising. What is surprising to me is how many people "are" snapping to despite the forces being brought to bear upon them.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by WWJFKD]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by warrenb

It irks me that people are foolish enough to join either Party or defend Bush or Obama. Just sayin

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by md11forever

I'm not right-wing.

Like millions of others around the world I watched Obama taking office and I felt a wave of true hope and the feeling that finally things would change.


He has disappointed me beyond expectation.
I'm not one to fall for smooth talking politician scum, I look at all of our UK politicians with suspicion and expect that they are all corrupt.
But I did fall for Obama.

And what has he changed?


People need to wake up and give up on this BS "party" divide. there is no division because they are all one and the same, making peace meal changes here and there to keep public opinion on their side in things that don't actually matter, it's all a show put on to give you the impression that you have a voice, it's an act to prevent you from rising up and taking their heads off for treason.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:18 PM
I dont give a crap what Obama does as long as

A) He stops any current war on "terrorism" with troops deployed across the world

B) He no longer uses American forces to advance the not so hidden foreign policy that endangers Americans lives with its continued support..

if we can stop our military from leaving amreican soil for no fricken reason the domestic policies will handle themselves as time goes on. certainly it will be a struggle..but without the poeples acceptance of use of our military there is no foundation for the rest of the elitist policies to rely on...

we must end the foreign plicy that has been in place since WWII

been saying it since Ron Paul has said..I will happily know my role and continue to spread that message to any audience that will listen.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by warrenb

The guy has a great message. It really is stand up, or figure on submitting for a long time; until that final dirt nap.

The average US American gets screwed over left, right, and every way imaginable; then they ask for more

I personally am no longer worried about any list contrived by the govt. The govt. consists of nothing more than thugs; the biggest baddest organized crime ring out there; I will not submit.


posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 12:17 AM
After healthcare, Obama wants to raise all of our gas prices much higher and raise our electric utility bills much higher too. Apparently we are using too much carbon and he wants us to cut back or pay alot more. I did not vote for any candidate in favor of this. The only way I could see Obama holding to his promise that he would not raise taxes on the middle class would be a claim that he didn't do it, the utility companies did or the oil companies or the local gas station did when he creates a huge new carbon tax they will have to pay. Companies will also outsource more jobs overseas as a result where they won't have to pay all of those carbon taxes. I'm always suspicious of a politician whose solutions involve more spending and more taxes while claiming you won't pay any more.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen
That guy needs to take up meditation or yoga or somethin'

- thought he was going to blow a valve

Agreed! ... He needs a good spankin' for raising his voice at me.

Anyhow, I found this RE: to the Tube in the OP... Ironic, they both say things that I say sometimes.

At about 1:45'ish in this video he states that Obama has no balls ... We can easily conclude that he's... actually a SHE!



Seriously, since Kennedy's funeral we have to remember to watch Obama closely because the next few weeks will be the time we need to judge his actions for our own well-being and our family's. He says the country is right on track and recovery is happening. Seems his track is sucking America into a Black Hole.

If he fails to grow something, anything of a spine and start kickin some black booty we are in for major failure in this country. I don't know exactly what but I sense it's very ominous. I'd like nothing more than to go back my life as usual but I can't anymore.

The shaking of the foundations of this country is coming and as much as I detest the man, I respect (and expect results from) the Office. Obama needs to make things happen before the end of this September to Remember. Hopefully, it will be a fantastic one. It's up to him.

He has about 3 weeks. If he starts crying anytime, anywhere... That's it. Watch for alligator tears... that will be the signal.

[edit on 9·8·09 by DrMattMaddix]

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