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Endgame Plan

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:08 PM
This is not my work and have come across it here:
If nothing else this is an interesting read and as with anything these days, taken with a pinch of salt.
If I was the Black Pope wanting to destroy both the Moslem world (surrounding "my Jerusalem") and the "heretic and liberal" Western Civilization sending out its accursed "missionaries," I would do the following:

1. First I would cause a war to be decared by the West (US and Britain) against "terrorism" which has no end in sight. Thus I would cause 911 with my CIA and then blame my Masonic Islamic Terrorist Newwork built by my CIA and financed by my Rockefeller financed and developed oil bonanza---Saudi Arabia. Mission accomplished.

2. I would restore the flow of my heroin trade by removing the Taliban which I created with my CIA. I would then move into Iraq to remove my Masonic Inquisitor Saddam Hussein, allowing the US to capture one of his doubles. According to an Iraqi officer, Hussein loaded two tractor trailers of dollars and euros on to an American C-141, then drove his limo onto the plane after which it took off and disappeared into the skyline. Mission accomplished.

3. I would then begin the systematic destruction of as many Moslems and mosques as possible using roving CIA teams inciting hatred on both sides. I would cause outrages against the Moslems of the south, using American GIs raping Iraqi women, photographing the crime and then posting it on the internet further citing Moslem fury against the West. I would also spread disease via immunizations and radioactive toxins among the American GIs further weakening the American military in preparation for my Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion of the West. Mission accomplished.

4. In preparation for my Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion I would use my scalar weapons involving weather modification, causing hurricanes in the American South, devastating select cities thereby weakening the West's will to resist. And with deliberate non-intervention and other injustices perpetrated by federal, state and local agencies, I would further sow the seeds for my race war between Whites and Blacks, while occupying the people with non-news (Jackson, Simpson, Bryant---Black on White crimes---and any other case (Scott Peterson, Stephanie Hollowood) that could be used to occupy the attention of the viewers). More hurricanes are in the making and the South will be further "softened" for my invasion from which Cuba, now occupied by the Chinese and hosted by Jesuit Fidel Castro, will be the staging base---with the full cooperation of the CIA and American Military Intelligence. Mission being accomplished.

5. Knowing that the American people will be beginning to denounce the war and even concluding that 911 was an inside job (never believing that my Director of Central Intelligence, Knight of Malta and CFR member George J. Tenet oversaw the crime), I would remove Tenet blaming him for the "incompetence" demonstrated in preventing the "attack." This will save face for my most obedient Skull and Bones servant, George W. Bush, whose father and grandfather served the Order most wonderfully. This will also save my Jesuit Georgetown-educated Tenet from future prosecution as I of course control the Attorney General, the Justice Department and the FBI. Mission accomplished.


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:09 PM
6. In order to justify a war in Israel for the destruction of the Jerusalem mosques, I would used my Masonic Jewish anti-Torah Zionists to incite more hatred between Israel's Arabs and Jews, while depriving the Jews of their land given to them by God as recorded in Genesis and by British Mandate at the end of WWI. This will be my "Roadmap to War" policy shoved down the throats by the CFR-controlled devotee to the Archbishop of New York City, President George W. Bush. Now war in Israel is a certainty. In order to blame the US for the destruction of the Jerusalem mosques I would build a huge American Army base in Israel from which the Americans could operate during the coming war in Israel, American troops moving in from Iraq. Meanwhile at the moment I would increase US troops in Iraq through a coming catastrophic event and thus a mandatory draft. Mission About to be Accomplished.

7. In order to increase US troops in Iraq, which troops will then invade Iran, Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia (as was told to me by an aged former Marine and suspected Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor), I would use my CIA controlling Military Intelligence to detonate five to ten dirty atomic bombs as the book Endrun (or Endgame written by two American Generals) so describes. This will strike at the very heart of the proud, profligate and fat Americans so as to incite the people to adopt a total war footing which my CFR trustees will fully implement. I would blame Iran for the detonations justifying the invasion of that nation; or, I can blame North Korea thereby beginning my war in the East in killing millions of Chinese as China will be aiding North Korea. In preparation for an American defeat, I have moved all American aircraft carriers out of the Pacific and into the Persian gulf. I have dispatched "boomers," or American nuclear subs, into the Pacific but only a few of us know that there is no such thing as Airborne Nuclear War. Yes, the subs are disarmed of any potential nuclear threat. When this becomes known, he who as the largest and most disciplined army will have the upperhand. This of curse will be my Chinese Communists commanded by Chinese Jesuits. Mission about to be accomplished.

8. With America fighting a two-front war which she cannot win, I will be in full control of the top military commanders in the field and in the intelligence services of BOTH SIDES through high-level Freemasonry and the Knights of Malta. This will insure America's defeat; any General that will not obey my commands in the name of patriotism will be eliminated as was American General George Patton and Russian General Andri Vlasov during my beloved WWII. Ah, our Order accomplished so much then "for the greater glory of God!"

9. After using China to sweep the Pacfic Rim of all "heretics and liberals" as I did during WWII with the Japanese Army, I will then attack Australia and New Zealand as those idiots have abandoned private gun ownership in the name of the goodness of man and the honesty of government! Those nations of White apostate Protestants are sitting ducks in the middle of the South Pacific with no relief possible from either British or US fleets. The shedding of the blood of the heretic, I love it!


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:09 PM
10. With my beloved Chinese navy coupled with my Japanese Navy I will then sweep the Pacfic, attack Hawaii and eliminate all but a few of the native Oriential Hawaiians. They hate Americans and will help my invading Chinese and Soviet navy. At the same time I will be bringing in hundreds of thousands of Chinese and Soviet troops through the underground tunnel linking Russia and Alaska running all the way to Washington State. By the time my mongol forces reach the Coast of California with LA in flames, my attackers will be arriving in the North killing as many heretic Canadian Protestants in British Columbia and Alberta. We will not touch Roman Catholic Quebec as she will be under the protection of the invading Roman Catholic European forces along with Roman Catholic New England.

The Jesuit Superior General's scenario will unfold along these lines. The next event will be a terrorist event involving preplaced dirty bombs here in the US. Biologicals may also be used as the CIA has spent years in developing these toxins. The movie The Satan Bug produced over thirty years ago is somewhat of a forewarning to the event. A two-fromt war will ensue; our armies will destroy the mosques of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem with the secret aid of the Black Pope's Islamic Terrorist Network; our troops will be betrayed and massacred as were three German armies by Hitler in the East; then will come the end with our invasion, partition and occupation for at least fifty to one hundred years if the Lord Jesus tarries.

By Eric Jon Phelps!

Dear Friends and Brethren,

After watching CFR Lou Dobbs and his continual, yet honest, reporting of the millions of illegal border crossings left unpunished by the Black Pope's CFR-controlled Bush government; after watching CFR Aaron Brown's special on the coming nuclear detonations here in the US (at the hand of CIA-controlled "Al Qaeda") using North Korean (US in house) nukes; after watching a Congressman's hour-long presentation of the future use of EMF pulse weapons on the computer-dependant US military and economy; I will continue to maintain that this scenario has been planned in Rome to lead to a two-front war which America cannot win. War in Iran will lead to war with Russia; war in North Korea will lead to war with China; and the US being blamed for bringing down the Mecca and Medina mosques (when certain Islamic CIA-Bin Laden contract agents in fact will do these deeds) will lead to a war with the entire Moslem world.

Thus, we shall have our Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion as mentioned in VA over four years ago. Fascism always starts the wars (Japan, Italy and Germany) and Communism (US, Britain and the USSR) always ends them as the victor---by the design of the Jesuit Order. Today the US and Britain are now the fascists; China, Russia and Wahabbi Islam are now the communists. And under communism no royal dynasty has been permitted to exist except the newly-created German Windsor Dynasty (1917) and the Saud dynasty. The Saud dynasty will be the next to go as it will also be blamed for the destruction of Mecca and Medina via its connection to the US military. Its wells will be seized by the Sino-Soviets cutting off our oil, while our domestic wells have been shut down over the last fifty years. (The invasion into Alaska will deprive the US of Prudhoe Bay and its Alaskan pipeline, cutting off 25% of our prime source of oil.) Remember, CIA-controlled Wahabbi Bin Laden openly denounces the Saudi King and his sucessors as "infidels."


posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:10 PM
Therefore, I will continue to encourage all US Jews to leave the country while there is still time. Israel at this moment is safer than the US for "the sons of Jacob"---who will never be "consumed." (Malachi 3:6)

the sad thing is half of these measures have been done. the predicted events, if you factor in developments in economics, iran etc it looks likely to follow this plan. also the religious, angle talks of this, add in nostradamus and icke, everything follows this pattern. even the vatican owning temple mount. the sad things is that man does not learn from history, the future will be very interesting.

look at the hordes of analysts now shouting economic armageddon, or correction in tv talk, they were quiet at first, now they sold off, repostioned, gone short, its well a clamour to predict the crash. the sub prime debacle, which is the first card to fall. add to this the oil price rising, energy security/carbon footprint etc. add in the weather, destroyed harvest, inflation of food prices. add in the fascist/totalitarian policies, the eu superstate/euro, the rescinding of the referendum for the uk public, yep we having no referendum, does anyone give a #,nope, eu superstate here we come, goodbye england. it comes to a stage, when informing yourselves of political/economic devlopments adds credibilty, before we even acknowledge the dubious conspiracy/religous angle. i can't see a way out for the american economy, it basically in chinas hands. and chinas hands are controlled by the hidden hand/shadow globalist government.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Sloppy

You should never doubt America and Her Allies, nor should you read and belive everything you read on the internet.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

I am neutral on this one, as i said this isnt my work so i have no input to what America and its allies are capable of. I also said 'If nothing else this is an interesting read and as with anything these days, taken with a pinch of salt.'

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:54 PM
[edit on 20-8-2009 by Project In Vitro]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Sloppy

It was not directed toward you, but more of a general statement.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

Ah kk m8
I agree

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