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"A Letter From God" Lyrics

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posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:13 AM
Hi all. Recently I purchased an album called Angles by Dan Le Sac and Scroobius Pip. For those who don't know who they are, their music is a mixture of rap/techno but for me it's more about the words than the "tune" in a song.

I listened to the album and one of the songs in particular really touched me and now I can't stop listening to it. The song is called "A Letter From God" (appologies if you think this is in the wrong forum but I thought it would be best suited here) and I thought I'd share the words spoken for others to enjoy or to be inspired by, so here they are:

This is a letter, from God to man:
Hey there. How's it going?
Long time, no see.

I know I haven't been around much lately,
But it didn't seem like you wanted me to be.
The last time I sent down a message,
you nailed it to the cross, so i figure,
I'd just leave you to it.
And let you be your own boss.

But I've been keeping an eye on you, I have, and it's amazing how you've grown.
All your technological advances and the problems you've overthrown.
And all the beautiful art you've created with such grace and such finess
but I must admit there are a few things that, I'm afraid, have impressed me less.

So I'm writing to apologise for all the horrors committed in my name,
although it was never what I intended, I feel I should take my share of the blame.
A lot of good I tried to do was corrupted when orgnanised religion got into full swing,
what I thought were quite clear messages were taken to unusual extremes.

My teachings where taken out of context to meet the agendas of others,
interpretations were taken in many different ways and hidden meanings "discovered"
Religion became a tool for the weak to control the strong,
with all these new morals and ethics survival of the fittest was gone.
No longer could the biggest man simply take what ever he needed,
because damnation was the price if certain rules were not heeded.

Some of the deeds committed in my name just make me wonder where I went wrong,
back at the start when I "created" all of this, the foundations seemed so strong.
See all the elements were already here, long befor I began,
I just kind of put them all together, I didn't really thing out a long term plan.
I made the sun an appropriate distance and laid the stars across the sky,
so you could navigate the globe or simply watch a sunrise.
I covered the earth with plants and fruits, some for sustenance and some for beauty,
and made the sun shine and clouds rain, so that maintenance wasn't your duty.
I tried to give each creature its own attributes but without making them enveloped,
I gave you all your own space to grow and, in your own way, space to develop.
I didn't know that such development would cuase rifts and jealousy,
cause you to war against each other and leave marks on this planet indelibly.

You see, I wasn't the creator, I was more the curator of nature,
and I want to set things straight with homosexuals right now: I DON'T HATE YA!
I was a simple being that happend to be the first to yield such powers,
but I just laid the ground, it was you that built the towers.
It was you that invented bombs and the fear that comes with them,
and it was you that invented money, and the corrupt economic systems.
You invented terms like "Just wars" and terms like "Friendly Fire",
and it was you that didn't know when to stop digging deeper and when stop building higher.
It was you that exhausted the resources I carefully laid out on this earth,
and it was you that even saw these problems coming but accredited them little worth.
It was you that used my teachings for your own personal gain
and it was you that committed such tragedies, even if they were in my name.

So i apologise for any mistakes I made and for when my words were misconstrued,
but this apology is to mother nature BECAUSE I CREATED YOU!


The video can be viewed here:

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:14 AM
Now my question to you all is what do you think God would say to us if he was to appear and what do you think he would want us to change?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:31 AM
Probably 'Dear humans me and the devil have a bet on about who will win white people or brown people, pls fight to the death' or 'Dear humans please find enclosed Aids 2.0, should make the devil laugh when he sees everyone bleeding from their eyes'

Going by the old test. he is quite clearly mental and psychopathic - knocking down the tower of babylon and mixing up the languages, sending plauges and ordering the extermination of whole tribes.

If god is real he loves watching us in pain, loves seeing us run around looking all funny as we morn the horrific pain he's caused -hahha just ask poor old Job.

So if god ever sent a letter to humanity we had better mark it 'not known at this address' and return to sender.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:54 AM
If God wrote us a letter, it would probably go something like this:

Dear Earth, from the Creator of All:

I would ask you how your doing, but I already know. I would tell you that I am here for you, but I already did. I would do something to help you out, but I already have. I look forward to the day when we meet face to face. I love you all, tall and short, black and white, and all inbetween.

Your Loving Father,


P.S.- Have you read my book yet? It's really good!

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by farther84
Now my question to you all is what do you think God would say to us if he was to appear and what do you think he would want us to change?

Well, which conception of God are you thinking of? I can't answer your question unless I know which deity, out of the thousands, you believe the song represents.

This excerpt suggests that the deity depicted is not one who actually authored any of our religious texts, making any Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu (etc.) approval invalid:

"A lot of good I tried to do was corrupted when orgnanised religion got into full swing,
what I thought were quite clear messages were taken to unusual extremes.

My teachings where taken out of context to meet the agendas of others,
interpretations were taken in many different ways and hidden meanings "discovered"
Religion became a tool for the weak to control the strong,
with all these new morals and ethics survival of the fittest was gone. "

[edit on 25/2/09 by paperplanes]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by farther84
Now my question to you all is what do you think God would say to us if he was to appear and what do you think he would want us to change?

How do you know God is a he?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:54 PM
lol Natureboy, have you lost your faith by any chance? Not that I'm judging, your post did make me giggle though

Paperplanes, well my personal view is that all religions derive from the same source and that the reason it has been split between all the different faiths we have now is due to power.

You want power you need a following. Easiest way to gain it is to take this and change the religion slightly, claiming yours is the true religion (this still happens today just look at the recent split between Muslims - and how many different types of Christianity is there now?).

Fastforward some time and your here

But I won't go into great detail and that's just my personal oppinion. This song just happened to fit in with my belief.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by farther84]

[edit on 25-2-2009 by farther84]

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