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US blocks UN Security Council action on Gaza

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posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:19 PM
I would urge our readers to also consider that whatever outrage may or may not exist - because of this particular US veto - is very much ado about nothing. The US does not respect the UN, nor vice versa. The matters that get 'adjudicated by debate' there all center around controlling revenue flow.

The rest is a show. It's politics without the politicians, only diplomats wasting time and money.

The more a country expects from this organization, the more they'll discover just what it is all about.

International Law is at play here. Not the media circus of propaganda and lies both sides spew.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Swatman

I honestly don't know.
Money is obviously one reason,power too.
Is religion another?
I don't mean religion between Israel and Palestine,but between Israel and America.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:28 PM

Hamas is a criminal organization that somehow got control of a people, probably by force. If they could they would commit genocide against the Jews without a second thought.

There are alot of Jews in Iran, no one is commiting genocide there, acording to your logic they should be hanging by now.This is just exageration as usual.Why do people exagerate?

Israel is keeping food and medicine from civilians and Hamas is launching missiles into residential neighborhoods trying to kill any Jew they can. How anyone could fully support either side just floors me. You are all nuts and dangerous.

I side with the Palestinians because because their story is far worse than a bunch of rockets fired random , that will land random.There is no target, they are not targeting civilians nor military, from time to time it will hit something by chance.They are just firing to show that they can fire them over Israel.That is stupid in nature, giving Israel the excuse they need to pound them.I truly pity the palestinians, they are living like rats and this is planed not just for them, but for all of us, it's the future of how globalisation will act world wide.Not all jews are evil, but not all can be excused, and the jews doing this now, killing children are evil jews.
I just hate people that are evil.I truly hate them

So saing some Jews are evil is anti-semitic because Jews can't be evil?

As to the American haters who spread their Bigotry all over this board your pea brains are showing.

I hate the neo cons and that is about it, I hate the people running the country.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by pepsi78

Yeah.And did you know those Jews in Iran,known as Persian Jews,have been told by the Israeli government that they are not allowed into Israel because they are Iranian civilians.

So much for the,'all Jews can return' policy.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Besides look at it this way, Israel wouldn't have abided by anything that they saw as against their Rights or anything that they might consider National Security anyways so you didn't lose anything if this story upsets you.

Yeah, you're right - so far they've ignored a few dozen UN Resolutions passed against them for issues ranging from war crimes to territory disputes. It's clear that Israel feels it can do whatever wants despite what the majority of the world thinks - ya know, them being the "Chosen people" and all that crap!

The Earth will be abetter place once Israel ceases to exist and the Zionists are brought to their knees.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by DantesLost
reply to post by pepsi78

Yeah.And did you know those Jews in Iran,known as Persian Jews,have been told by the Israeli government that they are not allowed into Israel because they are Iranian civilians.

So much for the,'all Jews can return' policy.

Was it not the other way around? They did not want to return and refused.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by pepsi78

The only refusal I am aware of is from centuries ago.They were given a chance to leave their exiled state,but chose to stay in the only home they'd ever known.

There could be a more recent one,but I'm not sure.

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