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Revolution,and what we want in the end.

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:31 AM
mod: not sure if this is in right form,move if nessa.

Well Im sure most of us want it like it was before the Federal Reserve showed up.
I however,
Want Area 51 and Dulce base and other like places,(Denver IA) opened up for public scrutiny .
Want the Bohemian Grove gone and exposed
Want the Skull and Bones group gone including the clubehouse
Want the Bilderburg group gone
Want all Federal anything, gone

These are some of my favorite things I want. Left some for you more eloquent writers too add.

And yes I want the American way to surrive like our fore fathers did.

[edit on 8/17/2009 by Grayelf2009]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Grayelf2009

want all federal anything, gone

And yes I want the American way to surrive like our fore fathers did.

Do you want to bring back slavery, indentured servitude, child labor,
sweat shops, share crop farmers? All part of American heritage.

All things federal gone? Roads, Rail system, Military, VA, USDA, CDC etc.
Granted they are not perfect; but they do provide a useful function.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 10:09 AM
How about the Jews and the Masons?

Maybe we could relocate the Cherokee?

Perhaps we could find out what the 13 secret herbs and spices are in Col. Sanders' secret recipe?

Maybe we could go into everyone's houses and look under their mattresses for porn and check their basements for weed and mushrooms.

Let's go burn down all the Boy Scout camps and the churches because they believe something different than us.

Maybe we should check out what's going on in all those "secret" Ladies' Rooms we're not allowed into.

I'm being purposefully obtuse here, but the things you describe are the things that CAUSE revolution, not result from it.

No matter how much one may despise organizations like Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove they are "private". They are on "private" property.

The only time it becomes anyone else's business is if the "public" is being endangered or "public" resources are being used.

Any Revolution begun to serve a personal interest is not a revolution.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by emsed1

I like post like this...allows me to see another perspective. So I can get a better understanding. I have to say though that I didn't think of those things as personal , just that those are where are problems are comming from.
As for the fed thing , your right, I don't want all fed to go, heck I served in the Navy. Nor do I want snoop under beds. This is why I don't OP to offten , Im not good at saying what Im thinking.

Thats why I brought this subject learn.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Grayelf2009

I can understand the frustration at the fed. I recently found out that my state keeps a database of all prescriptions written and dispensed to people.

They don't track it by address, phone number, etc. They track it by name.

Imagine my surprise the other day when I went to have a prescription filled and the pharmacist mentioned offhand that I was on a state 'watch list' for having numerous hydrocodone prescriptions filled at CVS.

A) I don't have any prescriptions for hydrocodone.

B) I've never filled a prescription at CVS.

When I asked him to show me, he got embarrassed and said the web page was 'down'.

He said that it "might be a mistake if someone has the same name as me" in the state, because it only went by name.

I called the state department of Public Health and it turns out that the database DOES exist, that it is accessible by any physician or employee of a pharmacy as long as they agree to only look up patients they are treating or "considering treating", that pharmacies are MANDATED to report prescriptions that are disbursed and that it is not required to inform them or get their consent.

It turns out the guy lives 200 miles away and the state has our records mixed up and could I "please send my name, address, phone number" etc. so they can straighten them out.

I hear ya.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Grayelf2009

want all federal anything, gone

And yes I want the American way to surrive like our fore fathers did.

Do you want to bring back slavery, indentured servitude, child labor,
sweat shops, share crop farmers? All part of American heritage.

All things federal gone? Roads, Rail system, Military, VA, USDA, CDC etc.
Granted they are not perfect; but they do provide a useful function.

A useful function for integrating the entire community into one mass, easy to manipulate and easy to control?

The OP's suggestions are almost spot on.

And over the next ten years, if the American people do wake up and finally rid themselves of the powerful corporate elite controlling the nation, you will move into localised farming, local energy production, smaller community and a safer, calmer, more ecological way of life.

The ONLY required evil is the maintenance of a military defence. But this can all still come about by the creation of a third party, fresh, without corporate involvement and with guarantees in place to revolutionise the nation away from the current corrupt machine.

It will happen, simply because it is inevitable. The economic stability of the US is about to crumble, it reeks of impending revolution. The only question is how hard the elite will fight to maintain control of the American people.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:21 PM
May I point out that if you want "all federal anything gone" then you obviously want to go back to an America before the Constitution. You might want to read the Articles of Confederacy first, then do a little critical thinking. I'm willing to bet that your enthusiasm has outpaced your reason.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:33 PM
I think we have to know what to replace all those things with first. We all know to some degree what we don't really like. But what about what we like in place of that which we don't like? If we want to change our ways we have to know what to build after we destroy the current operating system.

When we know exactly what we want in place of what we don't want we'll have it all.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Do you want to bring back slavery, indentured servitude, child labor,
sweat shops, share crop farmers? All part of American heritage.

All things federal gone? Roads, Rail system, Military, VA, USDA, CDC etc.
Granted they are not perfect; but they do provide a useful function.

That's not right.

The founding fathers were mostly not racists and not bigoted. They were in a time period that did not allow radical change like that. So they insured future generations the ability to fix it when enough people changes their ways.

So therefore anything resembling limited government, liberal mindset, and the promotion of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is that of our fore fathers, and at this point, mothers too.

please do try not to mix oranges with apples. The founding fathers were simply liberal businessmen. Jefferson freed his slaves at death, because profit didn't matter anymore. John Adams defended and won the right to freedom for revolting slaves on a ship. Just to name a few. There were certainly racists founding fathers at the time. But there's a reason why they're not as popular.

I'd even say George Washington was racist, but knew it was wrong by death, and so never got involved with such things.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 04:18 AM
and friday is free busch beer and dodger dog night!


posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Office 4256
May I point out that if you want "all federal anything gone" then you obviously want to go back to an America before the Constitution. You might want to read the Articles of Confederacy first, then do a little critical thinking. I'm willing to bet that your enthusiasm has outpaced your reason. [/quote hehe...You are probably right is some aspect. Reading other issues on this site and putting all the pieces together just makes a guy want to pull his hair out. I think alot of us are just at the point that we feel we need to do something. I wondered if I should have moved this thread to the "Rant"

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