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Violence never solves anything?

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posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 01:32 AM
I have no time for violence. Intelligence and logical thinking will always win out in the end.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 01:38 AM
[Edited on 10-4-2004 by JustAnIllusion]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 01:51 AM
[Edited on 4/13/2004 by panchovilla]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 02:02 AM
I'm going to ignore what panchovilla is saying because it seems as if he's on the :w:

Violence can't really solve everything because in the end violence causes revenge and that means more violence until the whole world goes to hell.

Violence cant solve everthing because violence just means that eventually there will be nothing left to solve.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 02:05 AM
Hrm let me get this straight.

Panchovilla is upset that JustAnIllusion said that 'violence does solve things'.

Yet panchovilla chooses to display this by a show of violence and threats towards JustAnIllusion? How funny is that?

EDIT: Oh one other thing, Chit Chat is not the Mud Pit, personal attacks will earn you a warn.

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Kano]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 02:08 AM
i am not certain i made any threats or displays of violence. i was just detecting super fraud.

"well thought out violence is better than huried ivy league violence." paraphrased.

this is crap ok think about real good and then just drop some nukes on them. oh yea you're gonna special ops and kill them all special forces styleLOLOL

violence has bread more violence. bombs don't bake cakes; they kill children.

[Edited on 4/13/2004 by panchovilla]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 03:33 AM
i'm not saying anything bad about hermaphrodites, althought that is how it may look. i have read and seen the stories of several hermaphodites and their life stories are truely inspirational.
one of them has even excelled in the U.S. military.

this is not what i was saying i was alerted to fraudulence so smoke alarm went off.

[Edited on 4/9/2004 by panchovilla]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 08:07 AM
violence has solved more problems than diplomatics but violence is not the answer to all problems
and can i ask wtf is wi every 1 having a go at every 1 lately?

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by panchovilla
just to make my position crystal clear nothing seperates us from the animals. infact i believe that "animals" are on an extremely higher level of reincarnation. most humans don't even get to come back, animals do no not need our pittiful languages and rhetoric because they are far above it.

violence is in no way and end to all. does not the lions belly grow hungry again? will not the lion prides disappear before the zebra and wildabeast?

[Edited on 4/9/2004 by panchovilla]

And here I just thought they were superior because they could liick there own balls

And the lions will disappear first not because of the zebras but because they are in compition with natures number one killing machine........US

When it boils down to it we are just the best tool making monkeys

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:00 PM
the us is NOT the best killing machine
nature is well better than man at killing things
and stop thinkng the USA is the best because ur not get it into ur head U R NOT THE BEST THERE ARE BETTER
i mean come on takl about playing your own trumpet
yours very sincerly devilwasp

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:11 PM
kill em all huh? sort of like hitler and genocide.

that is what you are saying. are you gonna kill every muslim and north korean.
and everyone that is not a fraud like you.
oh you're gonna think real hard on it and professionally sniper out at all the big wigs. cuz you're so freakin' smart. someone else will feel their shoes and the cycle continues. or are u actually talking about genocide and crusades. last night the smoke alarm went of when i was sauced so. i apologize for my beligerence then. but knew my point.

proffessional. they are all dead LOLOLOLOLOL

you need think it out! kill the top dogs and junior will gladly fill your dead mans shoes. or sure you wanna junior dead too oh i forgott, hitler wannabe

The Order of Cain

[Edited on 4/13/2004 by panchovilla]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Pisky
I have no time for violence. Intelligence and logical thinking will always win out in the end.

cant have a logical discussion wehn the enemy has taken over your country because you wanted to discuss it. Mr. Dubois is a genious

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by panchovilla
lame, panicked, half-assed procedures lead to more violence. however, complete, fully-thought-through, professional, well-executed violence never leads to more violence because, you see, afterwards, the other guys are all dead.

thats right, dead. not "on trial," not "reeducated," not "nurtured back into the bosom of love." Dead. D-E-Well, you get the idea.
quote originally by big fraud

kill em all huh? sort of like hitler, genocide.

that is what you are saying. are you gonna kill every muslim and north korean.
and everyone that is not a fraud like you.
oh you're gonna think real hard on it and professionally sniper out at all the big wigs. cuz you're so freakin' smart. someone else will feel their shoes and cycle continues. or are actually talking about genocide and crusades. i know exactly what i am talking about and you are a FRAUD. last night the smoke alarm went of when i was sauced so. i apologize for my beligerence then. but knew my point.

proffessional. they are all dead LOLOLOLOLOL

you need think it out! kill the top dogs and junior will gladly fill you dead mans shoes. or sure you wanna junior dead too oh i forgott, hitler wannabe

The Order of Cain

[Edited on 4/9/2004 by panchovilla]

the soilder most likely to win a conflict is the one who is willing to ignore the politicans and the civilians calling the shots and concentrate only on the destruction of the enemy's MILITARY infrastructure

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
the us is NOT the best killing machine
nature is well better than man at killing things
and stop thinkng the USA is the best because ur not get it into ur head U R NOT THE BEST THERE ARE BETTER
i mean come on takl about playing your own trumpet
yours very sincerly devilwasp


HA! we can kill with the pull of a trigger from a mile or more away. animals have to actually duke it out. and im pretty sure amuk was not refering to the US most likely us. humans. learn to read. and the us is better than most countries

could you enlighten us on who is better then? im dying to know

[Edited on 4-9-2004 by KrazyIvan]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by KrazyIvan

Originally posted by Pisky
I have no time for violence. Intelligence and logical thinking will always win out in the end.

cant have a logical discussion wehn the enemy has taken over your country because you wanted to discuss it. Mr. Dubois is a genious

But when Bubba is wandering around beating the # out of people, Pisky is quietly preparing a nice little trap to take Bubba out of commission.

Thats what I meant. Intelligence and logical thinking will always win out in the end.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Violence, solves everything. Just ask those who have encountered it.

Germany, they tried to solve their problems by violence, they were torn into pieces.

Of course violence is the right way.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
the us is NOT the best killing machine
nature is well better than man at killing things
and stop thinkng the USA is the best because ur not get it into ur head U R NOT THE BEST THERE ARE BETTER
i mean come on takl about playing your own trumpet
yours very sincerly devilwasp

To begin with I said us not USA.

Secondly if we are not better then nature at killing things why do humans rule the world?

And thirdly since you brought what country is better at killing things than the good old USA?

We have the nukes and bio-warfare to WIPE OUT THE WORLD.

Not to shabby, huh?

What does scotland have a few dozen drunks in dresses?

You gonna bagpipe us to death?

Just messing with you my people are from scotland....LOL

I was talking about the human race not the USA

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 09:44 PM
BTW, violence is necessary. and is extremely useful in many situations. not to sound like a complete hypocrite or madman. but what i was saying earlier is about international violence. war on an international scale is what i was chit chatting about. on a national, statewide, or hoodational scale violence can be more effective. although the same cycle can exist in large cities so take precautions.

i only use use violence as a reflex.

call me animalistic, unthoughtout, or ivyleague it you want, but i rely on my spirit guides to do the rest.

from the ground to the sky and back again.

The Order of Cain

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 10:41 PM
violence is for ignorents :shk: oops is that a violent statement ?

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 11:18 PM
a few intences where violence has come in handy.

1. Revolutionary War
2. War of 1812 (thus making the english 0-2 when fighting americans
3. Both World Wars. No violence there europe would of eventaully given everything to hitler or stalin.

those are some of the many examples of where violence has worked

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