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Why we need to focus on 9/11 - what's YOUR catalyst conspiracy to recommend to others??

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posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:07 AM
i've been researching many conspiracies for a long, long time now, and i'm certain everyone on this site has, too. i've also been trying to share the knowledge of these conspiracies in order to wake others up that aren't knowledgeable of them, and i know i'm not alone in the boat. i've always wondered, out of all the conspiracies out there, which one would be the best one to know about in order to jump-start the gears in realizing that TPTB aren't being honest with us and they aren't at all what they appear to be. feeling like you've been lied to, cheated, and basically insulted, isn't a good feeling at all, especially when our "Big Brother" is providing the teat in which we're forced to feed upon...

i was watching this video, and it just kinda hit me today that 9/11 could possibly be the best conspiracy to research in order to get the ball rolling in discovering other meaningful conspiracies. where does one start when learning about all these hidden truths in the world?? not everyone browses ATS every day!

for me, i seem to recall that 9/11 was the first conspiracy i really started researching, and then that led me to wonder what else can't we trust about our government. next thing i know, i was learning about hidden symbols in society, Area 51 and the Roswell crash, the Federal Reserve/IRS, water fluoridation, etc. i've studied many more since, but without hearing so much about a 9/11 conspiracy, i don't think i would be where i am today in learning about the truths out there.

once one learns about these sorts of subjects, all you can do is attempt to inform friends, family, and anyone else you can, all the while being scrutinized, and eventually ostracized for your dissimilar views because you don't wanna fall in line anymore. well, the truth is a powerful thing, it can really take a LOT to wake someone up anymore, especially in our modern arrogant society, where not sharing the popular views can easily make someone an outcast. i've wondered for some time now what conspiracy would be the best one to start learning to realize that our government is untrustworthy - what's the best conspiracy to tell your friends about in order for them to start their own research about the world behind the world?

...i know no one likes to be a slave, so why do we continue, day after day, to take all of this corruption the way we do?! well, the reason is that safety is in numbers, and simply put, not nearly enough people know about these shocking truths to cause a sheep uprising! personally, i believe it's long past-due to stir up a commotion against the wolves and the true powers that be.

we need to fuel the fire, and it all starts by just talking to others and sharing the wealth of information out there, regardless of how much it might hinder your social life! it's gonna take some guts, but don't be afraid! ...i'd rather sacrifice myself just so the world could be a better place and be ridded of the evil! (i really hope i'm not alone!!!) remember, we may not be bulletproof, but ideas certainly are! we may not last forever, but ideas definitely do! (UNLESS we continue to let TPTB control and manipulate us, then our ideas will fall by the wayside from mass propaganda...

what do YOU think the best conspiracy is to start learning about, to inform others of the true nature of our government?? can anyone think of a better conspiracy to tell others about so they can branch off into their own rabbit hole?

start telling as many others as you can about 9/11 so they can realize that our government isn't at all what it's cracked up to be. ...yes, even more people than you already tell! make a goal or something of a set amount of people you want to tell a conspiracy to every day - try to pick one that holds water, of course!
you can just start telling people about aliens and whatnot, or they really will think you are some sort of "conspiracy nut"!

ask them if they have the internet, and recommend some videos online that have a good argument against 9/11 - i know each one of us has their own favorite little video, so try and recommend it to as many people as you can so they can delve into the truth!! PLANT THE SEED!!

peace to all of you, and i really do pray each and every day for unity around the world and peace among everyone, because that's simply how it should be. period.

[edit on 7-8-2009 by adrenochrome]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Interesting thought. I'm not sure 9/11 is a good "starter" conspiracy. There's just too much white noise and disinfo (intended or not) surrounding it. No matter what "fact" you conjure up, you'll be able to find volumes of data refuting it whichever side you're advocating. It's too fresh and emotions still run hot.

Personally, if I wanted to get someone started down the conspiracy path I'd probably suggest the Fed. I'd see if I could get them to read The Creature from Jekyll Island.

The problem is, there most definitely is a kook contingent associated with every conspiracy theory. If you're discussing something with someone who isn't already a CTer you're probably wasting your time. You're going to get the big eye-roll. I think it's one of those things not conducive to recruitment. People need to get there on their own.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by MrDesolate

i agree, but i've been fearing that by the time everyone wakes up, it will have already been too late...

i also agree that the Fed CT is probably the most important one, but it seems that the people i talk to don't really care about that nearly as much as something is visceral as 9/11 - it seems to hit home a little more...

when it comes to 9/11, i usually recommend Improbable Collapse...

Google Video Link

...or "Part II" from Zeitgeist:

Google Video Link

but, thanks to this lovely site we frequent, i'm actually going to start recommending this video MUCH more:

i thought it was one of the best ones out there that explains things very well for the average person.

the only reason people usually refute the 9/11 conspiracies is because they don't think our own government could do such a thing to us. also, many seem to simply believe anything the news and government tells us, without questioning it, which is incredibly unfortunate...
no one wants to do the research on their own and find anything out for themselves - they want someone else to do the work for them, mostly because we're too preoccupied running in the rat race that we're forced to live in, which is designed to keep us distracted...

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by adrenochrome
i've always wondered, out of all the conspiracies out there, which one would be the best one to know about in order to jump-start the gears in realizing that TPTB aren't being honest with us and they aren't at all what they appear to be.

Well, for one thing, I would say that reading the 9/11 commission report would be the premier place to start. For one thing, you will find out that it contains gigantic amounts of information these damned fool conspiracy websites will never tell you, and for another, if you believe it's fake, then it becomes doubly your responsibility to know what it says so that you can point out the lies. Personally, I find it intellectually dishonest to declare the report is a pack of lies when you don't even know what the report actually says.

On the other hand, if, horrors of horrors, that reading the report makes you start to doubt the information being fed to you by the conspiracy web sites, then you'll need to ask yourself- is it REALLY the case the report is brainwashing you with gov't disinformation, or could it possibly be the case the 9/11 commission report was right after all?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 01:40 PM
flight 77 1st and wtc7 second. Show them the news clips from 911 that say no plane hit the pentagon then challenge them to find evidence of a plane hitting. Secondly ask if they know about wtc7 and show them the collapse.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
flight 77 1st and wtc7 second. Show them the news clips from 911 that say no plane hit the pentagon then challenge them to find evidence of a plane hitting. Secondly ask if they know about wtc7 and show them the collapse.

Ask SPreston and jphrophet420 to support their claims that "a jet flew over and away from the Pentagon" by producing any eyewitnesses or statements from any of the hundreds in position all around the Pentagon to see such event and watch 9/11 Denial in action.

Be sure to record it! They've evaded that simple exercise for over two years and are getting mighty upset that anyone dare ask them to support their claims.

Anyway, it makes for good comedy.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by jthomas

Gee jthomas. You are a real dependable supporter of the 9-11 Pentagon OFFICIAL STORY. With friends like you, the 9-11 perps sure do not need any enemies do they?

posted by jthomas

Isn't it interesting that I have never claimed that the "security camera video shows any aircraft hitting the Pentagon." Just so we're clear about that, I want you to show everyone here any post I have made on any forum in which I have said that the security camera video shows anything hitting the Pentagon.

If you can't do that, then you will issue a public retraction right here, correct? What's that, you can't? C'mon, be a sport, just try.

In fact, as we rational people have said for years, one cannot conclude by looking at the security camera video that anything hit the Pentagon.

jthomas Photoshopping Incorporated - Images in jthomas avatar read plane and impact

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 09:14 PM
You're really not doing a good job running away from your "flyover" claim, SPreston.

Your fellow "Truthers" are catching on to your evasions. How long do you think you can fool them, eh?

Oops! There it is again:


It was a bright and clear day. And how easy to see that explosion and jet, eh?

C'mon, SPreston, don't keep those eyewitness statements of that jet flying over and away from the Pentagon hidden from your fellow Truthers anymore.

After all, what do you have to hide?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Ask SPreston and jphrophet420 to support their claims that "a jet flew over and away from the Pentagon" by producing any eyewitnesses or statements from any of the hundreds in position all around the Pentagon to see such event and watch 9/11 Denial in action.

Be sure to record it! They've evaded that simple exercise for over two years and are getting mighty upset that anyone dare ask them to support their claims.

Anyway, it makes for good comedy.

I've never made that claim and asked you to provide evidence that I have over and over and you have failed over and over.


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