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Mysterious similarities of Klerksdorp spheres and Iapetus/Deathstar

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posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:35 AM
Those of you who like Hoaglands work and ideas may find this topic familiar.
Hoagland promotes the idea that the Klerksdorp spheres found in South Africa might be actually ancient "seeds" brought down here billions of years ago to start the forming of living organisms.

The fact that these spheres were found inside the rock that has been dated being as old as 2.8 billion years makes them one of the most faschinating discoveries of all times.

The stone is balanced to within one-hundred thousandths of an inch from absolute perfection," explains Hund. Nobody knows what these stones are. One NASA scientist told Hund that they do not have the technology to create anything as finely balanced as this. He said the only way that either nature or human technology could create something so finely balanced would be in zero gravity.

A quote from Hoagland Enterprise mission site. From curator of the Klerksdorp museum, Roelf Marx:

“… they are found in pyrophyllite, which is mined near the little town of Ottosdal in the Western Transvaal. This pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2) is a quite soft secondary mineral with a count of only 3 on the Mohs' scale and was formed by sedimentation about 2.8 billion years ago. On the other hand the globes, which have a fibrous structure on the inside with a shell around it, are very hard and cannot be scratched, even by steel [emphasis added] …."

When you look at the pics above, one cannot help noticing the striking similarities with One of the moons of Saturn: Iapetus.

Hoagland goes even further connecting the dots between "Deathstar", Iapetus and the spheres. It might sound far-fetched, but when you look at the pictures they indeed resemble each other quite perfectly.

It raises questions how did George Lucas get his idea of the deathstar, since the close-up pictures of Iapetus were taken by Cassini probe in 31.12.2004. Coincidense? maybe, maybe not.

This is a picture from Terra Papers by Robert Morning Sky whitch pretty much shows the same thing as the others. I'm not perfectly sure when the Terra Papers were actually written but i remember reading something about early seventies.

The AR deathship from Terra Papers:

Now whitch one of the two gentleman (Robert or George) came up with this idea first, and more interestingly, how? what do they know that rest of us don't? and where did they get their info? I know the story behind Robert Morning Sky and i find him very interesting person. George Lucas on the other hand remains a complete mystery.

Any comments?

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:45 AM
God, these things are going from my favorite fake ooparts to my least favorite.

They're rocks. They are not precisely balanced, some of the rocks are flat, some aren't. Some formed in clusters, others aren't.

Here's the paper published by Heinrich, who was mentioned repeatedly in the Wiki article.
Even features some of the more normal looking spheres, that just... well. look like round rocks.

Some similar formations for you:

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 07:58 AM
Looks to me like Hoaxland has learnt how to use photoshop

Personally I think the South Africa 'sphere' looks more like a cricket ball. Which in turn raises the possiblity that it could in fact be a a very, very small bomb that's simply a junction box in hyperspace which would, when activated, connect the heart of every major sun with the heart of every other major sun simultaneously and thus turn the entire Universe into one gigantic hyperspatial supernova .......

Someone better call for Arthur Dent!

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Essan

You, sir, have caused scrambled eggs to fill my nostrils. Well done, well done indeed.

OP, sorry if I come off as brash, but there are several of the spheres, and even more similar type formations.
Picking one 'cause it looks like a prop is just... well. Pick up a hundred jelly beans. Eventually, you'll find one that looks like something.
Like those people who collect potato chips that look like famous people.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 08:08 AM
The terra papers are hilarious. Someone watched star war a bit too much.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by da_beast_666
The terra papers are hilarious. Someone watched star war a bit too much.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

If you a referring to me, i have to tell you that i haven't watched a single star wars movie in my life. I tried once but couldn't because of that repulsive teenage "hero" character played by Mark Hamil or Hamel or whatever.

If you're insult was targeted to Robert Morning Sky, i think those Terra Papers were written before any SW movies saw daylight. altough i'm not 100% sure about that. just 99...

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 08:13 PM
I'm really sorry, I forgot the link to the paper:
South African Concretions of Controversy
And another article written by Paul Heinrich:
The South African Grooved Sphere Controversy

And his main website:
The Wild Side of Geoarchaeology Page
More Klerksdorp spheres.

keep in mind, if you want to get in contact with Heinrich about the rocks, his email is listed at the bottom of his homepage.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by RuneSpider]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:00 AM
Thank you for the links

These things have always intrigued me. especially the "Wild Side of Geoarchaeology" page seems extremely interesting. I have a feeling that i will spend many days exploring the site.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by RuneSpider

The fact that not all of these rocks have the exact same shape is irrelevant. I personally have Never seen rocks like these produced by nature, they definitely have a "manufactured" feel to me.

I have often wondered out loud in the past if the movie Star Wars was somehow used to send us some type of message from the past as today it's imagery is so readily recognizable.

Kudos to the OP and here was my attempt to make some sort of connection with the terra papers and the movie Star Wars Link

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:07 AM
These look like those blueberries found on Mars or the concretions found in Utah.
Perhaps they are similar to the buckminsterfullerenes or nano-spheres which might be the product of an electrical phenomena or a cosmic impact.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by scordar

Originally posted by da_beast_666
The terra papers are hilarious. Someone watched star war a bit too much.

[edit on 2-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

If you a referring to me, i have to tell you that i haven't watched a single star wars movie in my life. I tried once but couldn't because of that repulsive teenage "hero" character played by Mark Hamil or Hamel or whatever.

If you're insult was targeted to Robert Morning Sky, i think those Terra Papers were written before any SW movies saw daylight. altough i'm not 100% sure about that. just 99...

My understanding is Terra Papers were written in early 60's - I heard Robert explain in one of his workshops that all these movies and aspects of society are implanted, directed so that we become PRECONDITIONED! Like Spielberg, Lucas, etc., would have had these ideas given to them subliminally (or more covertly, who knows), and so they believe they made it up - they just have this great idea for a science fiction movie and voila Star Wars is born!

So when someone else comes along and says, Oh look, here's something in reality (as in tangible geology, architecture, languages, etc.) billions of years old that looks like a moon, or whatever it is, the conditioned response from the average person is, Yeah right - you've been watching too many movies, that "story" was made up by so-and-so.

See how it works...? These guys have been manipulating us since our inception and are far better at it than we are at figuring that out.

edited for grammar

[edit on 3-5-2009 by kshaund]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:55 AM
How did they know these things were 'inside rocks' to begin with? Did they just fall apart? Did they use a hammer and chisel? Every sculptor will tell you that there's always something inside rock, all it takes is a sculptor to get it out!

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:47 AM
So Robert morning sky is from the hopi tribe. Tell me something how come their flklore does not coincide with robert and his grandfathers beliefs.
Alot of hopi floklore at the above link.

Here's an admission of his that he made things up, and an ironic
complaint that others were hoaxing the public.
"I am nobody. I am not a shaman, a medicine man, a guru, a channeler,
or a psychic. I am not an ex-intelligence officer from the CIA, the
NSA, the secret services or any other branch of any service. I am not
the reincarnation of an ancient being, an ancient deity or a heavenly
visitor. I have nothing to offer you in the way of credibility. I am
a nobody... and I like it that way."
---Robert Morning Sky, introducing himself in an article called, "The
Blue Star Hoax" that appeared in LEADING EDGE #95. Among other
things, Morning Sky, a Hopi, claimed that the fabled "Blue Star" does
not exist in Hopi legends, teachings or mythology. It was a term that
he invented in the early 1970's that has since been pirated by
researchers who falsely claimed to have spent time with Hopi Elders
learning the secrets of the Blue Star Kachina (a kachina that Morning
Sky says doesn't exist), and channelers, psychics and clairvoyants
who claim to have received Blue Star revelations from their spiritual

Here's some more writings of his. The guy relies on Mercea Eliade for
his beliefs.

And here's an interesting site, someone doing for UFO claims much
like what we do for Nuage claims. Some familiar frauds listed there.
*You can nominate candidates* for Dirtbag of the Month.
We have only his word that it wqas written pre star wars and so far his word is full of lies. Do some research before you blindly believe, sheesh.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

[edit on 3-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Since the 1970s, a man calling himself Robert "Morning Sky" has posed as Hopi and Apache and made his living off of the fringes of the UFO movement. Morning Sky claims Hopi beliefs and prophecies support his belief in a vast cosmic conspiracy of lizard-like aliens who control mankind's destiny. He claims a vast government conspiracy is out to get him, and portrays himself as a brave soul carrying an important message persecuted by dark forces who drove him out of academia.
In fact, Morning Sky's ludicrous and goofy beliefs do not have the slightest proof. Morning Sky has a long history of lying and working with numerous other charlatans and spiritual exploiters. Even his
very identity is open to question.

The truth:
1) Morning Sky is NOT Hopi.
"Robert Morning Sky has claimed to be half Hopi on numerous occasions. The Hopi have never heard of him and deny his UFO story. I checked out Morning Sky through personal contacts. The Hopi are a
small, closely knit tribe and would know either Robert Morning Sky or his grandfather. Morning Sky has refused to reveal the name of his
-Krisanna Duran

"Morning Sky" is also NOTHING like ACTUAL Hopi names. Actual Hopis use their traditional indigenous last names. "Morning Sky" is
clearly a New Age imitation of PLAINS Indian names.

2) Morning Sky is likely NOT Apache. He has consistently refused to name which of the Apache bands he is supposedly from. He has also
consistently refused to name who his alleged Apache grandfather is.
REAL Apaches do not identify as simply Apache but will also name which band or reservation they are or are from.
"Morning Sky" is NOT an Apache name either. Most Apaches have Hispanic names. The most famous example is Geronimo, named after a Catholic saint. Among themselves, many Apaches will use their own indigenous names such as Geronimo's real name, Goyathlay. Other Apaches have Anglo last names such as Jones.

Morning Sky does such a poor impersonation of an Indian that he could not even get the regalia right when he danced at powwows. Photos showed him dressed in huge bulky fur capes and fur boots, looking more like Liberace than anyone else.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by scordar

The mistake was including Robert Morning Star's "The Terra Papers" in your piece. There is no proof Mr Morning Star wrote his paper before "Star Wars", other than his word. As da_beast_666 has pointed out, that is not very much to rely on.

While I do think the metal spheres are very interesting, they are abnormally shaped enough to be naturally made. If they were all perfect spheres with the same markings on them, a better case could be made for them.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:29 PM
FRAUD ALERT: da beast bases opinions on HEARSAY and ERRONEOUS ASSUMPTIONS.

- He is native american.
- You did not provide a picture of your supposed charlatan
- He was never associated with Karen Dagenhart and I am not her
- Everything based below has been for what reason? I've said before, it's not about him, it's about the work! And that's why he continues to claim he's a nobody!
- He has never claimed his name was anything other than his name, so to have someone claim they asked people they knew who said it wasn't a Hopi name means....? Who is this person to claim anything? Why are they supposed to be believed?!?

Answer: Because you are a *&^) disturber who wants attention away from things that might just matter more than you. But really there's a positive side to it - it helps sort the real open-minded and true seekers from the ones that just want to hold them back at all cost.

Originally posted by da_beast_666

Since the 1970s, a man calling himself Robert "Morning Sky" has posed as Hopi and Apache and made his living off of the fringes of the UFO movement. Morning Sky claims Hopi beliefs and prophecies support his belief in a vast cosmic conspiracy of lizard-like aliens who control mankind's destiny. He claims a vast government conspiracy is out to get him, and portrays himself as a brave soul carrying an important message persecuted by dark forces who drove him out of academia.
In fact, Morning Sky's ludicrous and goofy beliefs do not have the slightest proof. Morning Sky has a long history of lying and working with numerous other charlatans and spiritual exploiters. Even his
very identity is open to question.

The truth:
1) Morning Sky is NOT Hopi.
"Robert Morning Sky has claimed to be half Hopi on numerous occasions. The Hopi have never heard of him and deny his UFO story. I checked out Morning Sky through personal contacts. The Hopi are a
small, closely knit tribe and would know either Robert Morning Sky or his grandfather. Morning Sky has refused to reveal the name of his
-Krisanna Duran

"Morning Sky" is also NOTHING like ACTUAL Hopi names. Actual Hopis use their traditional indigenous last names. "Morning Sky" is
clearly a New Age imitation of PLAINS Indian names.

2) Morning Sky is likely NOT Apache. He has consistently refused to name which of the Apache bands he is supposedly from. He has also
consistently refused to name who his alleged Apache grandfather is.
REAL Apaches do not identify as simply Apache but will also name which band or reservation they are or are from.
"Morning Sky" is NOT an Apache name either. Most Apaches have Hispanic names. The most famous example is Geronimo, named after a Catholic saint. Among themselves, many Apaches will use their own indigenous names such as Geronimo's real name, Goyathlay. Other Apaches have Anglo last names such as Jones.

Morning Sky does such a poor impersonation of an Indian that he could not even get the regalia right when he danced at powwows. Photos showed him dressed in huge bulky fur capes and fur boots, looking more like Liberace than anyone else.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by da_beast_666]

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