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UFOs from Germany

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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 01:57 AM
I have read a couple threads recently about the Nazi UFOs and the technology they were trying for. I found this video and it show a lot of documents and drawings as well as actual photos of some of the things going on then.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 02:52 AM
well hitler was known to be interested in the paranormal eg aliens lost civilazations etc but i dont think he made any flying disks buddy.if he studied em yes probably.but my problem in this is what did he knew to look for.i mean where had he gotten info that saucers do exist.maybe he had this kind of information and i dont know about it.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 03:13 AM
I highly doubt the story of Hitler having at least 3 different types of discs. He would have used them big way. The foo fighters don`t look like Haunebus to me. The video is taken from a very bad documentary. Here is the english version:
But thats only my opinion

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:13 AM
Well I wouldn't be surprised to be honest, though some of the footage in that video specifically I doubt came from any type of Nazis, though if any of those craft were real I think it would be the one with the odd box/cylinderical shape sticking out of the top, since many other photos have been documented of that shape specifically. Just look at some of the photos from the Brazil UFO disclosure documents and you can see this shape in one of the images taken by Brazillian army I believe in 1950-something..

The question would be, where did they get the ability to build such things? Accroding to some people, like Alex Collier or Billy Meier (credible or not) say the Germans were supposedly in contact with some specific ETs or something along those lines... the question would be why wasn't it even used? Probably was too late. I would assume they were trying to weaponize these craft (specifically with nuclear bombs) and ultimately failed.

But who knows, really.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:30 AM
Field Generated Aircraft have been studied and actually tested by many scientist's in various country's.Including Nazi Germany.High Voltage,and large flux fields are needed to over come gravity.This technology is kept very suppressed by all governments.Just Google Nikolas Tesla for example.His research started everyone else to look into this area of scientific research.
Better yet check out look for the Nazi Saucer link.It might open your unbelieving eyes.Or you may just blow it off as a bunch of nut cases,as usual !?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:35 AM
Within the first 27 seconds the video attempts to connect the swastika of ancient India with the reverse swastika of Nazi Germany as well as a cross on an Egyptian wall with a cross on a Nazi plane. Does it get better or is the rest of the video as full of ignorance?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Although the video may have been poorly presented by it's creator, there is a plethora of evidence that show the nazi's had developed the RFZ flying disc back in the 1930's and later went on to develop the Vril craft. After they had further developed this technology it was possible for them to make the much larger Haunebu crafts. For those interested in this here are some other great links.


The Alderbaran Mystery

Nazi Ufo's

German Disc Aircraft

The Haunebu, Nazi Ufo History

The Secret War in Antarctica

The Vril society and the Haunebu

Project Camelot Interview with Joseph Farrell

Project Camelot Interviews Jim Marrs: Rise of the 4th Reich

Project Camelot interview with Peter levenda

Project Camelot Interview with Richard Hoagland

Project Camelot report on Nazi's in the Antarctic

Here is a good start for those looking to expand their knowledge of the existence of these craft, as well as their Bell experiment. I have many more links on this subject.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:25 AM
I live in Germany and few years back I got interested in the stories about Haunebus etc.
When you start looking for sources about this here in Germany the only ones who claim to have evidence are different groups of neo nazis. The evidence is always the same as you can see in the video. Except from Epp there is not one single person who claims to have seen these discs in flight. How is that possible?
All these stories about Vril and Haunebus come from all around the world only here in Germany no one knows anything about it. Except the neo nazi romantics.
I don`t believe it. But feel free to do so

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by derpif

If you go to the interview with Joseph Farrell he explains this.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Ellirium113

I saw it a few months ago but can`t recall anything of interest. I`ll watch again.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:39 AM
He may have said here as well my memory eludes me as to exactly where, but he did discuss that.

The SS Brotherhood of the Bell

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by derpif
I live in Germany and few years back I got interested in the stories about Haunebus etc.
When you start looking for sources about this here in Germany the only ones who claim to have evidence are different groups of neo nazis. The evidence is always the same as you can see in the video. Except from Epp there is not one single person who claims to have seen these discs in flight. How is that possible?
All these stories about Vril and Haunebus come from all around the world only here in Germany no one knows anything about it. Except the neo nazi romantics.
I don`t believe it. But feel free to do so

I agree completely. Neo Nazis and sympathisers have jumped on the German UFO bandwagon for decades. Take a look at the guy who was the first to claim that Nazis escaped to Antarctica;
I did a piece on my blog as well, and when you look at who came out with what kind of information, you'll notice that a lot of them worked for the Nazi regime or Fascist Italy;

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by mandroid

I thought the same thing. The hindu swastikas and egyptian glyphs have NOTHING to do with the Nazis or Luftwaffe. But after this blatant ignorance, there are maybe one or two genuinely interesting pieces of footage and photographs which may hold some element of truth to them. But with diagrams with German labels like 'mannschaft' (which I understand to mean 'team', where a cockpit is labelled) I think a lot of these pictures are just fabricated to further perpetuate a long standing legend, to which there is not a lot of hard evidence.

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