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When you post a video, PLEASE include an overview.

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posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:32 AM
I am on ATS on my phone a lot, and sometimes maybe a slow internet connection. Sometimes I see a thread with a video in it and its has over 20 flags, so me thinking it must be something good. But, quite often I see no description of what the video is about.

Perfect Example:

A Warning To all....

I scrolled down the whole page and not one person gave a quick summary or an overview.

So please in the future, for people who are browsing through ATS, please post a summary even a small paragraph, it really helps!

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:45 AM
I think that's a great point.

Music video threads as well. I'd be much more likely to watch one, if it were accompanied by a short caption.

Technically, it's a one liner.
Don't you think?

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 03:37 AM
Yes, please do. Because of various security requirements, many of us browse with JavaScript disabled.

A summary is very helpful in determining whether or not a video is worth opening in a sandboxed browser.

Plus, I think it's forum rules that OP's of videos should include a summary and their opinion of why they think it's important. I would also like to request that the embedded ATS-media videos include a URL link to view the video on a separate page.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by jhill76

Thank you! LOL!

There has been an influx of threads consisting of nothing more than a You Tube video and one sentence saying something like, 'Watch this. It's incredible.' Then that's it. Highly irritating and against the rules as well.

Those threads are increasing lately and have been driving me nuts but didn't know what to do. Thanks for this thread. There are members here who are hearing impaired, have over sensitive hearing and need to limit the sound they are exposed to, or some who may prefer a brief overview before investing up to an hour of their time watching it.

Please, Everyone. Include an overview or commentary with any videos you post. You'll most likely get more replies to your thread and end up with a better discussion if you let people know what exactly it is about with a few paragraphs summarizing the content.

If we were only interested in videos, we'd be surfing You Tube, not textual threads.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 01:43 PM
I get tired of asking for this.

I see so many 'MUST SEE!!!!1' type threads with links to videos but practically nothing to give me a clue what the videos are actually about. I can't get broadband where I live and I'm stuck with a dial-up connection. Occasionally, I will download large videos but it can literally take me a day to do so. I can't really afford to do this on 'spec' if some poster is too lazy and inconsiderate to give a summary as to what the video is actually about.

Unfortunately, I think there's another side to this too. Quite often, people are posting links to videos without any personal view or thought regarding the actual content. Often, a video is "VERY IMPORTENT!!!1' and yet the poster doesn't seem to be able to express why the video is important themselves. To me, that smacks a little of points accumulation if they're more interested in breaking the news rather than analysising it.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean


1i.) ... you will not embed a video with no commentary from you that describes the video and why it is germane to the topic of the thread.

I just wanted to add that part, it is indeed part of the T&C.

posted on Mar, 15 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD

There has been an influx of threads consisting of nothing more than a You Tube video and one sentence saying something like, 'Watch this. It's incredible.' Then that's it. Highly irritating and against the rules as well.

Those threads are increasing lately and have been driving me nuts but didn't know what to do. Thanks for this thread. There are members here who are hearing impaired, have over sensitive hearing and need to limit the sound they are exposed to, or some who may prefer a brief overview before investing up to an hour of their time watching it.

Please, Everyone. Include an overview or commentary with any videos you post. You'll most likely get more replies to your thread and end up with a better discussion if you let people know what exactly it is about with a few paragraphs summarizing the content.

If we were only interested in videos, we'd be surfing You Tube, not textual threads.

Well said, I hope that everyone who has made or is thinking about making a thread like the one you described reads what you said.

It is NOT acceptable to make a thread like that. It is frustrating too because alot of those threads are posted in an inappropriate forum as well i.e a ghost video posted in aliens and ufos....

Please people DO NOT make a thread like that. It is against the T&C and it is not very respectful to the integrity of ATS. We have high standards here and they are high because we strive to be and ARE the best alternative topic site on the net!

Lets keep it that way! If you make a thread which is based on a video. Please give it a description. Give your opinion on the video and explain the reason for posting the video in the first place. Try to do it with atleast 1-2 paragraphs. ATLEAST!

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