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Open letter for TPTB!!!

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posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 12:34 PM
For centuries you have been deceiving us. You have been feeding us with religious bulls#¤". You have been manipulating us to fight your wars for nothing. You have been imprisoning us because of our toughts. You have been collecting taxes with every reason imaginable. You have been teaching us bulls#¤% as facts. You have been poisoning our food and water supplies to make us dumb. You have released deadly diseases onto general public. You have done almost every thing imaginable to make us suffer.

Don't you ever feel scared for your own safety or have you became so arrogant that you think that nothing or nobody can harm you?

What do you think will happen to you when people find out the truth? I have a gut feeling it won't be pretty. Whoever you are, there WILL be the day when your names will come up into public knowledge. Where will you run then? with 6 billion people seeking for revenge. You will be hunted down and shot at sight when you become exposed. Your names, your family and everything you ever did will be discraced forever and public toilets shall be build on your graves so that everybody can take a leak at it.

The days when you controlled the information available are over and it is only a matter of time when your names begin popping up.

Until then, keep smiling since you still have a head to express your twisted feelings. C U

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 01:36 PM
Just had to add this one. It seems that there is at least one person who have thought about the consequences of their actions...

If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us." -- George HW Bush

I'd pay anything to see it actually happen...

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