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UFOs, USOs and the Island of Puerto Rico.

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posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by pavelivanov22
WAIT! They move too fast underwater to be ours??
So navy does have USOs but there outdated?

Well that is the 'official' story...

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by spacevisitor
It could be that they have some advanced “technology” to for come such spreading.

Sorry don't buy that... for that to be true... in the light of the thousands of visitations since time began that would mean every single Alien visitor would have to be a Saint... or completely sterilized. For us to assume that one would never ever sneeze, spit, take a leak or whatever they do... would be very silly

Well, of course I understand why you do not buy that, but I just did propose that possibility because we have to check out all the possibilities right?

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by spacevisitor
But how do you know for shore that there aren’t already Alien bugs been spread across the planet, because is it not so that is seems very well possible that those Aliens are here already for a very long time.
So that it could also be very possible that they already did spread their bugs across this planet during their interference here, but that they therefore are not “recognizable” anymore as such for our science today.

I don't know... BUT until NASA found this Arsenic based life form, we have NEVER found any 'bug' that doesn't have DNA as we know it. So if any such 'bug' was left by Aliens, then it would mean Alien lifeforms share our DNA structure

Puts a new meaning on "And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." and now that I know were were all descended from Snot... it all makes sense

Now we’re talking, so what could be wrong then with the theory that God is just another but fictive name made up by the people back then in the view they had for the then also already visiting Aliens?

That would be also the explanation for why we share already our DNA structure with Alien lifeforms and why we therefore have NEVER found any 'bug' that doesn't have DNA as we know it.

Originally posted by zorgon
Now if like I believe 80% are Plasma life forms, 15% are Black Ops and only 5% are the true visitors, then I could see that maybe those few visitors could indeed be careful. It has also been suggested... serendipitously... that the Greys have no microorganisms on them

But it could be very well possible that in reality far more than your visible 5 % true visitors come and go here at perhaps even a daily base but invisible or cloaked.

I know also that that has been suggested... serendipitously... that the Greys have no microorganisms on them, but again, it could be very well possible that that is in reality just a part of them.

Originally posted by zorgon
But then NASA also says that we got a magic meteorite that was a rock on Mars... it left the planet, achieved escape velocity... headed for Earth and fell to the ground... burning up most of itself... plopped onto the ice in Antarctica where NASA found it just lying around... and that nanobacteria managed to get deep inside that rock, deep enough to survive all that trip so we could find it... How did they know it was from Mars? Well they suppose it was from Mars based on gas bubbles in the rock showed content like they THINK was in the Martian atmosphere at the time the rock was formed... Scientists

NASA is a quite a big organization right, so I assume that it have therefore a very big thumb, so that makes it very easy to suckle such theories out from it don't you think.

Originally posted by zorgon
Now with such a tenacious bug, I don't see how alien spacecraft could be 'clean'

You are right, but does it matter, because I am convinced that all life there is on this Earth did come in fact from out of space.
Whether due crashing meteorites and such, or very possible and my personal view on it due interfering and/or for god playing Aliens.

edit on 8/12/10 by spacevisitor because: Made some corrections and did some adding

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by spacevisitor

I am not asking that you share my disinterest, just stating what I know of him from my one meeting and listening to a portion of his speech and presentation. I wouldn't kick him out of my home, and appreciate him doing what he can to bring light to a darkened world. There are far too many subjects we agree upon to let this get in our way.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by spacevisitor

There are far too many subjects we agree upon to let this get in our way.

I fully agree with you here antar.

And without having different opinions we would not have interesting discussions right?

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

That's right and to be honest, every time I see this thread I am never sure if I started it or not, this is a subject that perplexes me, I almost moved to Puerto Rico to have a first hand go at what I believe is a true and ongoing phenomena connected to USO's who may have a thousands of year old base off the shore's there.

I am certain, positive that I saw an article 'once' about ex President Clinton going down to deal with the 'problem' in a diplomatic fashion a few years ago. I could never find the article again as far as I know it was scrubbed.

Some say he was never in the know but I do not believe that to be true. And I think he was well aware of the USO's in Puerto Rico and went to speak with them. It may have to do with all of the pollution and Military exercises in the region becoming a hazard and risk to their ancient bases.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:45 PM
I just wanted to say that I saw this float by on the recent post and kept saying to myself Ill read it in a minute. Well today was the day and as I only got to read it at work, and only got to get through the first page on my phone, I have to say I was a bit distressed when I thought I had bookmarked it and found out it didnt!, The glory of search!

Anyhow, I just wanted to give credit where it was very well deserved real quick. A post like this deserves a good pat on the back and a toast of the finest. It was not in vain....

Thank you, and now I am off to catch up!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:46 PM
UFO with strange flight characteristics seen approaching Puerto Rico:

USS Gyatt – November 20, 1964.

The USS Gyatt was stationed in the Atlantic about 220 miles NW of Puerto Rico, when its radar detected a bogey approaching the island from the Northeast at speeds exceeding Mach 1. The USS Gyatt relayed a message to Roosevelt Roads Navy Base in Puerto Rico, which then contacted an F-8C aircraft of Utility Squadron Eight. This aircraft was already flying at an altitude of 30,000 ft over Puerto Rico. The aircraft reported a stranger closing in very fast. The pilot of the F-8C described the object as delta shaped and about the size of a fighter. Its color was black or gray and had no lights. It had no contrail but had a light source emitting from the tail during periods of acceleration. The pilot pursued the bogey but could not intercept. The target accelerated out of sight in a wide starboard turn climbing through 50,000 feet at about 18°-20° angle of climb in excess of Mach 1...

The Executive Officer of the Utility Squadron did not have a reasonable explanation for this target because the speed, acceleration, ceiling and ability to decelerate exceeded any aircraft that he ever seen or heard of. Nevertheless, he evaluated the target as a very high performance aircraft because it maneuvered as an aircraft and performed no unusual maneuvers except extreme acceleration and deceleration, plus a very steep climb angle in excess of 50,000 at high speed.


posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:45 AM
More alleged UFO activity over Lake Cartagena, March 2011:

Puerto Rico: Ufology on the Airwaves

UFO researchers Luiseppi Quiñones and José A. Echevarría were guests of the Los Ovnis y Usted radio show hosted by Noel Morales. The show, broadcast from Ponce, Puerto Rico on WLEO 1170 AM, discussed UFO activity on 5 March 2011 over Laguna Cartagena, the island's main hotspot during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Listeners were urged to pay more attention to activity overhead, particularly with the boom in still and video cameras.


posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by onehuman

Onehuman, thanks for the kind words about the thread mate, some of the reports certainly make for some very interesting reading -particularly the USO ones of which it seems there's quite a lot.

Here's another interesting photograph taken on the island by USAF Airman Guillermo Padilla:

April 16, 1967; Shoreline at NE corner of Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico (BBU)Bet. 5 and 6 a.m. (EST).

USAF Airman/2nd Guillermo Padilla and Airman Henry, 72nd Bombardment Wing, SAC, saw a disc shaped object with two levels and a reddish band slightly above midsection, floating or hovering just above the water. Object went left to right and back a short distance then rose from right to left, and Padilla took a photo. Object reversed path and disappeared.

NICAP link



posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 04:31 AM
UFO report from Salinas, March 2009:

Location: Salinas, Puerto Rico

Date: March 22 2009

Time: 5:30pm

Shape of objects: Triangular, with 3 lights on top, 2 lights in middle, and 1 light on the bottom

Weather Conditions: Cloudy/stormy

Description: I was riding in a car that was driving back to Cayey from Salinas and I noticed this triangular object above the mountains just below the clouds, slowly moving downward until it disappeared from site behind the mountains.


posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 04:11 AM
More about UFO/USO reports on the island from PRUFON:

PRUFON was founded in the city of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico on September of 2009 to share with the public what we have accomplished and researched in the related fields of ufology.

This internet network offers a different perspective on life, and works hard to keep you informed about unexplained phenomena occurring on the island of Puerto Rico and in the world. We collect and gather information dealing with the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and other unusual events that the mainstream news media and science fail to expose to the public, fail to study or acknowledge.

Island of Puerto Rico -Hotbed of UFO activity:

Puerto Rico is an island, which contains beautiful beaches and it is called "The Enchanted Isle", but it is actually a hotbed of UFO sightings and alien abduction experiences. The island has been a U.S. territory for over 114 years and its inhabitants are American citizens. As such, there are many U.S. military installations throughout the island. Most UFO sightings and alien abductions occur near these installations and U.S. government owned lands. One of the most notable places is "El Yunque Rainforest" which lies on the east coast of the island. El Yunque is the only tropical rainforest in the United States National Forest System. Could there be an extraterrestrial base in El Yunque rainforest? Well, many Puerto Rican and U.S. ufologists think there is..

The Puerto Rico Trench, which lies along the northern coast of the island, is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean and this could be the reason why there are many USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) observed entering and exiting the water by many people around the island and by tourists along the beautiful beaches. Could there also be an extraterrestrial base somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and/or deep inside the Puerto Rico Trench? The Bermuda Triangle, where many ships and planes have disappeared over the years, covers a large span of the Atlantic Ocean and Puerto Rico being the southernmost point of the Bermuda Triangle has experienced one of the most frequent UFO sightings and alien abductions in the world despite being a small island.


posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Interesting declassified document from the Deputy Chief of Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control Center describing a UFO over Puerto Rico in 1970.

In June 1970, I had occasion to come in direct contact with a UFO. I was stationed in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and was flying with the Puerto Rico Air National Guard..

Myself in a T-33 and four other pilots in f104s observed and photographed the object. The following details are noted:

1. It was a manufactured item.

2. It was at least 125 feet in width with the same approximate

3. It was shaped similar to the forward one-third of a speedboat
hull with a flat rear section and a pointed nose section.
(See sketch.)

4. There was an area of high reflectivity on the "keel" approxi-
mately one-third from the nose of the object...

5. The object remained oriented in a northeasterly/southwesterly
direction with the nose pointed northeast; the stern to the
southwest, and drifting slowly against the prevailing winds to
the southwest about 8 knots per hour.

6. There were no signs of any type of propulsion unit on the object.

Extensive gun-camera film was collected showing the object very closely. A B-52 from Ramey Air Force Base acquired the target on the radar. Upon "locking on," the B-52 received electronic jamming. The object was kept
in surveillance throughout the remainder of the daylight hours and was lost after dark..

I am presently the Deputy Chief at the Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control Center and would welcome any additional inquiries on this subject and perhaps I could direct you to where film could be obtained of the object.

Thank you,

Kansas City ARTC Center


posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 04:22 PM
Pretty comprehensive article describing some extremely strange UFO sightings on the island.

1987-1997 Puerto Rico's Incredible Decade

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:19 AM
excellent thread karl12. so far the most complete puerto rico thread compedium in ats..

if i may add 1 more case in puerto rico thats a bit different that the rest


Residents of Corozo de Cabo sector heard a hubhub and looked out of their window and to their astonishment see 3 beings, about 5 feet tall with greyish skin, slender, large head and long arms running away being chased by a vicious pack of barking dogs. One of the witnesses senora Ana Iris Camacho said "ihe little beings with big heads all running toward the sea and vanished there"

Jorge Martin, Editor of Evidencia Ovni

Puerto Rico are full of these cases, where the Modus Operandi are the same with other part of the world. The victim mostly alone and at night/early morning at deserted place when the phenomena start harrasing him/her. These encounter cases are more believable that those military type stories

some of the military cases are questionable, especially those cases where the story indicate the entities as extra terrestrial where there is no proof that these beings are aliens. and sadly some stories are tainted with the fairy tale "goverment captured crashed UFO and alien" thats currently the favorite subject of US ufology.

I prefer the Hynek/Vallee hypothesis that these are not aliens, based on the multitude of cases they investigated. there's no proof of ETH hypothesis and the only goverment conspiracy or cover up is because they are just as clueless as ordinary people regarding these phenomena and they deemed UFO phenomena not dangerous to National Defense.

Just like some of the old reaearchers conclude, you have to learn occultism in order to investigate UFO phenomena. Depending on physical science only wont take you anywhere closer to understanding these phenomena. thats why US ufologist are falling into tall tales spread by fantasist like john lear, bob lazar, bill cooper , because most US ufologist disregard those cases with high number of strangeness in it and try to understand UFOlogy by selecting cases that support their theory of Nuts n Bolts UFO.

edit on 25-12-2012 by milomilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:48 AM
the case that show soldiers shooting at unknown beings and wound it , leaving green blood are another embelishment just like the crashed saucer and goverment conspiracy tall tales..

there was a Real Case of 3 soldier and a dog guading a military base, walking night patrol and encountering tall glowing entity, shot their submachine guns and hit nothing. its a documented case in FSR magazine. In the aftemath , one soldier got sick because he was the first to fire and closest to the entity. I forgot its in Spanish or Italian military but definitely not US military.

Basically these entities behave like apparation (eg non physical) or in layman terms these entities are the same as ghosts / faerie who love to scare people

the South American militaries are more truthful than western militaries, they admit they dont know anything about these UFOs.
edit on 25-12-2012 by milomilo because: (no reason given)

The Badajoz UFO Incident refers to the events that happened at the dawn of November 12, 1976, at the Base Aérea de Talavera la Real (Talavera la Real Air Base), located in the province of Badajoz, Spain. Two soldiers, José María Trejo and Juan Carrizosa Luján, claimed to have seen and shot a being of unknown origin.

Both were patrolling the fuel storage area of the base. At 1:45 am they were about 60 meters away from each other, when they heard a noise similar to radio interference. Suddenly, the noise became an acute whistle that lasted 5 minutes. José asked Juan to follow him on an inspection around the area, fearing sabotage. The whistle ceased 5 minutes later.

Soon after it, they spotted an intense bright light in the sky, that lasted 15 seconds. Another guard arrived with a guard dog. Together, they moved all across the area. When they arrived at a certain point, they heard the sound of eucalyptus twigs being broken. The dog was released and rushed towards the point where the sound of broken twigs came from. Soon the dog returned sick.

The soldiers urged the dog to return to the point several times, each time with the same result. Eventually, the dog started to walk in circles around the three soldiers (a technique taught to the guard dogs, meant to protect their handlers). Trejo spotted a human-shaped green light to his left. The being was very tall, about 3 meters. It seemed to be formed of small light points, and the brightness was more intense along its edges. The head was small and covered by something resembling a helmet. The arms were very long and were crossed.

There was no sight of either hands or feet. Trejo fell down at his knees and fainted, which offered his friends the chance to open fire on the creature. Between 40 and 50 bullets were fired, and as the being was hit, its brightness became more intense and it disappeared. While Trejo was being assisted, the same sound as before was heard, lasting 10–15 seconds.

Next morning, some 50 men searched the whole area. They discovered that there weren't any bullet casings of the shots fired by the soldiers, nor any holes where bullets were supposed to have struck the wall behind the creature. However, the Air Force concluded that the machine guns were indeed fired.

edit on 25-12-2012 by milomilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by milomilo

Puerto Rico are full of these cases, where the Modus Operandi are the same with other part of the world. The victim mostly alone and at night/early morning at deserted place when the phenomena start harrasing him/her. These encounter cases are more believable that those military type stories

some of the military cases are questionable, especially those cases where the story indicate the entities as extra terrestrial where there is no proof that these beings are aliens. and sadly some stories are tainted with the fairy tale "goverment captured crashed UFO and alien" thats currently the favorite subject of US ufology.

I prefer the Hynek/Vallee hypothesis that these are not aliens, based on the multitude of cases they investigated. there's no proof of ETH hypothesis and the only goverment conspiracy or cover up is because they are just as clueless as ordinary people regarding these phenomena and they deemed UFO phenomena not dangerous to National Defense.

Just like some of the old reaearchers conclude, you have to learn occultism in order to investigate UFO phenomena. Depending on physical science only wont take you anywhere closer to understanding these phenomena. thats why US ufologist are falling into tall tales spread by fantasist like john lear, bob lazar, bill cooper , because most US ufologist disregard those cases with high number of strangeness in it and try to understand UFOlogy by selecting cases that support their theory of Nuts n Bolts UFO.

Thanks for the post Milo and sharing the very strange report about the dogs chasing beings towards the ocean (maybe that's where they came from in the first place
). I do understand and agree with many of your comments but also think there's a nuts and bolts component to the UFO phenomenon as well -whatever the case I agree there's plenty of high strangeness cases out there (particularly from Puerto Rico) and maybe the para-psychological hypothesis is a very important and relevant one.

Found this pretty appropriate article from Gordon Creighton which talks about various high strangeness incidents from the island, it also contains a relevant statement from atmospherical physicist Dr James E. Mcdonald that I'd never heard before and is well worth a read.

Puerto Rico Plagued By Gas And Torchlight

Gordon Creighton

Senor Salvador Freixedo has been good enough to send us a copy of the Puerto Rican illustrated magazine 'Avance' for November 2nd, 1972, which contains a quite remarkable concentration of no less than four good articles by Puerto Rican writers on the UFO phenomenon in general and the recent 'flap' in particular.

..he concludes his piece with the remarkable sentence used by Dr James Mcdonald when giving his evidence on UFOs before the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives in 1968:

"I now regard hypothesis 7 (the extra-terrestrial hypothesis) as the one most likely to prove correct. My scientific interests lead me to hedge that prediction just to the extent of suggesting that, if the UFOs are not of extramundane origin, then I suspect they will prove to be something very much more bizarre, something of perhaps even greater scientific interest than extra-terrestrial devices.

PDF File


posted on Apr, 16 2015 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: karl 12


Highlights include the 1967 "Shag Harbour Incident", a government-documented USO crash off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, and a trip to the area around Laguna Cartegena in Puerto Rico, a reported hotbed of USO activity.

New video link:

posted on Apr, 16 2015 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Mother and daughter witness humanoids

Not sure the daughter saw them, but either way , the dog in the picture is hilarious - baaaad Fido...

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Ha yes good call on that one, that dog is a classic.

Some very freaky testimony and UFO sketches in this PDF file.


posted on Mar, 28 2019 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: karl 12

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