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Better Duck Fat People - You're Next!!!

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posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by secretagent woooman

Woo hoo. It's heating up in here now!

I too am sorry you have problems being around smoke but what's wrong with a club owner being able to decide if he want's to have a smoking club or a non smoking club? There were some non smoking bars and restaurants before the ban. Shouldn't the man who pays the bills (owner) get to decide?

And what's wrong with an outside smoking area? Non smokers can stay out of there as well? Why is it all or nothing with non smokers.

I'm 35 years old, I've smoked since I was thirteen. I'm very healthy, always have been. I don't even get colds.
My kids were always on the honour roll and got attendance awards because they were never sick. I've known people who have died from lung cancer and never been around smokers, and smokers who have lived to be 90 never being around whiners.

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by wyleecoyote

I gotta say, I think fat people, or anyone who hasn't hit the nwo hitlist, had better watch out.

I smoke, and have never had health problems. Of course, it is home grown, organic paper, and NO FILTERS.

People need to grow up before they legislate themselves into complete slavery

posted on Jun, 22 2009 @ 11:57 PM
I made the switch to e-cigarettes. When these catch on, analogue cigs will almost completely disappear.

The question is, are they going to tax e-cigs, which are perfectly healthy, the same way they taxed the unhealthy alternative? If so, then it's not a tax about public health and safety, it's simply about levying a tax against addicts which can't help but pay it.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:01 AM
well most of our congress and senators are in deep do do if you know what i mean

totally agree there has to always be a villian and a victim in order to create these asanine laws.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I think the man who mentioned hitler was making the connection between him, and the zionist controlled cigarette industry. I can see that.

In my opinion natural tobacco, rolled in organic paper is good. Nothing wrong with it. At least no more toxic than breathing toxic air in a city........That usually equates to two packs a day. Hey we could sue the cities...

On the note of bad for you, the paper is really toxic. The bleached paper in itself is a carcinogen.

Now, I drink coffee, and after learning the bleached paper is what causes problems, I started using non bleached filters.

They are more expensive, and hard to find, BUT I'm not giving myself throat, and stomach cancer................. Go look at all those healthy fancy tea bags.............ALL BLEACHED PAPER. Now there is a conspiracy if I've ever seen one.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by TornMind

I was thinking about going the natural tabaco route and then they came out with the Eciggs. I might give those a try first. It would sure be nice to have a smoke in a bar again.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by TornMind
I think the man who mentioned hitler was making the connection between him, and the zionist controlled cigarette industry. I can see that.

Now it's the Jew's fault!!! OMG, you have to be kidding me!!!


So now Israel owns and operates our cigarette companies. You're killing me!!! Faster than the smokes are!!! Please, if you are going to make inflamatory and racist accusations, at least source your "material"! I'm sure if you find some site to back that one up, it will no doubt be from some white supremacist website!!!

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 02:57 AM
They need to tax high school sports. Cheerleading and football are very dangerous - those folks get bad sports injuries that cost a fortune for life often.

IT was a sports type injury that took away my ability to walk - now I'm fat!

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by serendipitynow
I honestly wish they'd just make smoking illegal and ban cigarettes - for my own sake! First we couldn't smoke at work anymore. Then they didn't want employees who smoked. It's all good. I have 2 cigs when I wake up and then I don't have another until I get home. Then I smoke a whole pack!
If it were illegal I just wouldn't do it and I wouldn't think twice about it. And if someone offered me a black market cig, I'd turn it down because I know darn well I can't have just one.

And I know many smokers who feel the same way I do about this.

As far as I'm concerned, cigarettes are nothing but poison, and I've been a smoker for most of my life.

Taxes aren't going to stop me from smoking. I'll go without food before I'll go without cigarettes, that's been proven. How's that for addiction! Will power alone got me through several years of cold turkey not smoking. But I wanted a cigarette the entire time! Hypnosis...didn't do a thing. Thought about wanting a cigarette for the entire session. Zyban...worked while I was on it for several months longer than prescribed...gave me the will-power to not cave to the cravings...patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers...just made me want a cigarette.

Make them illegal - then they will cease to exist for me and I'll have no choice but to become a non-smoker.

Why should they even make products that do us nothing but harm available in the first place - not to mention collect tax revenue from it???!!!

I'm not trying to be rude to you or anything, but you want the government to ban smoking all together because you lack the will power to either cut down or quit? How's that fair to the people like me who only smoke 4 or 5 a day? Why should I have to be forced to quit because you can't on your own?

Basically what you're saying is, because YOU can't kick the habit, everyone should be forced to by the government.

Sorry, but it's posts like yours that make me shake my head. It sounds like you'd rather just let the government tell you what to do rather than think and act for yourself.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 07:01 AM
What a bunch of crap,I'm sick of this liberal party thinking they know best,I smoke because I choose too,now another liberty taken away,I think they should put tax on liquor,products made with sugar,and soda,while they are at it why not go like GB and have to pay a license for a TV set,I see communism over the ridge give me a freakin break,all taxing does is create more inflation,this regime is disgusting IMO

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 07:08 AM
Chubby people live longer than skinny people

Don't give up your spaghetti just yet.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Oldtimer2

I'm sick of it too. Like I said I quit, so it's no skin off my back but I notice that many of those who want all of these new laws are in fact Christian Republicans not liberals. Both parties are brainwashed and weak.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 11:47 AM
Has anybody seen the TV show, Big Medicine? Those people have true food addictions, and enormous health issues surrounding morbid obesity.

I smoke, also, and pay an additional monthly premium on my health insurance.

( I just got my new e-cig earlier this week, we'll see how that goes).

But persons with morbid obesity are often unable to leave the home (or even bed), so it's doubtful they can even work.

They always seem to have an "enabler".

.....................oh my. I'm thinking "okay, liw, make your point"..........

Just realized....... I don't have one. lol

Just woke up from a nap and need to go smoke and wake up.

I like this thread though and will return when I have a point.

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

What I wouldn't have done for an e-cig over the weekend! It's day number four smoke free and getting a little easier. I should probably leave the e-cigs alone and just quit everything while I'm ahead.

Besides, there are a whole lot of people who just don't want others smoking even if it's e-cigs, they want everyone to be miserable, so they'll agree with unfair taxes on the e-cigs also.


posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 03:26 PM
I'm a smoker and yeah the taxes suck and you can't smoke in bars around here anymore, but I haven't quit. I've cut back a little and switched brands since my beloved camel lights are now almost 7 dollars a pack.

I don't mind the taxes so much from an ideological standpoint because, essentially, cigarettes are a luxury, not a necessity even though when you're addicted they seem like they are.

I do have an issue with local and state governments saying you can't smoke in bars anymore. It's a bar for cryin' out loud! It should be up the owners to decide if they want a smoking establishment and the consumers whether or not they want to go to one.

Personally, I think if the government was so worried about people's health and their budgets, the best thing they could do is legalize a certain harmless plant and tax the hell out of it. But since we live in upside-down world, the really harmful drugs are legal and you get thrown in jail if you like smoking other things that don't addiction and cancer...

posted on Jun, 23 2009 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by sugarmonkey

Yes, that is what I said, and I even admitted it is because I am not tough enough to do it on my own.

I completely understand where you're coming from and repsect what you're saying. Generally I'm of the same mindset.

I realize what I am saying. And I mean it! For my own, personal reasons.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:25 AM
The government thinks nothing of raising ciggarette taxes, yet look at the chemicals in the food we eat, the genetically altered foods, the flouride in water, that doesn't affect our healths? It's just about the money like it always is. They will get it from us one way or another.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by TornMind
reply to post by JaxonRoberts

I think the man who mentioned hitler was making the connection between him, and the zionist controlled cigarette industry. I can see that.

In my opinion natural tobacco, rolled in organic paper is good. Nothing wrong with it. At least no more toxic than breathing toxic air in a city........That usually equates to two packs a day. Hey we could sue the cities...

On the note of bad for you, the paper is really toxic. The bleached paper in itself is a carcinogen.

Now, I drink coffee, and after learning the bleached paper is what causes problems, I started using non bleached filters.

They are more expensive, and hard to find, BUT I'm not giving myself throat, and stomach cancer................. Go look at all those healthy fancy tea bags.............ALL BLEACHED PAPER. Now there is a conspiracy if I've ever seen one.

I have found something nice to say about you!!! I want to thank-you about
the bit about bleached filters,I had no clue.

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:29 AM
Being Overweight Isn't All Bad, Study Says
Carrying Excess Pounds Does Not Increase Risk of Dying from Cancer or Heart Disease, Researchers Say

By Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 7, 2007; Page A01

Being overweight boosts the risk of dying from diabetes and kidney disease but not cancer or heart disease, and carrying some extra pounds actually appears to protect against a host of other causes of death, federal researchers reported yesterday.

The counterintuitive findings, based on a detailed analysis of decades of government data about more than 39,000 Americans, supports the conclusions of a study the same group did two years ago that suggested the dangers of being overweight may be less dire than experts thought.

"What this tells us is the hazards have been very much exaggerated," said Steven N. Blair, a professor of exercise science, epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of South Carolina. "It's just not as big a problem as people have said."

Well I am pleasingly plump, and don't buy that propaganda that overweight people are unhealthy BS.

I am 60 years old, haven't been to a doctor in twenty years don't have high blood pressure or diabetes, but know some very unhealthy THIN people,

The government can kiss my booty.

I am so tired of experts and their opinions.

Visions of global warming.

[edit on 093131p://bFriday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 09:36 AM
If cannibalism every makes a comeback due to harsh times and lack of food sources, they could become easy targets.

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