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Wallabies get high in poppy fields, make crop circles

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posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by Zelong

So, FINally we get the real truth about what the wallabies (and presumably the wallaroos) use their pouches for -- transporting poppies!

The conspiracy circle closes: From Wiki

There is a large feral population of over 100 in the Isle of Man in the Ballaugh Curraghs area, having bred originally from a pair that escaped from the nearby Curraghs Wildlife Park some years ago.

Additionally, a small feral population of wallabies is known to exist in Hawai'i, in the upper regions of Kalihi Valley of the island of Oahu.[2] This colony arose from an escape of zoo specimens of Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in 1916.

A number of wallaby breeding colonies in other parts of the world have been established at times in the past, but only one proved viable. The two principal populations were those of the island of Inchconnachan in Loch Lomond, Scotland and in the Peak District of England

mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm. those SNEAKY lil' marsupials!

Good info argentus,Wallabies can live in snow or hot dry areas where the only water is in the morning due off the ground,their very hardy,will grow longer hair if needed(like a horse does).

Now if Wallabies do live in different parts of the world like Isle of Man,Hawai'i and I think England too from escaping,"This colony arose from an escape of zoo specimens of Brush-tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in 1916. "
Than so can Black Panthers from circus escapees seen along East coast,alot in Victoria (Aus) ,Puma sightings in Western Australia,mascots from US Marines released after WW2 .No sightings of elephants


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:40 PM
I can't comment on the wallabies, but I have to ask why Australia has a thriving poppy industry? I thought that was restricted to various regions of Afghanistan.


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by maddogron
proof positive that we should put a wallabie in charge of the bailouts!!! Fox news just mocked the story, funny though - no one is showing how they created the "dragonfly" or "fish" circle... I need a wallabie! sounds cooooolllll

Can you post the link for fox news story please maddogron would like to see it,you could play this story alot of different ways,good for a laugh


posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by waveguide3
I can't comment on the wallabies, but I have to ask why Australia has a thriving poppy industry? I thought that was restricted to various regions of Afghanistan.


Last I heard about the poppy farms in Tasmainia is that it's the only pharmaceutical poppy farm in the world=legal.Afghanistan is completely unrestricted and is still left to thrive!Why?


EDIT: here's the same story with a better picture,I think its been made, looks good.

Picture source and story: [atsimg][/atsimg]

Attention MODs notice the Edit date is one day early. [edit on 25/6/09 by Zelong]

[edit on 25/6/09 by Zelong]

posted on Jun, 25 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by waveguide3
I can't comment on the wallabies, but I have to ask why Australia has a thriving poppy industry? I thought that was restricted to various regions of Afghanistan.


I come from Tassie, on the North West Coast and used to live near where the Poppy fields are, and it supposedly for Medicinal purposes only.
Now the way these fields are set up is just like any other crop field. They have a wire fence and you can access it quite easily..... but it is monitored (camera's etc). I can not confirm this, but apparently the minute you try and set foot on the land, your in deep do do due to it being monitored so heavily.
To be honest I dont think anyone really worries about it being there.

I can see how the wallabies got in there, but I really find it quite comical that they are trying to Pin the Circles on Wallabies. They are very cute though

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