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Russia warns US on Georgia

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posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:19 PM
Thanks for your input...

It is just like in 1941, when no one really knew what the outcome of German attack on Russia would be.

Well... Germany would have won if it would have stopped their advance in september 41 and dig in for the winter... but that's a whole another debate.

Do you think the SCO will hold? And do you think that China and Russia will be able to coexist peacefully if the US is gone?

The issue is - that NATO doesn't really have anything to gain by having Georgia, other than constant headaches.

I totally agree. That crazy guy is only there because of the US sponsored Rose revolution, nothing else.

It will be interesting to see who says what at the NATO summit. Especially Russia... and if NATO pushes for Finland or Ukraine membership. And if NATO and the EU continues to treat Turkey like a pariah, it may go towards a SCO membership instead... which would be an interesting move.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by Vitchilo]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 08:39 PM
I don't think Russia has much to worry about, it's pretty clear the new US administration has abandoned the "let's poke Russia with a stick" policies of its predecessor.

We can't afford a new Cold War, no matter how much the militarist crazies and defense contractors might wish for one

Russia can't afford one either, they have their own problems to deal with.

Good, the tension of the last few years has been utterly pointless.

We should be trading, not just trading nasty looks

posted on Apr, 4 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by xmotex

Good, the tension of the last few years has been utterly pointless.

We should be trading, not just trading nasty looks

That's always been my position throughout all these simmering Cold War tensions that just cannot be put to rest.

Russia & America need each other more than they like to admit, and they have more in common than they like to admit.

The only problem is when hardline, ultra-conservative, nationalist elements from both nations collide, ala Bush V. Putin, you get a complete polarisation.

Medvedev and Obama present a far more open-minded and reassuringly liberal perspective from both sides, to "reset relations" between the two countries, as Hillary put it.

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