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UFO Disclosure, why not just say they exist.

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posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:47 AM
there are so many UFO hoaxes out there that no one knows what to believe. and it would cause too much panic and doomsday theories.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by iced_blue

It would only cause panic in weak-minded individuals. Nothing would change. Stock market would continue. Government would continue. Life would continue.

As someone pointed out earlier, ancient civilizations saw UFOs and thought nothing more of it than an extra-ordinary event they had no explanation for.

The historical Columbus saw a UFO on his voyage over here.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 02:00 AM
I think John Lear put it correctly. They would tell us a little but not much. Plus of they admitted to it now wouldnt that cause trouble for them since they have known this long. Alot of people would be PO. Plus you have the whole deal with religion and all. But I have heard alot of people that are religious say they would be ok with it. Im sure theres some that would take it hard, but not all.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 02:02 AM
I believe I heard not to long ago that if they did come out with any info they would put some out through religious organizations. Like the catholic church.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by spaceman84
I think John Lear put it correctly. They would tell us a little but not much. Plus of they admitted to it now wouldnt that cause trouble for them since they have known this long. Alot of people would be PO. Plus you have the whole deal with religion and all. But I have heard alot of people that are religious say they would be ok with it. Im sure theres some that would take it hard, but not all.

I agree with this view - the governments have hidden and lied for so long - it would cause of lot of embarrising problems if people realised that they had been lied to and made fools of for so long. How does a government say and get away with "yes we have deliberately mis led you for most of your life?"

As for religions, anyone with a true belief in God would not have a problem, (if God is the God of all creation, that includes the universe and all life in it !) - but secular or politically controlled religions could have problems...

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
WHY doesn't Obama simply put, tell the American people, at the least

Because it's a card up their sleeve. It could come in useful in the future.

Also, if UFOs are admitted real, people will have lots of questions. One of the most dangerous would be, "well, how does their society function".

Too bad if they're peaceful, and don't use money to enslave their population. People might like the idea.

If our world is in crisis when UFOs and ETs are admitted real, a lot of people will look to the first ET race that "arrives" for guidance. TPTB are well aware of this, so I don't think we will have to wait too long.

[edit on 29/1/09 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:35 AM
Some thought that have popped into my head:

1. MASS HYSTERIA: Everything people thought they knew is suddenly thrown out the window. . . Many, many people just aren't mentally capable of fathoming such a thing - extraterrestrial, super-intelligent beings from other worlds..

2. TREATY: The world's government has entered into some type of agreement, where in they are forbidden from disclosing any major truths.. Not only might it be harmful to the other participating race/s of beings, but it would also ruin our government's plans of getting something they want.

3. THEY'RE BADDIES : The government's evil and this is apart of some grand, master plan to harvest our souls (heh..)

4. IGNORANCE : People will just believe what they want to believe anyway, so unless someone unleashes a fleet of "independence Day" type space-craft and park them in people's front lawns, they will flat out refuse such a thing would exist.

5. : Ultimately, if they 'disclosed' this type of information en masse, it would mean the entire surrender of any control the government now possesses. Think about it - you tell somebody a higher power exists with absolute certainty they're going to disregard any power you hold over them, in favour of the higher authority..

There are sooooooo many reasons why NOT to disclose this information.

Also, I have enormous faith in that these people (as in the powers that be) know every single thing about what's actually going down in all this.

EDIT TO ADD> sorry, it's late - if my post sounds weird, you know why. . .

[edit on 29/1/09 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:45 AM
How about another reason? If we did disclose and say the U.S. has tech and reversed engineered craft and operating them now, we would immediatley lose ANY tactical advantage we had when we overfly friendly AND hostile countries. Everybody and thier brother would be trying to down anything in the sky that glows to get thier hands on it. (Granted that pretty much still happens). But it would be impossible to keep things like that off Military channel or Discovery or History once disclosure is made. Why tell people it is us in these craft rather than aliens? Leave a sense of wonder as to whether or not if they pull that trigger what the response might be or whether it would start an intergalactic war or just be an embarassing international incident.

[edit on 29-1-2009 by djvexd]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 09:39 AM

It would only cause panic in weak-minded individuals. Nothing would change. Stock market would continue. Government would continue. Life would continue.

Are you so sure?

This would largely depend on what their agenda was disclosed to be. If their existence were disclosed, without any mention of an agenda, then you'd still face a lot of civil unrest.


First, you'll have uncertainty. If you think the economy is bad now...just wait until something like this happens... What is sovereignty in the face of an interstellar presence? What about the military? If they are proven ineffective in light of ET technology, does that then kill the military industrial complex? What about medicine, oil? If such industries collapse in light of new tech, what then happens to the economy?

If they're hostile, we're screwed.
If they're helpful, we're screwed (economically).
So either way, we're screwed, unless they just say hello and don't share any tech...(but then there are those who may successfully acquire the tech, getting us right back to the problems above).

Religious upheaval is the LEAST of our worries....the threat to the complex economic relationships is FAR more impacting to our daily lives.

The tech would have to be phased in responsibly, and with a careful pacing to learn the new required skills (and establish the required infrastructure). Who do you trust to do that? Business or the Government? (each will be trying to rush to dominate). It's a far more complex issue than it would appear at first glance.

True disclosure without thoughtful implementation would be an unmitigated disaster (in my opinion)...

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 07:41 PM
Listen, I'm not saying that we have to say that we know anything more than they exist.

I'm just saying, tell the populace they exist. That is basically what the UK has done.

If people wan't to ask questions, we just say it's a matter of national security. End of story, they're never getting past that titanium wall we all know that.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Revolution-2012

I don't think you get it at all. So you've seen a UFO and now you scream for disclosure from the president? Get real.

If you think for one minute that all the governments of the world are hiding proof from us, ask yourself why in the 50 odd years we've been sighting UFOs that we have not one scrap of evidence to remotely suggest we are being visited. A secret this big could not possibly be contained without something slipping through the net.

I without doubt believe there are masses of intelligent life in the universe.
I also don't see any evidence of aliens being here either.

And anyway, to blindly believe you saw aliens just because you seen a UFO is crazy IMO.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 09:48 PM
huge difference between ufo's and alien visitors.
everyone agrees that ufo's are real.
there is currently no proof that aliens are visiting the planet.
it is misleading currently to imply that ufo's are alien visitors without that factualy conclusive proof.
if you have verifiable and factually conclusive evidence that aliens are visiting this planet pleaase provide it as you will be the first - massive kudos to you if you do have it.

so what do you really want disclosed ??
that ufo's exist - already done!
or that aliens are visiting this planet ?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by djvexd
How about another reason? If we did disclose and say the U.S. has tech and reversed engineered craft and operating them now, we would immediatley lose ANY tactical advantage we had when we overfly friendly AND hostile countries. Everybody and thier brother would be trying to down anything in the sky that glows to get thier hands on it. (Granted that pretty much still happens). But it would be impossible to keep things like that off Military channel or Discovery or History once disclosure is made. Why tell people it is us in these craft rather than aliens? Leave a sense of wonder as to whether or not if they pull that trigger what the response might be or whether it would start an intergalactic war or just be an embarassing international incident.

[edit on 29-1-2009 by djvexd]

But if we have this super awesome alien technology then how could it be shot down by a mere Russian in a mig, or Korean or Iranian? Even a SAM battery made by earthlings? Wouldnt the technology be so great that it would be able to evade our earth systems. If not I think the Goverment got gipped.

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