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Drugging as interrogation?

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 10:31 PM
In the midst of all the media coverage of torture and Guantanamo Bay, I came up with an idea. Since pain and convulsions do not force people to talk, why not drug them?

Oh wait, we have, the KGB used it, and because the KGB used it, the West had to ban it under international law. CIA quit using it because they thought it was not reliable. So, the world resorted to inflicting pain and treating each other like animals trying to extort information. Is this information reliable? What is reliable? How can we know if some information is reliable or not if we do not even know the truth?

If painful and physical torture can not be proven to be "reliable," why not resort to drugs?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 11:30 PM

If painful and physical torture can not be proven to be "reliable," why not resort to drugs?

I'm all for drugged interrogation. As long as there were no permanent side effects.

Anyway, I love your avatar and the 'give a damn' gif!

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