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Hidden truths about crop circles

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posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:21 AM

At the center of the diagram, A, are two bars B and C, representing a vibrating tuning fork with its associated sound waves, as viewed from above. D, E, F, and G represent ‘lines of minimum sound intensity’ created by the interference effects of two sets of sound waves, compressed and rarefracted, leaving one set half a wavelength in advance of the other. Where they almost coincide a listener positioned along these lines would experience almost complete silence (Fig. 2).

As if to doubly affirm the role that sound plays in the physics of non-manmade crop circle creation, the Chilcomb pictogram, symbolizing the effects of sonic energy, formed in wheat, on June 6th 1990, only a few fields from where the first sophisticated Crop Circle surveillance operation (Operation ‘White Crow’) was held the previous June, and where a mysterious ‘trilling’ sound was heard and recorded in association with the appearance of a non-manmade Crop Circle formation (Ref 8)!

Amazingly, the Chilcomb formation depicted both the audible and inaudible aspect of the interference of sound waves, and by its inference the two types of sounds recorded inside certain Crop Circle formations. It also beautifully symbolized
‘The Word’ (Ref. 1, ‘In the beginning was the Word’, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ John 1:1), by combining in the form of a simple graphic one of the oldest sacred symbols used by ancient cultures around the world to represent the Sun and God (‘The Creator’, or ‘Creator God’); a circle with a ‘dot’ at its center, represented in the Crop Circle pictogram by the outer ring and the central circle, with four ‘ring arcs’ or sound waves to symbolize The Word, and Creation,
including it seems, non-manmade Crop Circle creation by The Word!

Soon after I discovered the cymatic link I soon discovered a few researchers had already made the connection. Isn't always the way.
I'd contacted Colin Andrews and of course he was aware of the connection, he has also recorded the "trilling" sound heard in relation to the circles.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by prevenge
well Squiz....
Why don't you DO something WITH them?
I'm not talking about endless discussions on their esoteric value.

Well if I was a little smarter I might be able to figure out what that application could be, perhaps by putting the info out someone may be able to expand on it.
Although harmonics is creeping it's way into many fields of science and medical science. So applications do exist to a certain extent, although perhaps not too well understood.
Apart from application the value to me has been through a greater understanding. A window opened you could say.
Personally this inspired me to experiment with signal generators and my own consciousness, meditation, rhythmic breathing, signal generator, and other stimuli can invoke what I'd describe as waking dreams. In essence a very very old technique.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:23 PM
No conclusive evidence? They're ALL man made? PUUUUULLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSE....

I'll help get you started...

Above are only TWO components that I'd LOVE to hear the explanation from you "nay-sayers" who claim that these are all made by people on the ground stomping around with boards and rope in the dark.


posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by squiz


The pics you're using are copyrighted pics

EVERYTHING is energy/vibration, vibration forms matter
Matter is nothing more then ' condensed' energy in a low frequency

The Law of Vibration states that not only is everything in a state of vibration, but that vibration is a medium for transferring signals. Everything vibrates, nothing rests.
' Profound Gratitude - Living the Law of Vibration' by Alisa Hancock

More about WaterSoundImages:


I use to believe that all cropcircles were ' out of this world ', but I changed my opinion in: EVERYTHING is vibration in motion, EVERYTHING coexcists in the NOW, we have the ability to create ANYTHING if only we reach our Higher Vibrational State.

People have to seek the Thruth within themselves ...

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by Melyanna Tengwesta
The pics you're using are copyrighted pics

Can't find any of the cymatic images I'm using on that site, most of the ones I used come from Hans Jenny s experiments I believe. Great images on that site though.
Other than that, great post.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:57 AM
Matthew Williams the creator of the documentary in the OP talks about the shadowy figures observed and photographed by the circle makers.

Some more from Matthew.
He admits that some circles origins are a mystery.

Just a reminder, I made this thread not to disprove anything but the simplistic argument of human vs alien origin. It's much more complicated than that.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by squiz
These phenomena are real and should not be trivialized. Crop circles are the most beautiful and original art forms of modern times, and, in spite of claims that they are solely the work of hoaxers, they have been found in 29 countries throughout the world and remain mysterious. I do not take them to be the work of physical aliens but of a spiritual intelligence in the process of communicating with us, exposing us to a course of re-education, beginning with the symbols of sacred knowledge and wisdom.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by neil a
lets not forget the small traces of iron,radiation and the overall structural change to the plants such as there DNA. i dont know how humans could do that in a matter of a few hours in some cases.

Actually I don't know how people could do it either, once again this points to the effects of infra sound. Certain frequencies can cause internal heating and alter the genetic structure of the plant and the crystalline structure of the earth.

Sonic weapons are a reality, infra sound can cause anxiety, fear, nausea and even death. The right frequency could even melt your internal organs.
I'm not suggesting the circles are a result of some weapons testing just using it as an example.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by squiz

The Pythagorean Lambdoma

The lambdoma was used to convert mathematical ratios into harmonics, some think it may be Egyptian in origin.
Frequency is the foundation of matter IMO. Harmonics work in both time and space because it is a combination of frequency and wave length.
Frequency can create, destroy, heal and harm it can also induce altered states of consciousness, as used by many ancient cultures, and myself.

Is it also a coincidence that many cymatic patterns and crop circles resemble Hindu mandalas?
Man made or not there are great esoteric lessons in some formations.

Stockbridge crop formation.

Pythagorean Lambdoma

The Lambdoma also appeared in the Barbury Tetrahedron glyph.

Interesting to note that the lower frequencies will generate simple patterns in cymatic experiments, like concentric rings, as the frequency increases the pattern becomes more complex. This also reflects the evolution of crop circles from the past to the present.

I find this very interesting. If these crop circles are what you suggest, the bigger question is have these crop circles ever been deciphered into a musical tune?

I do not possess the knowledge to do this conversion, if it's possible?

What kind of person would hold this knowledge? A mathematician, muscian, scientist.

If these could be converted into a musical tune and we played it back, would it create some special vibrating energy?

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:38 PM
Unfortunately, it's likely they are all man-made.

- They are almost always found in field of wheat, which cannot leave footprints (why never in sand, mud, scortched on grass, snow etc...?).

- They are always in fields that have tractor lines, which again provide a means of getting in and out of the field unnoticed.

- Regarding the elongated "nodes" - these 'knuckles' of the wheat are fairly weak. If you go into a field a pick one up you will find that you can stretch the node a centimeter with very little effort. It's not hard to imagine then that a big, heavy man pressing down on the wheat with a wooden board could stretch the nodes.

- The microscopic 'balls of iron' found in crop circles... iron is often found in dirt naturally. Also it could be caused by years of plowing the field with iron farming machinery.

Go look around google and youtube - there have been plenty of extremely complicated crop circles made by people. Over the years they have become more and more complicated. The people that make them have got better and more professional over the years (some people actually do it for living, believe it or not).

There's no evidence of ET involvement. I wish there was, but there isn't. Sorry.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:59 AM
Here's another video from Matthew. He gives his thoughts regarding the film "New Swirled Order". Mainly on the scientific evidence claimed by the biased researchers.

He also says paranormal activity is involved, balls of light are attracted to man made formations.

Who are you going to believe? The biased researchers? The skeptics who do absolutely no research? Or the guys in the field who make them?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by squiz
The crop circle argument usually falls to the side of either aliens or man made, and the occasional earth energy type. The line between is always direct and absolute.

The truth is, that the human element or man made side of the argument is just as mysterious as the otherworldly explanation. As you'll here from the circle makers themselves.

Many researchers are biased, not all though, some have good relations with the circle makers and are just as interested in the human element. Unlike the majority who turn a blind eye to them or regard them with disdain and labeled hoaxers.

Like most things it's not so clear cut, the people who make circles do it for many different reasons, some are pranksters yes, but some are simply artists or people who want to engage the imagination of the public. Some do it as a type of ritual, some are seeking a paranormal experience, some actually feel compelled to make them. The opinions regarding crop circles are as wide and varied among the circle makers as it is the audience.

There is a wonderful mystery here no matter which way you look at it.

The argument that humans cannot create them is invalid, I once thought this way. This does not mean they are 100% man made. It's very well possible that the truth may lie entirely within the human subconscious.

While it is also possible other entities may be involved in the few or are at least connected in some way. It also may have nothing at all to do with the standard alien archetype.

I'm well aware of the busted nodes, microwave samples, subtle energy traces etc.. also the fact that crop circles do in fact predate the 80's by at least a few hundred years and possibly longer. Healing has been attributed to them, even the man made ones, although this may be testament to the power of belief more than anything else.

Without having access to any real data it's difficult to comment on these things.

I believe that some of these can be explained by the glyphs themselves. I've discovered several glyphs that match very well to cymatics patterns, it's possible that the frequency that created the cymatics is bound to the geometry itself. So that when the wheat is flattened correctly the life energy of the plants is harmonized with the frequency to produce the subtle energies, man made or not.
This could easily be tested if you had the right equipment and skill. But no doubt about it, some are frequency signatures.

I think nearly all the circle makers claim to have seen the flashes of light, some have seen the orbs, a few have seen mysterious shadowy figures and ufo's. There are some instances of having designs completed or replicated. Some feel compelled to make them. Some even claim to have experienced altered time.

In conclusion, the all man made argument falls flat for the materialist. Even if this was the case, which is indeed possible.
if you take the word of the true experts, the guys who actually make them, you can see the mystery is not solved only changed.

Is it possible that some sort of subconscious communication is taking place? is it all in the human subconscious? are the entities attracted by the glyphs? are some glyphs made by the entities? Are these guys just nuts? Am I nuts? all valid questions.

I saw this a while back and it altered my perception of crop circles and deepened my interest. It's a total of 3 hours and is made by Matthew Williams, the only person to be arrested for circle making. He's also responsible for the famous solar system with the missing earth glyph. So put aside your preconceptions or have them shattered.
As I said, the opinions amongst the circle makers are as varied as the people here, so be patient and watch all the interviews if you want to hear a side of the enigma that is rarely spoken of.

The Circle Makers Part1
The Circle Makers Part2

You'll also find it in multiple parts on youtube if it's easier.

A great post. My contacts have proposed the exact same idea to me recently.

Anyway the nordics told me it goes as far as every movement in their body(humans doing the circle) being controlled by an advanced AI of ET origin. As well as the designs being channeled at times. A nice little operation done by benevolent ETs.

I love crop circles. I made a custom shirt with one

I have also experienced white little orbs of light flowing from tree to tree in my ET contacts. My friend could not see them. Leads me to further believe ETs are in the minds of said people. I am lead to believe the white orbs were fabrications inserted into the information my eyes send my brain.

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Myuzik]

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by squiz

so, is there a chance CC makers do it for some sort of mystical high?

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by reject

Yes, you could say that is true for a good proportion of them.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 04:34 PM


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