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NASA agent spills UFO beans

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posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:29 PM

NASA agent spills UFO beans

A VETERAN NASA agent who says he processed the real X-Files has come clean with the inside story on the Roswell aliens.

Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr, a practising criminal lawyer and decorated former NASA special agent, spoke out in defence of UFO hacker Gary Mckinnon last week. Having also spent the last four years on the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to call on the US government to cease its unfair hounding of the UFO hacker.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:29 PM
Here is another piece of the disclosure puzzle.

Things seem to be intensifying, sightings, verifications, government releases.... whats up ?

I am not sure if this guy is disinfo or what, anyone hear about him? Seems to have contridictory testimonies....

Many of you here are far more knowledgeable about these key players, is he legit, disinfo, or just really likes attention?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Tinkabit

I haven't heard of him but why would he talk about UFO's in the first place ecpecially when he works with NASA. But then what shocked me was the verifications. Does this mean he's telling the truth?

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Tinkabit

NASA agent spills UFO beans

A VETERAN NASA agent who says he processed the real X-Files has come clean with the inside story on the Roswell aliens.

Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr, a practising criminal lawyer and decorated former NASA special agent, spoke out in defence of UFO hacker Gary Mckinnon last week. Having also spent the last four years on the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to call on the US government to cease its unfair hounding of the UFO hacker.

(visit the link for the full news article)

Man, I really like your avatar (Don Hertzfeldt, right?), and I really look forward to disclosure. But the inquirer will NOT be the place we get disclosure from.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:57 PM
The story you provided has also this interesting info, which shows that Gutheinz knows nothing about any alien bodies;

But Gutheinz was only kidding. He wrote the story for fun. He now finds it embarrassing. His children and students take the mickey out of him. His wife thinks he'll never live it down. And it was just the transcript of a vivid nightmare that had merged his life in a secret NASA bunker with the calls he would get from conspiracy theorists. Just a transcript, cheekily submitted to a UFO Magazine with an introduction that asked, are these real memories or was it just a dream?

"I thought it was a great idea when I wrote it, because I understood it. But it was sort of like Andy Kaufman. His humour - you were the only one who got it some of the time. I got it when I wrote the thing. I thought it was novel," said Gutheinz.

The magazine wrote it up under the headline 'Alien Autopsy Expose - He knows where NASA hid the bodies'.

A self-confessed maverick, Guntheinz has a track record in causing mischief. What do you think he did with those calls he got about alien abduction at NASA?

"I hate to say it, but when I had a rascal instinct, I would find somebody at the FBI didn't like, and I would give them that phone number and have them call the FBI," confessed Gutheinz.

Won't somebody please come forward and reassure us that there really are aliens? That this fragile, lonely planet isn't all we have? Perhaps take some comfort here: the Disclosure Project, the UFO group that inspired McKinnon to hack into NASA systems in 2001, will tell us what we want to know. They only ask for money first.

And the reason he thinks that brithish authorutues should not allow Pentagon Hacker Gary McKinnon to be extradited to the US, is because he has Aspergers:

After retiring from NASA, I started practising criminal law and found that the American judicial system turns a blind eye towards the needs of the mentally ill. America is a great country and I am a proud American, but it is a country tied to many archaic legal principles.

Until just recently America executed mentally retarded offenders and still jails schizophrenics and other seriously mentally impaired defendants with little compassion. It is a country which fights drug addiction with long prison terms for the addicted. Individuals become judges on a record of zero tolerance where compassion has little value or is viewed as a negative.

If I were the prosecutor on Gary McKinnon's case, I would say keep him in England: you can have him fly him over here, he'll plea out, and we'll put him probation in England for a number of years with conditions. That is the compassionate thing to do, and that is what I haven't seen the American government offer. And that is where I think they are wrong.

I tell my students that laws exist to be followed and when the law is ignored, anarchy follows. I am known as a conservative on law and order issues, but I also believe in justice. I worry that Gary McKinnon might not find any justice in America.

For two years I fought to keep a young boy out of juvenile prison or a psychiatric ward, a boy who like Gary McKinnon has Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of autism. He went through hell in the legal system. There was no compassion, no understanding. They just wanted to lock the kid away. It was a heart-breaking case.

Predicated on that experience I was grateful when Texas Governor Rick Perry appointed me to the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, but once there I saw the same lack of concern by law enforcement and the judiciary towards the mentally ill that I saw as a defense attorney.

Gary McKinnon's is a case that demands that we use a little bit of compassion. What are you going to accomplish by extraditing him back to the United States and punishing him and putting him in prison? Are you sending a message out that if you've got a mental illness you better watch it? I do believe in what his mother says - separating him from her and his environment is going to be detrimental to his well being.

I hope a deal can be reached with American prosecutors that will offer Gary treatment rather than jail or prison, and permit him to remain in England around surroundings and people that will nurture him, and to this end I ask America to halt its efforts to extradite Gary and in the alternative work out a compromise that will protect its national security and enhance Gary’s well being.

If the guy didn't have autism, I'd say he's made his bed and he's got so sleep in it. My opinion would be different if Gary was a physical threat to others or a continuing threat to American national security, but neither appears to be the case.

If America is unwilling to strike a compassionate plea bargain with Gary’s defense attorneys I believe England must take steps to protect its citizen. In the case of Gary McKinnon, I have come to the conclusion that England should not extradite this man to America to face the prospect of injustice masked as justice.

Joseph Richard Gutheinz, Jr., J.D.
Attorney at Law

[edit on 29/1/09 by ziggystar60]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Tinkabit

Gary McKinnon made the mistake of opening his mouth and admitting his guilt. One of the first rules when charged with something is to shut up and get a lawyer. The case against Mr McKinnon is very strong. His alien stories will not help him, unless he gets a jury of ATSers. I do believe he is going for an insanity defense.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:39 AM
The Enquirer is not a reputable source. It is purely a tabloid.

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