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The Man Who Doesn't Use Money

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posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by pavlovs cat
Check me out!!! Hey Look at me , im the ultimate hippy, i consume resources, crap in a ditch, and refuse to spend money in the small town establishments that allow me theyre wifi access t post blogs on my macbook pro. I cant wait to get home so wannabe hippy chicks will dig me and ask me about my boots.

Bah , Im no better , but im growing carrots, lettuce, cayene pepper, tobacco, and hemp all in my semi-urban apartmet. I became the apt handi man ad work my laid off butt to become prepared. i wish my blog would have the sheeple leaving baskets of cookies at my cave, dont you?

Hemp huh? Ya know ATS will ban you for discussing marijuana. Kind of screwed up huh? Bad thing is that all it would take to legalize is for all smokers to write their reprsenatives.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:24 AM
This is from the other thread, who knows which will win the fight to the death.

I read the article earlier, ... and even though he's educated and does this for philosophical reasons, ..... isn't he just a glorified bum ??
How can living in these conditions add to the quality of life ??? he lives alone, ... in a cave and everything associated with that, wandering the streets digging through garbage.
You dont have to be an accomplished college grad to do this, ..... just Bats**t crazy. I only wonder why he would do this, ... maybe he's just a hermit, who doesnt enjoy company or responsibility.
In the future, when kids see him walking around town, they wont say " there's my spiritual hero" .... they'll say, " There goes ole sawtooth Danny, he's crazy as s**t"

My favourite line from the article was " Suello's been here for 3 years, and it smells like it "

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 01:58 AM
We say we "like" our life, but the fact is, we *need* our life style. Most of us don't have what it takes to live like he does. Many lack the knowledge of what is okay to eat out there in the wild. But more than that, we are psychologically dependent on our society. More than a few days away from it and we start to feel stressed. Fears about sickness and death (which happens sooner or later no matter how much health insurance you have or not).

Good for that guy if it's working for him. I'm sure there are days where he's eating bugs and totally down with it, and other days where his hunger starts to get the best of him.

In a few years he'll be done with his experiment, write a book about it, and live the fat life off the profits. Or maybe not.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
On the one hand good for him not becoming a debt whore to the bankers,a cog in the financial machine if you will.But living in a cave.
I know alot of people think we should all return to nature and ditch modern technology to be in harmony with the earth and all that sort of nonsense.But i like my technology and modern lifestyle...its sad i have to be in the machine to acquire that though,and the lifestyle is at the expense of others whether it be the raping and pillaging of African countries and their resources,or child labour or the environmental damage.So i say good on him for ditching the money and if he is happy thats great, but i think modern technology is great and not the big bad evil as alot of people think.

[edit on 22-7-2009 by Solomons]

Better still, modern technology will save us all once we get rid of money.

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Venus Project Activists

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:56 AM
The revolutionary thinkers and leaders of tomorrow, usually wind up being the crazy ones of today.
I find some homeless people to be far better of personality and spirituality than those who are not.
They are far more connected to their fellow man and the world as a whole, because there is no barrier of material possessions.
If the economy collapsed suddenly, and all your money was worthless, what would you do?
Sit in your home and stare all all your worthless stuff that couldn't even buy you the bag of beans or rice that he has managed to?
His lifestyle may not be for everyone...but it could be a reality.
Could I live like him?
But I would move around where as he does not.
It's not beyond me to dumpster dive....I'm quite good at it actually.
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where you need to do what you need to do...and we make choices.
I'd say if anything, his education made him more aware of what's wrong with society.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 09:47 AM
... And after the the S HTF, we'll be coming and asking him how to live off the land...

He may be unconventional, but he is learning anew how to survive alone. Others may wish to gather in communities, trade with LETS and Barter systems, share heating resources etc, share land and grow food. they are all pioneers and should be applauded for seeking new ways.

Watch the dollar dissolve and these communities will spring up everywhere.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
If he owns that cave he must pay property tax or he will lose it.

It's funny to think about that. One has to own a hole in the ground to live in it.

A hole in the ground - a literal nothing.

To escape the constrains of a society that wants to own everything, you have to own nothing.


posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
If he owns that cave he must pay property tax or he will lose it.

It's funny to think about that. One has to own a hole in the ground to live in it.

A hole in the ground - a literal nothing.

To escape the constrains of a society that wants to own everything, you have to own nothing.


This is one of the reasons I'll be living out of my BOV shortly...

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 11:19 AM
Come on!!!!!!!!!

"he doesn't need money"..... = HE'S LAZY AND DOESN'T WANT TO WORK. Who wants to live in a cave?? You mean to tell me you think he's happy??? This is laughable.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by PeterGriffin
Come on!!!!!!!!!

"he doesn't need money"..... = HE'S LAZY AND DOESN'T WANT TO WORK. Who wants to live in a cave?? You mean to tell me you think he's happy??? This is laughable.

Why don't you try it sometime, come back, and tell us how lazy you were trying to forage for food in the desert/back alleys. I'm sure you would have all kinds of free time and the food would just come to you.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 05:54 PM
Great thread!

I have recently awakened, and after realizing the NWO and the general "dark side" really does exist, i spent a very long time thinking about such things.

Sadly there is a reality that we cannot discuss in these forums due to the laws of the land forbiding it, so i will be vague and stay well within the understood boundaries, giving enough information for the keen researcher to decide for themselves if there is any merit to what i am saying.

What I can say with great confidence is that i believe this fantastic man, is an EXAMPLE of how one from modern days can revert to a more natural and simple life.

He is one of MANY people that have done this, I would recommend researching the life of Siddartha (Buddha), it is a fascinating journey, to understand the delicate nature of our comforts. He shows how its not enough to leave all the luxury and effortless life, and throw yourself in the muck and filth, thinking that this will even out the great pain of accepting a luxurious life.

I have my plan for survival, it is adaptable for any situation that runs through my senses, from ghost town, underground, forest, jungle, i need very little to maintain peak physical, mental and spiritual health.

A quick word on NUTRITION

nurition has become a complete "up in the air" circus for quite some time, i have recently discovered that it is possible and in fact highly beneficial to live on widely available, easily collectable "superfoods".
i heard the claim and got intrigued, so i tried it for a month.

all i can say is i am never turning back, i have reached a new place within myself, although it feels familiar, and i have the energy of of a child.

i am charging full speed at revamping my health, the fat is falling off me, i feel fitter than ever, i have much more focus, i am calm.

once i understood how my body was being pushed away from my natural state with all of these manufactured, goverment tested foods, i realized that brain washing is extremely easy without proper nutrition.

we are extremely susceptable to manipulation with the combination of chemicles being pumped in to our bodies, the proof is everywhere, and for me the summary was "if its true that everything starts with the body, so in our completely natural state, how different would we be?"

ancient and modern words of wisdom has led me to this path, and i can only say that i would thoroughly recommend a "follow your bliss" lifestyle.

living in nature would not only be easy for me, but a great privilege.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 08:49 PM
I'd love to follow the example of this man. For years all I have dreamed of is a small parcel of land in which to live self sufficiently. Grow my own food, collect rainwater, etc... But alas I would still be liable for tax. Namely the Council Tax, levied on any "permanent residence" in this once free country.

"Permanent Residence" includes caves, trees, holes in the ground, bushes, ........ anywhere you live most of the time.

Living without money or state involvement in the UK = IMPOSSIBLE.

posted on Jul, 25 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle

Originally posted by PeterGriffin
Come on!!!!!!!!!

"he doesn't need money"..... = HE'S LAZY AND DOESN'T WANT TO WORK. Who wants to live in a cave?? You mean to tell me you think he's happy??? This is laughable.

Why don't you try it sometime, come back, and tell us how lazy you were trying to forage for food in the desert/back alleys. I'm sure you would have all kinds of free time and the food would just come to you. hunting would be a bit tedious...but it beats a 9-5....and if he enjoys the outdoors, camping, just point towards being lazy. I understand where you're coming from, but HONESTLY, I'll say it again "WHO WANTS TO LIVE IN A CAVE??? HOW COULD ANYONE BE HAPPY LIKE THIS???"

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