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911 caller in Gates arrest never referred to 'black suspects'

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by yellowcard

Originally posted by donwhite
reply to post by danj3ris

Racism is rampant in America. Racism is America’s albatross. We cannot get over it. It permeates our society. Republicans use and rely on it to jack up their base. Southerners use it out of spite.

Most states have abolished the old time default charge of Disorderly Conduct. It is entirely subjective. Police have abused it for a century or longer.

Regardless, or “irregardless” as Sarah Palin would say, there is NO excuse or contrived circumstance that justifies arresting a man in his own house. Whether or not he spoke ill of the STUPID cops is irrelevant.

Blame? Prof. Gates, 0%, Cambridge PD, 100%!

Racism exists, but it's not really need to get out more if you think that it's "rampant."

it's not rampant but it is more or less hidden....

I have noticed way too many people i know personally and other adults who are much more racist than i thought.

However, It is the people within a certain race that help to make the problem worse.

When there is racist generalizations of how many black men steal and rob people, and then a black man is caught stealing and robbing people, that adds to it and makes it no longer "stereotype" but the Truth because it happened.

It does not mean all black men do, but to not Face the fact of them doing it when it happens and pull out the race card is what hurts the people who are having racist things done to them...

I know this is a made up example but I'm trying to get a point across...

The only people who can stop America from being Racist against blacks are the black people themselves...........

I'm talking about the ones that day in and day out fit those stereotypes......They are the problem because those stereotypes are True in reference to them.....

If they don't want to be stereotyped then don't do what ever that stereotype is.....

If you don't want people to think all black men listen to loud rap music in their cars with stereos and bass Pumped up all the way, then don't listen to loud rap music with you Kickers kickin and bumpin your bass.......

People think it happens, because it does!

Asians.........You guys getting fed up with everyone thinking you all own chinese restaurants ? STOP Opening up Chinese Restaurants and do something else.....

The problem is, is usually a lot of stereotypes happen to the scum of each race......

These people don't care and won't change and that hurts the good people of each race.......

White people...........want the other races to stop thinking you are racist? Stop being racist !!!

It's not that hard people...............What one person does does not mean all people of that race will do it...

The problem lies with our youth and the fact that they actually " embrace these stereotypes " and live them out.........

I mean if you hang out with guys that go around fighting people ignorantly for no reason and you end up having to defend yourself over some sh*it they started, and now you are pissed because everybody thinks you are one of them ...Guess what?

Don't hang out with them !!!

it's very simple people but we need both sides......ALL sides to come to agreement.

We as a whole are just not educated enough for that to ever come true........

We need REAL education, not business training from grade 1 on.......

How are we supposed to be honest and caring when Our leaders are not?

How are we supposed to support eachother and get along and agree when our leaders do not?

It starts from the top and works it's way down....................

Good post. As a black guy in Oakland I admit I see A LOT of black people who live right up to the "thug" stereotype. I am not one of those guys though. It also comes from these dumbass rappers on tv (I like hip hop but not the commercial crap on TV and radio). I also see a lot of total white trash people who live up to their respective stereotypes too. So it goes both ways. Racial profiling does exist but EVERYTHING is not a clear cut case of racial profiling (this case, imo).

I also see people daily of every race living right up to their own stereotypes, too.

These people in each race that live right up to stereotypes then turn around and complain about being stereotyped are the reason these stereotypes still exist!

[edit on 27-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:13 PM
I don't this case has anything at all to do with racism.

Were the cops racist? No. Were they wrong? Yes.

They arrested a person for mouthing off and making a scene ON HIS OWN PROPERTY. When we are no longer allowed to say or do what we want on our own property, the government truly owns us. The police had no right to arrest him in the first place, which is why the charges were dropped. They were bogus.

It doesn't matter how much you mouth off to a cop, if you're on your own property, and you do not infringe on another's rights, then you have done nothing wrong. It's pretty black and white, which is again why the state dropped the charges. The police were wrong to arrest him.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

The charges were dropped because he's a Harvard proffessor with pull, he just happens to be a friend of the POTUS, and the POTUS just happened to bump his gums before he knew the whole story.

It makes no difference if he was on his own proprty or not he was disturbing the public peace. He was infringing on other's rights to not have to hear his ranting and raving. We have not been able to do that on our own property for quite awhille already. If you are playing music so loudly in your house that you're disturbing your neighbors peace and they call the police they're gonna come out and tell you to turn it down and if you refuse they'll more than likely arrest you for disturbing the peace.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by chise61
reply to post by drwizardphd

The charges were dropped because he's a Harvard proffessor with pull, he just happens to be a friend of the POTUS, and the POTUS just happened to bump his gums before he knew the whole story.

Check your dates, Obama made that comment the day after the charges were dropped.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

The only people who can stop America from being Racist against blacks are the black people themselves. .......... I'm talking about the ones that day in and day out fit those stereotypes.. ....They are the problem because those stereotypes are True in reference to them. .... If they don't want to be stereotyped then don't do what ever that stereotype is. .... If you don't want people to think all black men listen to loud rap music in their cars with stereos and bass Pumped up all the way, then don't listen to loud rap music with you Kickers kickin and bumpin your bass. ...... People think it happens, because it does!

You are putting the burden of reform squarely on the VICTIM!

Dick Gregory said blacks cannot be racists. Or practice racism. He meant by that racism demeans a person because of his or her race. Only people in control can do that. Racism conveniently places a person into a pre-determined box based on racial distinctions, usually skin color. Stereotyping.

It is WHITES that must correct their racism. Not blacks who must conform their conduct to that acceptable or approved by WHITES. Their quick tendency to stereotype blacks. Racism today is based primarily on ignorance and fear. Whites do not know blacks - I mean their struggles in life caused by whites - and we tend to fear that we do not know.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by donwhite

It is WHITES that must correct their racism. Not blacks who must conform their conduct to that acceptable or approved by WHITES. Their quick tendency to stereotype blacks. Racism today is based primarily on ignorance and fear. Whites do not know blacks - I mean their struggles in life caused by whites - and we tend to fear that we do not know.

What are you talking about?

White people cannot control their skin-color any more than black people, brown people, yellow people or red people can. You honestly believe that racism is exclusive to the white man? I suggest you make yourself a little more worldly, racism is not by any means limited to one group of people.

I would venture that in this arrest instance, it was in fact Gates who showed racism towards the officer. Gates assumed the officer was racially profiling him for being a black man, simply based on the fact that the officer was white, when in reality the officer was only responding to a 911 call. By assuming that the white officer was racist, Gates displayed another form of racism, which is to assume that all white men discriminate against black men.

I should note however, that Gates' arrest was completely unjustified, as you are allowed to be as racist or belligerent as you want on your own property, and it does not violate any laws.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by drwizardphd

Originally posted by donwhite

It is WHITES that must correct their racism. Not blacks who must conform their conduct to that acceptable or approved by WHITES. Their quick tendency to stereotype blacks. Racism today is based primarily on ignorance and fear. Whites do not know blacks - I mean their struggles in life caused by whites - and we tend to fear that we do not know.

What are you talking about?

White people cannot control their skin-color any more than black people, brown people, yellow people or red people can. You honestly believe that racism is exclusive to the white man? I suggest you make yourself a little more worldly, racism is not by any means limited to one group of people.

I would venture that in this arrest instance, it was in fact Gates who showed racism towards the officer. Gates assumed the officer was racially profiling him for being a black man, simply based on the fact that the officer was white, when in reality the officer was only responding to a 911 call. By assuming that the white officer was racist, Gates displayed another form of racism, which is to assume that all white men discriminate against black men.

I should note however, that Gates' arrest was completely unjustified, as you are allowed to be as racist or belligerent as you want on your own property, and it does not violate any laws.

I agree with you too. I don't really know where he was coming from with that statement. White people see racism too.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

That still doesn't take away the fact that he's a Harvard professor with pull. If he would have been you're ordinary Joe blow down the block the charges wouldn't have been dropped.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by donwhite

Dick Gregory said blacks cannot be racists. Or practice racism.

Ok so then what do you call it when a black person doesn't like white people just because they're white ? Isn't that in fact racism ?

He meant by that racism demeans a person because of his or her race. Only people in control can do that.

So black people can't be racists because there are no black people in control ???? You might wanna look at the POTUS.

Racism conveniently places a person into a pre-determined box based on racial distinctions, usually skin color. Stereotyping.

So when a black person says that all whites are racists (stereotyping them) is that not racism ?

Their quick tendency to stereotype blacks.

Excuse me, but aren't you yourself guilty of stererotyping and racism right there ?

Could you please expand on the struggles that black people face today due to whites. I mean i think it's only fair that you let all the white people know what it is that they are doing wrong.

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