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was life on Mars destroyed by a nuclear war

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posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 02:55 PM
Many reasearchers present a strong case that there is a link between earth and mars, such connections as the sphinx and the face on mars and the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids on mars as well as countless others. Many new age egyptolgists, put forward a strong case that maybe an E.T race built the monuments in Giza and kicked started the human race by giveing tecnhology to the Mayans and other early earth civilisations. Robert Temple put forward a water tight theory that aquatic aliens from the Sirius star system played a large roll in our history of our planet. One problem with a few theorys i have heard spread have large floors but i will not get into that.

I believe that after a nuclear war broke out on Mars. The surviving Martian race emigrated to the Earth, building the Pyramids and Sphinx to represent the features on mars so that when we were intelligent enough we might discover that there was once a thriving powerful E.T race on mars.

(apoliges for the spelling it's not my best subject)

Apologies accepted and cleaned up as much as time allows.

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by cassini]

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 03:00 PM
i'm gonna go with a big ol' no on this one... especially since there is no "face on mars"

this site discusses that. the "face" was the result of poor quality images from the viking one probe.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 03:09 PM
proovs nothing mate sorry

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 03:14 PM
Yeeessss, proves nothing....Awful quick response, having read all of the information.

Let's assume, for the moment, that Mars WAS destroyed by nuclear war. What happened to the atmosphere? There are no indications on simulated nuclear wars here on earth that our atmosphere would disappear as a result. Yes Mars's is extremely thin.

Also, mars has a carbon dioxide atmosphere. In order for life forms to come from Mars to here, they would have to genetically engineer themselves, or wear space suits to be able to breath the corrosive oxygen atmosphere.

Water tight arguement about aquatic aliens from Sirius? Sirius?! He know which star system they came from?! Wow! And what do they call it? Sirius, as well? Wait...but it turns out Sirius is actually 2 stars...Did Robert Temple explain which star they came from?

You'll have to give a link on this water tight explanation, because currently, I don't buy it.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Yeeessss, proves nothing....Awful quick response, having read all of the information.

Also, mars has a carbon dioxide atmosphere. In order for life forms to come from Mars to here, they would have to genetically engineer themselves, or wear space suits to be able to breath the corrosive oxygen atmosphere.


That's assuming that they brathe oxygin and are carbon based lifeforms...

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 03:29 PM
...I think my point was that they would not be. They would have to genetically engineer themselves to breath oxygen instead of carbon dioxide. And in order to work with shorty's idea, they would have to be carbon based life forms.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
You'll have to give a link on this water tight explanation, because currently, I don't buy it.

i've been in my lifeboat on this one since, "Many reasearchers present a strong case that there is a link between earth and mars, such connections as the sphinx and the face on mars and the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids on mars as well as countless others."

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 05:40 PM
I'm not saying I agree with Shorty.....but I noticed the link provided that debunks the face on Mars was from NASA. (I couldn't get it to open up, but I know I've read it before.) Do we really think if there WAS a face on Mars that NASA would tell the truth about it? I'm not sure if it exists or not, but if it did and NASA admitted to it, there are all sorts of consequences from that. I'm sure that's been covered plenty of times on here.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 05:44 PM
The link is provided by Nasa, yes. Nasa released the first "face" picture. Now, with the global surveyer, they are getting much clearer pictures, and are going to mystery spots and snapping photos of those. And releasing them.

Nasa researchers, as a whole, are scientists, not politicians, and science knows no boarders. Even if there was, for some bizarre reason, a coverup done by Nasa to discreadit something that hasn't been in the mainstream public's eye, they would just let it die, not bring more attention to it. It is remarkable how similar the two pics look, too.

EDIT: Sorry, my point about science and boarders. There would be at least one leak, if not many, if this were doctored. All it would take would be one NASA scientist to go to a major media outlet, and he would be immune from reprocussions. Can't kill someone in the public eye very easily, especially when they're yelling government coverup.

[Edited on 4-20-2004 by junglejake]

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 06:20 PM
Heres my 2 cents about the nuclear war theory. Well depending on the technology they had and what type of nuclear explosive was used there would still be traces of it on the planet itself. Now i dont know if this has been tested so i cant say for sure if its true or false but i was looking at some stuff and it said that with the technology we use today there are traces that have a half life of at least 5000 years.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Nephilim__
Heres my 2 cents about the nuclear war theory. Well depending on the technology they had and what type of nuclear explosive was used there would still be traces of it on the planet itself. Now i dont know if this has been tested so i cant say for sure if its true or false but i was looking at some stuff and it said that with the technology we use today there are traces that have a half life of at least 5000 years.

oh well didn't you get the memo that that's just another part of the coverup?

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

Originally posted by Nephilim__
Heres my 2 cents about the nuclear war theory. Well depending on the technology they had and what type of nuclear explosive was used there would still be traces of it on the planet itself. Now i dont know if this has been tested so i cant say for sure if its true or false but i was looking at some stuff and it said that with the technology we use today there are traces that have a half life of at least 5000 years.

oh well didn't you get the memo that that's just another part of the coverup?

lol, i must have missed that one!

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by shorty
Many reasearchers present a strong case that there is a link between earth and mars, such connections as the sphinx and the face on mars and the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids on mars as well as countless others.

No, no serious researcher has presented any strong case. You may want to read "The Stargate Conspiracy"

Originally posted by shorty
Many newage egyptolgists, put forward a strong case that maybe an E.T race built the monuments in Giza and kicked started the human race by giveing tecnholgy to the Mayans and other early earth civalizations.

Actual scientists studying the earliest civilisations in America, found in Perou, would argu that in fact, roaming nomads grouped together to form the first civilisations either from war, or perhaps commerce...

Mars has always been a great source of inspiration and had fired up the imagination of a great many, but life here on earth seems to be alot less common than originally thought. A little further from the sun, or alittle closer, a less regular orbit, etc., and no go!

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:30 AM
Nukes wouldnt have effected the amount of water on mars, which we know there is possibly some but very little. Not enough to sustain any kind of advanced life. So perhaps the ancient societies visited mars for short periods of time, building temples etc, but didnt have any large settlements.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 11:56 AM
I would like to say thank you for the intrest in my post. I have read the stargate conspricy and if you wish to lern about Temples theory i would serjest you buy his book The Sirius Mystery.

As yet what i have posted is a posible hypothesis and would not no how to go about reasherching it properly i only have the internet at my disposal. If anyone would like to give me some links to sites that may deepen my knolige of nuclear weopenry and/or its effects then i would be very pleased. Thank you very much

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by shorty
Many reasearchers present a strong case that there is a link between earth and mars, such connections as the sphinx and the face on mars and the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids on mars as well as countless others. Many new age egyptolgists, put forward a strong case that maybe an E.T race built the monuments in Giza and kicked started the human race by giveing tecnhology to the Mayans and other early earth civilisations. Robert Temple put forward a water tight theory that aquatic aliens from the Sirius star system played a large roll in our history of our planet. One problem with a few theorys i have heard spread have large floors but i will not get into that.

I believe that after a nuclear war broke out on Mars. The surviving Martian race emigrated to the Earth, building the Pyramids and Sphinx to represent the features on mars so that when we were intelligent enough we might discover that there was once a thriving powerful E.T race on mars.

(apoliges for the spelling it's not my best subject)

Apologies accepted and cleaned up as much as time allows.

[Edited on 21-4-2004 by cassini]
Most of these researchers are nothing more than self-schooled, amateurs whose theories depend on REAL researchers hard work, years of dedication and expensive schooling.

Robert Temples Sirius theory has also been debunked. I'll poke around for it somewhere. His theory was far from "water tight".

As for the idea of nueclear war on Mars...interesting but it's an idea really based on our own experiences of earthbound war and technology. OIL's may have developed something far more deadly and less destructive to their planet then nuclear weapons. It's an interesting theory though.

[Edited on 4-21-2004 by Preest]

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by shorty
Many reasearchers present a strong case that there is a link between earth and mars, such connections as the sphinx and the face on mars and the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids on mars as well as countless others.

You need to qualify "researchers." So far, they have "rocks on Mars that sorta-kinda look sphynx-like" and "rocks on Mars that sorta-kinda look face-like" and "rocks on Mars that sorta-kinda look pyramid-like" -- just like a lot of nautral features here on Earth.

You need to give some evidence that your researchers do more than look at pictures and see images (just as we here in the Northern hemisphere look at the moon and see a face... but in Japan they see a rabbit.)

Many new age egyptolgists, put forward a strong case that maybe an E.T race built the monuments in Giza and kicked started the human race by giveing tecnhology to the Mayans and other early earth civilisations.

No, Egyptologists don't. Some enthusaists do, but that's very different than an Egyptologist.

Egyptologists (like the ones who wrote the Middle Kingdom dictionary and the 'how to read heiroglyphs' books that I own) go into the tombs (rather than reading about them) and look at the tomb inscriptions (and READ them) and know that the pictures of the people on the walls represent real people with real names and that the names of the gods and their functions are very different from those other civilizations.

Same with the archaeologists who study the Mayans (Mayan civilization is MUCH younger than the Egyptian, BTW.)

Robert Temple put forward a water tight theory that aquatic aliens from the Sirius star system played a large roll in our history of our planet.

Really? "Water tight"? Has he PROVED that there's planets in the Sirius star system... as in, pointed out astronomical photos of the planets?

Has he PROVED there's a civilization there? (if he's pointing out glyphs and tomb inscriptions, do be aware that I can read/translate some of them and so far NONE of them talks about beings from a distant star.)

I believe that after a nuclear war broke out on Mars. The surviving Martian race emigrated to the Earth, building the Pyramids and Sphinx to represent the features on mars so that when we were intelligent enough we might discover that there was once a thriving powerful E.T race on mars.

Then why isn't the planet completely radioactive?

And why are the purposes for the pyramids so different in different parts of the world?

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by shorty
Many reasearchers present a strong case that there is a link between earth and mars, such connections as the sphinx and the face on mars and the pyramids of Egypt and the pyramids on mars as well as countless others.

I guess I'm not familiar with these researchers. They must have been very busy and dedicated to their task what with all their basket weaving classes, shock therapy and medications.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:18 PM
My not a nuclear war but maybe a bio war which destroyed life or parts of it but also mars has many craters and is closer to the kiuper belt then us. Maybe they died liked the dinos here on earth also a large enough atomic explosion would wisk the exsisting atmosphere and create a very thin on also they should examine samples or martian soil but drill down a few meters and check the sedimentry deposits to see if there was any nuclear explosion but depend on the the explosion if it was a bomb or asteriod then you have the half life. Most enriched atomic warheads have a longer half life then regular uranium 245 ( I think its 245) but nonetheless an interseting theory.

posted on Apr, 21 2004 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
i'm gonna go with a big ol' no on this one... especially since there is no "face on mars"

this site discusses that. the "face" was the result of poor quality images from the viking one probe.

Could the changes in the "face" from 1976 til now be due to ersosion and not picture resolution? Picture B sure looks like a broken down version of picture A. Just a thought.

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