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The Crash Course ( Please pass this on)

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:04 PM
Please pass this on to EVERYBODY you know, I know it's a little long, but everybody needs this information to make a plan of action... no matter if you are rich or poor this affects EVERYBODY !!!

In "", Chris Martenson presents an in-depth consideration of the Economy, Energy, and the Environment. Not only does he explain the fundamental causes of the current economic crisis, but he also demonstrates how the problems facing the economy are related to concurrent issues regarding our sources of energy and climate change. The information provided is eye-opening and vital to understanding the world in which we live and how that world will change in the near future. Presented as a concise and easy-to-understand video production in language accessible to all, The Crash Course is completely free, in an attempt to inform as many people as possible about the problems we face, and action we can take in response. As Chris says: "In order to know where we are headed, we have to know where we are, and in order to know where we are, we have to know where we have come from." That is precisely what "The Crash Course" tells us.

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