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MJ and the Magicians

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Okay, yes I can see the symbolism in the video you have posted, but here's a thought...
Don't you think MJ may have just been using the symbols to make a point of his own?
I mean, pay attention dude, listen to what MJ has to say.
Stay cool,

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Dragon33
Okay, yes I can see the symbolism in the video you have posted, but here's a thought...
Don't you think MJ may have just been using the symbols to make a point of his own?
I mean, pay attention dude, listen to what MJ has to say.
Stay cool,

Try reading the posts again Dragon, this angle has been covered to some degree.
I mean, pay attention hypocrite, listen to what tptb have to say.

Since when did all aussies become so self rightous?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Exv8densez
To me evil is at every level. I'll even go as far as assuming that very dark forces were targeting him from birth; just because somehow he'd show the world how GREAT the human can be. I think that's what will happen to anybody similar.

This concept that evil works at every level is very important. The Powers That Be are not a group of men, they are a collective conscious representation of the Yang dualistic force. In most every level of existance their influence is present.

Originally posted by Exv8densezThe saddest thing about it all, is that ultimately, all those dark forces strangely recalls God's jealousy in the OT.“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:4-5).

Hmmm, smart, it is reminiscent of that. I personally believe that the Yahweh that said that is a lesser god and very much of TPTB consciousness.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:08 AM
Thankyou Majestic23 for starting this thread, I read all with much interest.

I am and always have been a huge Michael Jackson fan, unwittingly succumbing to TPTB by idolising him I guess, but anyway.........
I am open minded enough to believe that anything is possible and I do feel there is probably truth in the theory that Michael was a puppet.
I completely agree that no-one achieves that status without "approval" of TPTB or the illuminati, I cannot possibly deny all the symbolism in his videos and album artwork etc.
I also agree that he "broke free", his album HIStory was completely different, more aggressive, repeated references to the CIA and lyrics like this
"JFK exposed the CIA Truth be told the grassy knoll As the blackmail story in all your glory"
"Your proclamation promised me free liberty Im tired of bein the victim of shame Theyre throwin me in a class with a bad name" and much more like this throughout the album, I can see no doubt that he was breaking free.

I could go on for hours but I wont


posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by KarlaKoala
I could go on for hours but I wont


Please do, it seems a goal we could try and reach with this thread is to identify approximately when his programming started to break down/he started to rebel. The time around the HIStory album seems as good as any to use as a starting point.

Since when did all aussies become so insightful?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:30 AM
Has anybody seen THE WIZ?

Michael Jackson played the scarecrow.

Check out the ending of that movie.......

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Nice one Doomsday. I mentioned the Wiz earlier (please check it out, its relevant to Jacksons role in it).

However, this RITUAL pictured here is the most interesting aspect.

The twin towers were built on a leyline just like the pyramids and Stonehenge etc....

Why is this relevant? They powers that be conduct their rituals on these lines because they are vortex "stargates". Hence the 9/11 ritual was used here, they increase the potency of rituals.
I was actually looking for a video of this scene because there is an important aspect. The crowds move around the structure/artwork (which just happens to be an all seeing eye) in a circle in the middle of the twin towers. This is like the stories of fairies/aliens dancing in circles we hear about now and again.

Where else do we see this occour?

Oh yes...

[edit on 14-7-2009 by Majestic23]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Majestic23

This must be the Stargate

I wonder how it's used... Maybe through the Astral Plane?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 01:42 PM
You have got to be kidding me Doom.

I cant believe this!

I terms of how they work I have a few ideas. I think they sort of work how the third eye in humans works,they require some kind of charge/intent/ritual to kickstart their awakening, this is like the witch stirring the couldron or even a causing a whirlpool in a swimming pool.
If we take the Hermatic laws and sacred geometry into account. We see the astral bodies can be related to the human body, their leylines are like the meridian lines we have. Humans respond to acupuncture, rituals and structures on the leylines are something simular, they tap into or active the flow of the pure force of creation. Realisation of an actual portal is like a door opening to the immaterial, unmanifested realm of this force beyond the dualistic reality of the physical realm.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:06 AM
Well, this is nothing more than my own (very recently gathered and still kind of forming) opinion.

I think it's likely that "they" realised his programming was beginning to break down well before "we" did, I believe that was the basis of the allegations he faced, when "they" began trying to bring him down from his superstar status, shortly after this is when HIStory was released, obviously some of the anger would have been about the allegations but there was more to it, as I said references to the CIA, that's pretty strange in pop music full stop but in Michael's music, come on, that's down right far out!

"I bet he missioned with the CIA, he don't do half what he say"
"Does he send letters to the FBI, did he say to either do it or die?" - D.S.

"So you call it trust, But I say it's just, In the devil's game, Of greed and lust, They don't care, They'd do me for the money, They don't care, They use me for the money" - Money

I have read several articles on theories about this subject dating back years, so I know this isn't just something that has started because of his death and I have to admit that as such a HUGE fan throughout my WHOLE life I really didn't want to believe it - I still believe that Michael was a shining light in this world, a peaceful, loving being, who tried to spread a message of love to his fans and the world - maybe this strong goodness in him is the reason his programming eventually broke down, who knows?

Interesting stuff about the ley lines, I had no idea the twin towers were on one.

BTW as a side note I'm not an Aussie, not that there's anything wrong with being an Aussie, I hope to be one in a few years
, I'm english (mancunian) but recently moved over here.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by KarlaKoala
I think it's likely that "they" realised his programming was beginning to break down well before "we" did, I believe that was the basis of the allegations he faced, when "they" began trying to bring him down from his superstar status, shortly after this is when HIStory was released, obviously some of the anger would have been about the allegations but there was more to it, as I said references to the CIA, that's pretty strange in pop music full stop but in Michael's music, come on, that's down right far out!

Nearly everything about is straight up trippy until you start looking from the point of conspiracy. What do you think? Things click into place a bit more easily.

Originally posted by KarlaKoala"I bet he missioned with the CIA, he don't do half what he say"
"Does he send letters to the FBI, did he say to either do it or die?" - D.S.

Originally posted by KarlaKoala "So you call it trust, But I say it's just, In the devil's game, Of greed and lust, They don't care, They'd do me for the money, They don't care, They use me for the money" - Money

That seems to be only one way to read this.

Originally posted by KarlaKoala"I have read several articles on theories about this subject dating back years, so I know this isn't just something that has started because of his death and I have to admit that as such a HUGE fan throughout my WHOLE life I really didn't want to believe it - I still believe that Michael was a shining light in this world, a peaceful, loving being, who tried to spread a message of love to his fans and the world - maybe this strong goodness in him is the reason his programming eventually broke down, who knows?

I think so. I see a lot of potential in his icon still. In fact this area of the grand conspiracy is so interesting it might just give us a brilliant insight and maybe even be used against the ptb. I mean, as things are clicking together so nicely.

BTW as a side note I'm not an Aussie, not that there's anything wrong with being an Aussie, I hope to be one in a few years
, I'm english (mancunian) but recently moved over here.

Figures. Apologies for the assumption. Why would you want to leave sunny Manchester? (Iam from Hull, dont laugh). Good luck on your adventures in OZ!

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by Majestic23

Do you have anything to suggest he wasnt under control of the illuminati,can you explain the symbolism? Do people on a conspiracy website really think that the powers that be would not have a hold on 'the most famous man in the world'?

He may have been under the "control" of the illuminati but I feel he was a spiritual being , his aura was bright and very much of the light. I dont see him as Satanic at all. Controlled and used maybe but his light was and remains bright. He was and remains a light being who was manipulated, Im sure of this fact.

[edit on 3-7-2009 by Mr Green]

I know someone who can see auras and they say MJs auro was very much indigo. I resaerched indigo auras and found something astonishing.

This person i know isnt into all this conspiracy stuff, so i take this finding seriously.

I believe that the Illuminati have a scouting networlk and manipuulate Indogo Children who are in the public eye/ potentially in the public eye. Maybe the "all-seeing eye" is this scouting network? The Freemasons could be a part of this?

MJ was a subject of this scouting network, and i believe that he not only succombed to it; I belive that he became extremely interested and activey involved.

Worth noting; people say "MJ cant be in the illuminait/ NWO etc. as he was a good person who gave money to charity"...
(1) The Freemasons give the highest volume of money to charity than any other group
(2) He had 2 albums called bad and dangerous

But anyway, yea; MJ had an indigo aura.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 07:56 AM
Sorry for the short response but you may find the tv interview video of MJ's brother interesting...for all those fact/evidence hunters out there.

(p.s. I grew up with MJ's music and thank him for helpin me become the caring, music loving person I am today...strangely one that can't stand todays vulgar pop...funny a statement as that

[edit on 27-2-2010 by dreaded209_2]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 08:36 AM
out of respect to the Jackson 5.................
hard-working band

[edit on 27-2-2010 by IandEye]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 10:58 AM
yup, tha jackson 5, MJ (solo) -VERY hard working band/artists.

much respect.

but to get back to the original subject..

you all may find this interesting,

look behind michael in the following image link (last shot in thriller video)

ca you see the the "phallic" monolity/column/needle...

pretty well known Conspiracy circles all the more.


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