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Awesome Pulsating Orb video in my house

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posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
oh yeah it will, but it is definitely worth it. i got my nightspot camera for a 114 bucks including shipping and handling. even if you set up any kind of audio , and just one camera, with the activity you have, you will definitely pick something up.

So, the camera you're using for the latest YouTubes are from your 114$ Nightspot?...if so, I'll definitely be seriously be looking into getting one.

Most activity in the house 'seems' to be in our bedroom and living areas. I think I'm going to get some decent audio set up as well. Shoot, for 114$ I probably should grab 2.

I'm really curious if there are orbs in our house as well.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 08:35 PM
yes it was only 114 - after s&h, dont get me wrong, its a decent camera. it was so cheap because it was used in a police car and it has an attachment on the bottom where they directly loaded the footage into a hard drive, and the camera works perfect, nightshot and all. then i spent 90 on this hardware and software called Pinnacle to upload it directly to youtube from Best Buy. i was fed up with taking pictures of the elusive orbs, and with the nightshot i can track them all the time, almost easily. so with the camera set up, a decent audio can easily capture stuff, and its fun!! i love it.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 03:39 PM
sup kid

cool vids.. thanks for sharing with us. I gotta question for you.. What do you think it is that you keep catching on tape? Also, has your life changed at all since this began.. for better or worse?

just curious about your thoughts on that.


posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by cesblaze

hey thanks for checking it out. i dont know exactly what it is yet. but it follows me around - just basing that off some pics i have. i think its a guardian angel of some sort, bu i could be wrong. and yes, its changed my life for the better. a lot better. its just lead me to learn a lot of things i never thought i would through a lot of study and research.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by ziggyproductions05]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:12 PM
and to the debunkers, sceptics, here is my old myspace music page created a few years ago. - you can look at the picture on the page, and compare it to my video on youtube, its me, or look at the "pics" link on that page. (i havent even logged on to the page in a couple years almost) that is why my name is ziggyproductions05 on here because it is also my email, and name of several other accounts i have. it doesnt stand for manufacturing of any faked material. thanks everyone who believes i dont care if you subscribe or not. or view, its there to see. people who look will find it. thanks and have a nice day.

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