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G8 Anyone? New World Order being talked quite a lot here.

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 04:40 AM
Hi guys. Is there anyone interested on what's going on today about the g8?

I am following that on tv and there is alot of talking about creating "New World Order", the importance of a "New World Order" and so on. It has been named alot of times here so far.

Just wanted to bring some attention on this topic.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by digitalwarrior
Hi guys. Is there anyone interested on what's going on today about the g8?

I am following that on tv and there is alot of talking about creating "New World Order", the importance of a "New World Order" and so on. It has been named alot of times here so far.

Just wanted to bring some attention on this topic.

If you have video or publications with quotes where they are talking about "new world order", post em.

They are all a bunch of unelected globalists who are setting our policy.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 05:41 AM
They bandy round the term 'New World Order' so that the public become accustomed to the wording, then its all subliminal after that, a little NWO here , a little NWO there sooner or later the people will just accept it.

One day ( soon I favour ) there will be a United Nations discussion on how to bring about a central world Government, to prevent any kind of collapse in economies ( done ) and to prevent social disorder ( Isreal and Iran ,being sorted and made ready ) After a central world currency run by the IMF and World Bank ( already starting ).

Then as people get used to it, BAM, NWO in your face.

We already have been indoctrinated into having it by terms such as International Monetary Fund and World Bank( the central NWO banks) , United Nations Peace Keeping Forces ( the NWO army ) .

Soon we will be asked do we want a single world Government but it won't matter which way we vote as its a pretense to show to the masses the semblance of Democracy, The choice has been made and no matter how many people vote NO , they will still say " the people wanted it , so we gave it to them", the voting will be rigged and theres nothing we can do to stop it.
Bar taking out all the major players , their familes and their underlings.

I also favour the hysteria of 2012 being utilised to bring about the NWO final plan , like in 1999 when the masses panicked about the Y2K virus ( or lack of ), there was mass hysteria ( the world is going to end etc) now that there have been films claiming the end of the world ( the Knowing, , the happening, the day the Earth stood still and the upcoming 2012 film) all these have been buttering us up , to make the unawaked people worry , there'll be upheaval as the people start to think " the world is coming to an end and the Governments aren't doing anything", the NWO will step up and say " there is no form of combined central effort for the people , its all fragemented by different countries, if we had a central core of control we could help the people of the world, but only if one Government ran the Planet".

Hey presto the people will run to them thinking they , the NWO can save them. Right in to the Fema camps , and the shackles of servitude..

[edit on 8/7/09 by DataWraith]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by DataWraith

Great Post!!!

Star for you

I agree....The NWO is so mainstream and its only to acclimate the masses.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:47 PM
So far all they are talking about is borrowing more money, thus creating more debt that we cant get out of. Talk about a downward spiral.

Interestingly enough theres a comment at thew bottom of this news article:

the comment made by brad999 really hits home (it wasn't me in case you are wondering.

I love the whole concept of saving the bankers who put us in this position in the first place

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