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The Death of Macho

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Manly men have been running the world forever. But the Great Recession is changing all that, and it will alter the course of history.

The era of male dominance is coming to an end. Seriously. For years, the world has been witnessing a quiet but monumental shift of power from men to women.

The death throes of macho are easy to find if you know where to look. Consider, to start, the almost unbelievably disproportionate impact that the current crisis is having on men—so much so that the recession is now known to some economists and the more plugged-in corners of the blogosphere as the “he-cession.” More than 80 percent of job losses in the United States since November have fallen on men, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And the numbers are broadly similar in Europe, adding up to about 7 million more out-of-work men than before the recession just in the United States and Europe as economic sectors traditionally dominated by men (construction and heavy manufacturing) decline further and faster than those traditionally dominated by women (public-sector employment, healthcare, and education). All told, by the end of 2009, the global recession is expected to put as many as 28 million men out of work worldwide.

Worse still, men are falling even further behind in acquiring the educational credentials necessary for success in the knowledge-based economies that will rule the post-recession world. Soon, there will be three female college graduates for every two males in the United States, and a similarly uneven outlook in the rest of the developed world.

And as men get hit harder in the he-cession, they’re even less well-equipped to deal with the profound and long-term psychic costs of job loss. According to the American Journal of Public Health, “the financial strain of unemployment” has significantly more consequences on the mental health of men than on that of women. In other words, be prepared for a lot of unhappy guys out there—with all the negative consequences that implies.

Although not all countries will respond by throwing the male bums out, the backlash is real—and it is global. The great shift of power from males to females is likely to be dramatically accelerated by the economic crisis, as more people realize that the aggressive, risk-seeking behavior that has enabled men to entrench their power—the cult of macho—has now proven destructive and unsustainable in a globalized world.

This is a very long, but very interesting article. I really think you should read the whole thing.

Just like everybody else, I'm a little worried about the way things are going.

Do you think us women can take over the world?
Do you think the men folk are going to start flipping out on us when they can't find work? Or I guess I should say do you think they will flip out more than they already have?! (oh no)

I guess hubby better learn to keep a clean house and separate the laundry.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:07 PM
As long as it's not Palin or some mecha-Thatcher, you women are more than welcome to clear up the mess we've made.

Sorry! - for making the mess.

Honestly though, totally agree, women will probably cope a lot better with the psychological hardships of the coming years, as for education etc - speaking on behalf of all men everywhere - yeah we're screwed. I know guys that spent their entire secondary education drawing penises on their books.

[edit on 14/7/0909 by jokei]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:12 PM
found this article yesterday in searching for different topic

hope it applies here,

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by notsosweet

FASCINATING article! I am only about half way through, but I will finish it as soon as I can..

Do you think the men folk are going to start flipping out on us when they can't find work?

I don't think "flip out" is the intention here... I believe what it's talking about is the actual instinct for a male to "protect" and to be a "provider", men have for as long as history is remembered, been the main worker in the family unit, while the woman was the nurturer and care giver. What the article is pointing towards is that as the recession takes it's hold, more men loose their jobs, and the Government creates bureaucratic jobs and health care jobs, both dominated by woman. Man looses job, woman does not. For the man to be replaced as the main provider for the family it could cause a more severe depression than in woman.

So, from my understanding of the article thus far, it's simply saying the effects will be more pronounced. A woman looses her job, she takes care of the kids for a while till she bounces back, she's doing an equally important job that she is more comfortable with than men. A man feels a sense of worthlessness, depression, isn't as comfortable being the "mr mom"

At the same time, men are far more likely to express these feelings through irrationality and violence.. as a macro economic view point the idea of replacing jobs dominated by men with jobs dominated by women, leaving more men unemployed for longer periods of time could be a recipe for political/social unrest..

Anyways, very interesting article, really makes you think.
I don't know if you read my article on a op/ed from the Irish times, you might be interested as it kinda correlates with each other.

[edit on 7/14/2009 by Rockpuck]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:18 PM
Actually, I think this article overlooks the incredible potential inherent in the human ability to evolve new strategies and develop superior coping techniques when faced with adversity.

I believe most men were trapped in constructed, constricted roles which chafed every bit as much as women.

What this article relays to me is the hope that men will be allowed to utilize all of their talents, abilities and intelligence, and not just those which cater to and mimic the 'silverback' of male dominant macho ism stereotype.

I only wonder if those of us in the feminine gender can accept and cope with males who do not respond to the typical 'order' of male thought, or demonstrate superior understanding of compassion, interpersonal relationships and right brain creativity...usually the norm of the female.

I think we are poised to see incredible change and possibilities, if only we don't create a stifling atmosphere of judgment and shame, as if they are less- simply because they worked so hard to succeed in the only game in town-

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:19 PM
I agree, I don't mind female dominance! Jk, kind of. Anyway, personally I would like to see a women president here, to see how things differ from a male. There have been other female dominated societies like the Amazonian Women in Greece. Don't know how they really compare to male dominated societies, if there are many differences. Idk Women have about the same opportunities in the USA today, the stay at home wife is definitely less common, my mom wasn't one.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

I don't think "flip out" is the intention here... I believe what it's talking about is the actual instinct for a male to "protect" and to be a "provider", men have for as long as history is remembered, been the main worker in the family unit, while the woman was the nurturer and care giver. What the article is pointing towards is that as the recession takes it's hold, more men loose their jobs, and the Government creates bureaucratic jobs and health care jobs, both dominated by woman. Man looses job, woman does not. For the man to be replaced as the main provider for the family it could cause a more severe depression than in woman.

Hehe. Yeah, that is what I was THINKING.
I just couldn't say it like you did. I know my man can be really moody sometimes already. I get worried to think it could get worse. I'm sure he would be ok, but I think it would flip ME out.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Ev0lveUp

I really like your positive outlook on this. Thanks for responding!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Thank God! Iv'e got alot of catching up to do with Days of our Lives! Ill see you when you get home honey.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 06:12 AM
So you graduated? So what?

You say women are going to cope with the hardships of the years to come? What!?

Listen, they're going to drop the panties faster than ever with all the cash flying around in Wall Street's bull market, which has already begun, ladies.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by THX-1138

Look, I didn't write the article....course if i did, I would've made me some cash off of it....

Ok, yes I do think that women can handle the stress aspect of this a lot better than the man can, usually without destruction, etc.

You are not afraid of more PANTIES running the world...are you?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by notsosweet

I think he was being sarcastic lol.....

Well, I hope so?

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 04:50 PM
The pendulum has swung in the completely other direction as usual in the US. Women are dominating because our educational system is set up to cater towards females. I feel very sorry for young boys that have to sit through a public K-12 educational institution. When I was a young kid I played hockey and tag and fell down and skinned my elbows and knees at recess. My friends and I wrestled and rough housed and you know what? We all turned out fine!

How many junior highs still even offer industrial tech type classes? Our society in general has been emasculating men and boys for a while now. Look at our feminized society. EVERYTHING on t.v. caters towards women. Men are always portrayed as bubbling doofuses.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:04 PM
You of course, have to realize.... that this is not a new thing at all.

Rome tried the whole Feminist model for awhile also.

We see how that turned out.

To claim that women are better at dealing with stress is sort of sexist, and blind.

Women aren't really MADE to deal with stress.

Sure, screaming toddlers, hungry baby's and poopy diapers are a little stressful, but against facing down a herd of Angry mastodons... or working around machinery that will KILL you if you don't pay attention... that is child's play (Pardon my pun)

There is a REASON that civilization's throughout the world and history have been male dominated...

IT is because they WORK.

The reason that more men are getting laid off in this society, is that the Production sector of ANY society is going to be the first place hit when a recession goes into effect.

Production can only come from NEW capitol being introduced into the system and Demand for more products.

The service industry on the other hand, relies on individual spending, and thus, is insulated (in time) against recession.

But if the recession goes on long enough, people will not be able to afford these service industry prices either, and then THAT sector will collapse.

Men are not unnecessary... we just can afford to purchase the things that men make anymore.

We don't have money to build new skyscrapers, pave more roads, construct more airliners and cars.

But the medical industry, education, etc... these are the LAST thins we will stop paying for.

Despite the fact that SERVICE industry jobs actually create ZERO wealth or value.

Only production creates value... never forget that.

You are not seeing women take over the society... you are seeing the society *COLLAPSE* from the foundation upwards.

Matriarchies are Fantasy.

They do not exist on scales larger than tribal villages, and they never have.


posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:29 PM
Wow, I am a dinosaur, a testament to an era that is passing rapidly away from us. I am the king of my castle. I bring home the bread, my wife keeps our house, cares for our children, and handles the domestic issues that arise while I am spending my day working. I wouldn't take on the role of being "Mr. Mom" if someone held a gun to my head and demanded it of me. Not only is it not in my knuckle dragger genetics or cave man frame of mind, it simply doesn't seem right to me. Personally I salute the few remaining traditionalists and throw backs out there. We may be few, but we're certainly tenacious.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Interesting article...

I don't know....I guess I've been jaded from my time spent in the military during Clinton's social engineering experiments...

However, I listen to my wife's advice more than anyone elses'...

On a side note, the newest ALTA report from HalfPastHuman sees linguistic markers for women to take a more prominent role in....shall we say "the Resistance" well a leadership roles in other areas...

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