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A Theory of all Theories

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posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:06 PM
This is how I perceive the Universe based on the information I have. Let’s keep this simple and as detailed as possible so no confusion is aroused.

First of all, the information which I have, tells me that the universe is a giant hologram:

According to Craig Hogan, a physicist at the Fermilab particle physics lab in Batavia, Illinois, GEO600 has stumbled upon the fundamental limit of space-time - the point where space-time stops behaving like the smooth continuum Einstein described and instead dissolves into "grains", just as a newspaper photograph dissolves into dots as you zoom in. "It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time," says Hogan.

(Marcus Chown, 2009)
That information is self explanatory, for individuals who still didn’t get it:

If this doesn't blow your socks off, then Hogan, who has just been appointed director of Fermilab's Center for Particle Astrophysics, has an even bigger shock in store: "If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."

(Marcus Chown, 2009)
This information should make it as clear as possible into what we are talking about.

To continue let us analyze this information with other information available such as past lives. No doubt many people would be confused into why such information which is not credible and dubious at best (past lives) should be mixed to form a wider picture of how the universe is really constructed. The answer lies within us, one should understand the limits of science. Once you have studied this article you would understand the limits of Science therefore would be appreciative of the idea of past lives.

from using the techniques of a detective or investigative reporter to evaluate claims that a young child, often just beginning to talk, had spontaneously started to speak of the details of another life. In a fairly typical case, a boy in Beirut spoke of being a 25-year-old mechanic, thrown to his death from a speeding car on a beach road. According to multiple witnesses, the boy provided the name of the driver, the exact location of the crash, the names of the mechanic's sisters and parents and cousins, and the people he hunted with -- all of which turned out to match the life of a man who had died several years before the boy was born, and who had no apparent connection to the boy's family.

(Tom Shroder, 2007)
Note: Past lives can’t be proven physically, but any individual with a brain can connect the dots and see the wider picture.

How can we connect past lives with the discovery that we live in a gigantic hologram? Does anything come into mind? Anyone played videogames? Well let’s see how developed we are in that field.

All the dots can be connected if we sit back and think about Virtual Reality for a while:

Brain-computer interfaces offer liberating possibilities like faster 'thought typing'.

(Science Daily, 2009)
These days we can use our brains to control things, which mean in near future we would be able to fully use our brains to control different parts of our virtual bodies and virtual objects.

Computer Scientists Create System That Gives Users A Sense Of Touch

(Science Daily, 2008)
That would give you a hint of how far we have reached to creating virtual reality. Now keep that information also in mind because soon everything will make sense.

Let’s drift off to the land of Evolution where always it causes controversy between creationists and the rest. Taking all the information available above how would you perceive Evolution? Keeping the information above in my mind, evolution would become nothing more than an update. Before humans weren’t able to build cities, but why? It is because of the fact that we could not have made it without the available updates. That is the reason behind all this commotion because when updates occur, anyone familiar with games would know that either new objects are added or old objects are improved or some objects for whatever reason are removed. That is the controversy behind evolution, we can’t seem to get how an object can just suddenly come to existence.

All the problems of evolution are easily solved with this theory.

Now to bring it all together let us examine this drug which can destroy memories, temporarily or not we don’t know yet.

Scientists recently used an experimental drug in animal testing that when delivered to the brain, could block the activity of a substance that the brain needs to retain information in such areas as emotional associations, spatial knowledge, or motor skills. If enhanced, the drug could potentially help ward off dementia and other memory problems.

(Heather Tomko, 2009)
So we are not there yet but we are close to creating such a drug that allows us to erase which ever memory we please. This just shows to the extent on how far we have come to achieving such a drug.

What if this drug was used in the future to block our memory from remembering your previous life in this hologram? This hologram is a game of a sort, but much more advance, hence the product of humans in future. Maybe this game is a test of a sort, or maybe this game is to punish all the sinners, and give the ones who recompense a good life here and the next. But that is just a what if, what if this game is created for a more humanistic purpose, anything is possible. Think about it and prove me wrong.

(Marcus Chown, 2009),

(Tom Shroder, 2007),

(Science Daily, 2009),

(Science Daily, 2009),

(Heather Tomko, 2009),

posted on Jun, 18 2009 @ 07:24 PM
It's interesting how if you look closely at matter, you're right, it is not smooth but consists of many informational points.

Most matter, even the densest matter, is empty space!

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by Ownification

This is an interesting theory. I'm surprised there aren't more replies to this thread!

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:46 AM
I enjoyed reading that. Thank you. There's been a thread here about similar theories.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Manawydan
I enjoyed reading that. Thank you. There's been a thread here about similar theories.

Ownification has brought evidence to back his claims which is the first here. No point talking about a theory without evidence. I think with a better title this thread could have been a success.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 09:19 PM
We can see a hologram, but we cannot touch it, feel it, or smell it, therefor, our world is not a hologram. What the rest of the Universe is I can't say, but the earth is real and we exist in it, or on it, however you look at it.

Past lives theory is a load of bunk. The only past lives are those of each of our former family members. Portions of their experiences are recorded in their genes and past on to the next generation at conception. Man is destined to live once, and then face judgement. Reincarnation is a spiritual conspiracy that has worked. Just look at all the people that talk as though it's a proven fact.

Our consciousness lives on in another realm after death. A babies consciousness is only just's a new consciousness, not an old one. It makes zero sense that we would have to go back to the start and develop "OUR" consciousness again and again.

Once you get over the idea of reincarnation, you free up grey matter, and your consciousness, to consider more constructive thoughts, paths, and ideas.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

We can see a hologram, but we cannot touch it, feel it, or smell it, therefor, our world is not a hologram. What the rest of the Universe is I can't say, but the earth is real and we exist in it, or on it, however you look at it.

If you read the article properly you would have noticed that he is talking about future product of humans or GOD. The current product is not developed enough.

Today's technology allows us to touch, feel but can't smell. Smell is on the way, it has already been created for cinemas. The evidence is there, you just have to be strong enough to take a look at it.

Read the provided links, don't just skim through an article thinking you know everything there is to it.

[edit on 27-8-2009 by oozyism]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by John Matrix

We can see a hologram, but we cannot touch it, feel it, or smell it, therefor, our world is not a hologram. What the rest of the Universe is I can't say, but the earth is real and we exist in it, or on it, however you look at it.

If you read the article properly you would have noticed that he is talking about future product of humans or GOD. The current product is not developed enough.

Today's technology allows us to touch, feel but can't smell. Smell is on the way, it has already been created for cinemas. The evidence is there, you just have to be strong enough to take a look at it.

Read the provided links, don't just skim through an article thinking you know everything there is to it.

[edit on 27-8-2009 by oozyism]

You are being rather attackish by making negative assumptions about what I have read in this thread, what I know, what I do, and what I think.

Read the OP's first line..quote:

This is how I perceive the Universe based on the information I have. Let’s keep this simple and as detailed as possible so no confusion is aroused.

Then the OP quotes Craig Hogan as follows:

"If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."

That's how the OP says he perceives the Universe. Therefore, my comment addresses the issue, whether you like it ar not, and I am sticking to it until someone offers proof that this universe is a hologram.

Having an imagination and speculating is one thing, but believing someone else's delusion is insanity.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by John Matrix

My reply was regarding your first paragraph, that is where the disagreement is. If you don't want to discuss it then it is alright, you don't have to turn it around.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 03:42 PM
I read:

the OP quotes Craig Hogan as follows:

"If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."

Then I read:

Having an imagination and speculating is one thing, but believing someone else's delusion is insanity.

My question:
What delusion are you referring to ?
Craig Hogan's speculations?
Could you please define delusion as I am a bit confused here?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 04:17 PM
Why stop here?
Are you familiar with the games where you get to select/create your character?
That you are a giant troll or a mighty warrior in the game does not mean you can not be a 10-year-old little girl playing the game.
There is no reason to assume any actual relationship to how we perceive ourselves (our bodies) within the game, compared to our actual forms.
Could the players then be nothing more than a collection of consciousness'?
Why assume bodies/brains connected to a virtual, holographic reality rather then merely minds?
Could the equivalent of the monster computer running Neo's matrix be what we term 'the collective consciousness?

There have been some very interesting experiments done in hypnosis that suggest that one can access certain levels of the mind and change a person's reality. One subject was fed 'suggested food' rather than real and not only did not starve to death but ended up gaining weight. Simple physics question. Where did the additional mass come from?

In the Matrix movie the population each laid in their own little pods accepting the realities pumped into their minds. There was no reason these realities had to match

Another gentleman, told that his daughter had left was able to see and read objects held behind her. Could it be that his programming had been changed and in 'his' game/world that woman was actually not present?

Could the possibility that what we call the laws of physics are no more than default settings account for all the paranormal phenomena people encounter?

Just an opinion but I believe you are on the right track.
As for an explanation to account for all this? Aliens? Gods? I suggest you consider the implications of split-brain experiments.
When drugs are used to put a patient out that put one side of the brain to sleep before the others, doctors have shown the patient a small object (perhaps a pack of Lucky Strikes). Later, after surgery, they explain what they have done to the patient and showing them a small collection of objects, a pipe, ashtray, pack of Lucky Strikes, a lighter, etc. ask him if he can remember what he was shown.
While he shakes his head and apologizes for having no memory of the event, his one hand will have come up and pointed or jabbed repeatedly at the cigarettes. This was not a special case. The same result is produced on everyone it is attempted with. It appears a secondary consciousness is natural to everyone.
Who heard, understood, and is attempting to answer that question? How would I, or you, feel knowing there is another consciousness inside their mind with intelligence, reasoning and a will of it's own that was not me? Think how you would feel when you see your finger answering the question. And you were so sure of your individuality.
Can we expand on this idea until we reach a point where six billion 'individuals' on the earth, each absolutely sure of his own personal individual identity, unknowingly are all part of one single consciousness? Would this change the idea of a 'collective consciousness' from an outrageous idea to a natural logical one?

Also idiot savants capable of reading, understanding and writing dead languages should be explored. The fact that they have access to data which should not exist in their own minds indicates that 1) that information is stored somewhere (lending credence to the idea of a collective) and 2) it is possible for human beings to access it even if we do not yet understand how.

Bottom line. A fascinating subject I personally believe worthy of further study. Would love to hear more input.
Can we access the source code?

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