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They forced banks to make Bad Loans and Acorn and Obama's tie to all of it!!!

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posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:09 PM
Megyn Kelly Slams ACORN Rep
Fireworks fly at Fox News

I don't know, I'm so confused.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:43 PM
ACORN is not doing the Census. Remember, there is a fulltime industry to tryu and discredit the current Adminsitrtaion with every little nugget they can find by bending and twisting 'facts'. ACORN is a community outreach organization. There are many like it all over the country.

The Department of Commerce does the Census. There are NO private organizations involved whatsoever. Eveyone working on it is a federal employee (albeit mostly temporary). I had a senior position on a past decennial Census. We had an active outreach to ALL community organizations in order to get local people involved (either as an employee or to help educate folks on the importance of being counted).

As usual, there are people out there with an agenda that are trying to make it sound as if ACORN (or any organization for that matter) can affect the outcome of the Census. Can't happen. I know. Been there, done that, got the scars. This is a tightly controlled operation with a braod range of checks-and-balances to assure completeness, accuracy and the integrity of the data. Unless you have actually run one of these operations you can't possibly understand. This story, like so many others, is rubbish.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by jtma508

Wait a second, Obama did it in Chicago, the very same thing.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:55 PM

One day in the spring of 2001, about a year after the loss to Rush, Obama walked into the Stratton Office Building, in Springfield, a shabby nineteen-fifties government workspace for state officials next to the regal state capitol. He went upstairs to a room that Democrats in Springfield called “the inner sanctum.” Only about ten Democratic staffers had access; entry required an elaborate ritual—fingerprint scanners and codes punched into a keypad. The room was large, and unremarkable except for an enormous printer and an array of computers with big double monitors. On the screens that spring day were detailed maps of Chicago, and Obama and a Democratic consultant named John Corrigan sat in front of a terminal to draw Obama a new district. Corrigan was the Democrat in charge of drawing all Chicago districts, and he also happened to have volunteered for Obama in the campaign against Rush...

Obama’s former district had been drawn by Republicans after the 1990 census. But, after 2000, Illinois Democrats won the right to redistrict the state. Partisan redistricting remains common in American politics, and, while it outrages a losing party, it has so far survived every legal challenge. In the new century, mapping technology has become so precise and the available demographic data so rich that politicians are able to choose the kinds of voter they want to represent, right down to individual homes...

Like every other Democratic legislator who entered the inner sanctum, Obama began working on his “ideal map.”

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by jtma508

That sort of clears things up a bit for me. It makes sense that the government would ask for the help of local community groups. I had always sort of wondered how they did the census since I've never seen anyone go door to door counting everyone.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
ACORN is not doing the Census. Remember, there is a fulltime industry to tryu and discredit the current Adminsitrtaion with every little nugget they can find by bending and twisting 'facts'. ACORN is a community outreach organization. There are many like it all over the country.

The Department of Commerce does the Census. There are NO private organizations involved whatsoever. Eveyone working on it is a federal employee (albeit mostly temporary). I had a senior position on a past decennial Census. We had an active outreach to ALL community organizations in order to get local people involved (either as an employee or to help educate folks on the importance of being counted).

As usual, there are people out there with an agenda that are trying to make it sound as if ACORN (or any organization for that matter) can affect the outcome of the Census. Can't happen. I know. Been there, done that, got the scars. This is a tightly controlled operation with a braod range of checks-and-balances to assure completeness, accuracy and the integrity of the data. Unless you have actually run one of these operations you can't possibly understand. This story, like so many others, is rubbish.

Please don't forget that Obama wants to pull the census from the Dept. of Commerce and drop into Emanuel's lap. From that point, the census is anyone's game. Obama will be attaching politics to the census by doing this. This is going to lead to a major landslide in this country. There is absolutely no reason to move the census from the Commerce Dept. This action can only be motivated corruption.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:19 PM
Stormdancer... every regional political entity draws up their own redistricting maps and attempts to get them enacted. That has NOTHING to do withthe Census. The Census collects the data, disseminates it and then the politicos use the demographic distributions and population shgifts to argue district boundaries. This has gone on forever. Quite a leap you're making there. But then looking at your thread list I'm not surprised.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:37 PM
There was a Youtube video about this very thing that I posted to ATS back BEFORE the election, and it was disregarded at the time as campaign slander from the McCain team. I guess truth is still truth no matter if it's in a campaign video or not, eh?

I believe this was the video:

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Don't forget that it is how the census is taken that makes a huge difference. There are 2 general ways: actual head counts, and estimates.

Estimates are often done in densely populated, urban areas, like large cities. This favors the Democrat.

Of course, the implications of the census are huge: allocation of federal funds and how many Congressional reps are assigned to a state are two such items which are affected by the census.

It's no wonder why Obama wants to take control of the census away from the Commerce Dept. and put it into Rahm Emmanuel's hands.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
ACORN is a community outreach organization.

ACORN is a corrupt intimidation group that pushes the democrats agenda.
It is guilty of voter registration fraud and of trying to influence elections
in favor of the dems.

There are many like it all over the country.

No doubt.

The Department of Commerce does the Census.

NOT ANYMORE. Obama stole that away from the Department of
Commerce. He brought the census to the White House about a
month ago. He controls the headcount which in turn means that
he controls the districting and the balance of power.

This is a tightly controlled operation with a braod range of checks-and-balances to assure completeness, accuracy and the integrity of the data.

The 'tightly controlled organization' is either in the tank for the dems and
doesnt' care about the law OR it has failed miserably to uphold it's
alleged standards of integrity. The product ACORN pumps out is NOT
complete or accurate and it fully lacks integrity.

Obama was their lawyer. He sued citibank and forced it to make bad housing loans. Loans the bank knew couldn't be paid back. That's
NOT integrity by Obama or ACORN.

Unless you have actually run one of these operations you can't possibly understand.

WE understand perfectly. Do you? Guess you missed all the revelations
about fraud and intimidation tactics that this ACORN group uses in order
to get their far left agenda through.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:11 AM
ACORN Whistleblowers Produce Shocking Testimony on Capitol Hill

Heidelbaugh brought with her to the hearing ACORN whistleblowers, including Anita MonCrief, a former Washington, D.C., ACORN employee who came forward to testify last October in the Pennsylvania case. MonCrief, a Democrat who voted for and still supports President Obama, made allegations including the exposure of Obama maxed-out donor lists illegally shared with ACORN, allegations of illegal intermingling of non-profit employees between ACORN and Project Vote, and the use of intimidation tactics and training methods to skirt regulations, among many other assertions.

Testimony also revealed ACORN’s unofficial “Muscle for the Money” program directed at fundraising from corporations. Allegations were made of payments from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to ACORN's D.C office to harass The Carlyle Group and specifically David Rubenstein, a founder of the company. Even though ACORN D.C. had no interest in The Carlyle Group, they were allegedly paid by SEIU to go break up a banquet and protest at Rubenstein’s house.

It was called “Muscle for the Money” because they would go “intimidate people and protest.” Targets of the protests included Sherwin-Williams, H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, and Money Mart among others, testimony revealed. The apparent purpose was to get money from the targeted entities for ACORN.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
Stormdancer... every regional political entity draws up their own redistricting maps and attempts to get them enacted. That has NOTHING to do withthe Census. The Census collects the data, disseminates it and then the politicos use the demographic distributions and population shgifts to argue district boundaries. This has gone on forever. Quite a leap you're making there. But then looking at your thread list I'm not surprised.

Quite a list isn't it?

Just trying to help you.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
There was a Youtube video about this very thing that I posted to ATS back BEFORE the election, and it was disregarded at the time as campaign slander from the McCain team. I guess truth is still truth no matter if it's in a campaign video or not, eh?

I believe this was the video:

Thank you, I don't think I saw that one.

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