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Republicans Really Bitter?

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posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:40 PM
I've been reading some topics on here about Glenn Beck and how Fox News are discussing general conspiracy theories....FEMA camps to be starters. Among other subjects, it seems the Republican Party is actually trying to get you to be against the government. This is at least from what I've observed. They don't want you to trust Obama or the Democrats and they're pretty darn angry that they're spending all this money and aren't concerned about it. At ALL. imagine if McCain had won the election. Would Fox News wold ever even mention FEMA camps? No, they wouldn't. Why? Because under a Republican president, everything has to be perfect. Last time I checked, these detention camp theories have been around for quite some time now and not once have I heard about it mentioned in the mainstream. But now since a Democrat is in office and ticking off the entire Republican Party, it seems that our favorite right wing news outlet is LOVING to spread these conspiracies to it's audience.

Even with the economic crisis, if McCain were to be prez, would Glenn Beck be even discussing how the "end times" are near?

Is it me or do Republicans seem SO bitter that spreading fear to the people of America is now their new job? I mean, it's been their job since Bush was president but's just getting out of control.

What do you guys think? Please debate this, I'm curious on your views and thoughts.

Don't forget to star this!

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

well first of all, you're not getting a star, cause you asked for one!


Is it me or do Republicans seem SO bitter that spreading fear to the people of America is now their new job? I mean, it's been their job since Bush was president but's just getting out of control.

I think Republicans have finished licking their wounds over the election. They knew that McCain would never have won that election, it's the only reason they let that old war dog run in the first place, just to say he got his chance.

Anyway, I think this is just politics as usual, Republicans crying fould against democrats and vice versa. It makes no difference who won the election, who they pick for office or any of that mumbo jumbo.

They are only part of the illusion to keep us busy while others make the big decisions behind closed doors.

Sadly, it seems Obama is the only person who does not know he's in somebody's pocket. Seems to be the same for Rush too.



posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 03:14 PM
Whatever side lost in such a heated election would have been somewhat grouchy, but I agree that there is a distinct sense of bitterness that goes beyond pointing out Obama's faults or ideological difference. It could, on my limited exposure to American media (being a Brit and all) be a difference in the way you guys present information in your traditional right wing media, but there is a general sense of attempting to raise panic and a sense of fear in Fox and the like. For my 2c it's symptomatic of the upheaval in the GOP and it's user base, the chasm between those who are Christian Conservative or to the Right of the party and those who are more progressive. In my opinion, it's a last gasp for more members - they're scared of change and trying to spread that fear.


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