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Rice: 'This Generation Will Soon Thank Bush'

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posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Who Knows.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Yeah I definitely agree with Condi Rice that this generation would thank Bush BUT NOT because of the reasons she said BUT because Bush opened our eyes and made us realize how plain STUPID we all are.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:47 PM
This cult of personality is interesting, isn't it? Robert F. Kennedy was loved, but started the Vietnam war and expanded the draft, was associated with the mob and failed at the Bay of Pigs, and frequently cheated on his Jacqueline. Although Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam war, he was viewed as the most hated president (unfortunately he did eradicate the gold standard).

Bush bashing seems to have acquired a mob mentality where everything from weather to martial law is blamed on him. I'm sure the incompetent folk running congress (Pelosi, Reed) are grateful for mob mentality and anger is not landing where it is most deserved. This Bush bashing makes me nauseous, since bashing reflects a lack of real thinking while the real criminals are getting away with creating a total government dictatorial oligarchy. Lots of folk here are losing focus.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:55 PM
i bet not many will thank DICK cheney!

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 04:58 PM
yes she is right,the world will be thanking george bush in years to come,for he has shown by example exactly how NOT to run a country,or rather how to take orders from those above him.

we must thank those in the shadows for setting the opposite example to us,teaching us perfectly what not to do!

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
This cult of personality is interesting, isn't it? Robert F. Kennedy was loved, but started the Vietnam war and expanded the draft, was associated with the mob and failed at the Bay of Pigs, and frequently cheated on his Jacqueline. Although Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam war, he was viewed as the most hated president (unfortunately he did eradicate the gold standard).

Bush bashing seems to have acquired a mob mentality where everything from weather to martial law is blamed on him. I'm sure the incompetent folk running congress (Pelosi, Reed) are grateful for mob mentality and anger is not landing where it is most deserved. This Bush bashing makes me nauseous, since bashing reflects a lack of real thinking while the real criminals are getting away with creating a total government dictatorial oligarchy. Lots of folk here are losing focus.

that is not true,the vietnam war was started before kennedy came to power.
you must realise there are power bases within any country whom have thier own agenda and you must seek to control thier negative aspects,kennedy,and any president dont always have the leverage to control power bases to the positive.

i do have my suspiscion of kennedy along the lines of he was a bad guy(an ai) pretending to be a good guy,creating a race to the moon as a shroud for the actions of the ais,the presence of ais in space.
he may have been the example to the world along the lines of "this is what you get if you try to stop mind control and the agendas of the ais""assassination",i believe may have been an ai himself and that was his main mission,to be seen to fight the ais/aliens,shadow government/illuminati or whatver and then fail infront of everyone!,the result is most are to afraid to fight them!.
i mean for gods sake they could have jsut crashed his plain or gave him cancer or something,infact they could do that to everyone who fights them but no its usually public,staged,to cause fear.and if you seek to be a shadow govenrment you want your presence to be unknown,but eveyone knows of them because of thier actions!,its a psycholgical war!
that is thier method,war on our minds,to frighten us with complex mental manipulation into being to afraid to fight them,when infact they cant actually harm us!,they make us believe they can by killing what appear to be humans who are actually ais!
thier power means they can make it seem real to anyone,all those deaths surrounding ufology and mind control etc are so public and obvious it only leads to more attnetion,the opposite of what you want!,yet others whom fight them openly only seem to get harrased mentaly such as dan burisch,its all paintballing i was told once!
its mental warfare with trickery!

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

i agree with this and all you sap suckers who voted for osama , err obama , can all live in the slime that you have voted in .... if you think bush was bad ...... just wait .. within 4 yrs i wouldnt be surprised if we are all riding camels to work .. thank god i live close to my job

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Haha! Thank Bush... Maybe I would thank him if I were an anarchist and I wanted the chaos he has brought upon the United States. This country was once full of ideas and people who were intelligent seeking individuals! My question to Bush can only be one thing, What have you done to us?

[edit on 31-12-2008 by LoneInDarkness]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:44 AM
Does no one here, understand Chaos Theory?


posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I don't know about you guys but I'm already thanking him. bush has got me setup to have lots of free time. (lost my job housing market crash.) I am losing weight. i have hardly any food in the house. and soon i will be more green then anyone. going to have my electric, cable, phone shut off soon so i will not be consuming any resources.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 03:44 AM
and 1000 thx to Bush for making clear how stupid and ignorant we are; and how nothing we have learned in 5000 yrs of known history.

good dogie!!!

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
2 causes for the destruction of the industrial `might` that used to be the USA - Bush and his amazing pilicies mearly continued what the money grabbing unions started -

Isn't the difference that workers are very unlikely to get money they wont quickly put back into the economy in terms of buying services or goods? Isn't the Clinton era baking reforms and the Bush defense of it a radical shift away from creating the very consumer ( by decent wages) that creates the taxes that allows for a strong central government?

How are Unions comparable with banks and the acquisition of wealth ( which wont be put back into the economy) by the few?

when GM workers demand 3 time the pay of a toyota worker and GM faces going to the wall - the unions scream for government help ,

US auto workers have arguably ( but not much argument) the best Unions in the US but this could hardly have forced GM, Ford and Chrysler to drive themselves into bankruptcy. It is one thing for unions to be strong but to blame them for destroying the company is once again misdirecting them blame from management ( they could have fired them and dealt with the walkouts by all the legal protections and power the state uses to defend industry) to the workers where it rarely if ever belongs.

Unions does not scream for government help as much as they scream for the legal protections the citizens of a country fought for. The citizens of the US never fought to protect the rights of industrialist to pay below living wages, and while it's perhaps no big mystery why the state almost always defends industry over workers, and just want a fair cut of the profits the industrialist could never generate without them.

but if teh company does go under? teh unions will run away and say ` oh we tried , sorry you can`t pay for rent/mortgage/gas this month - all your subs over the last 30 years don`t guarantee anything`

Companies does not go under because of strong unions. Companies goes under because they are badly mismanaged or unprotected by their governments from the slave labor practices in other countries. Globalization has done more damage to US auto makers than American Unions ever did and once again it's not the unions or their workers that fought for the type of globalization we see today.

so all those union people are happy whilst there `employee`s ` are starving and homeless

Yes, some unions are riddled with corporate interest and these unions are the first to sell their workers down the river whatever the economy is like.

where do the administration sudddenly get $1 trillion from to bailout anyone?

It withdraws troops from Iraq? The same place the banking bailout money comes from? Hell the Auto guys are only asking for fifteen billion so what's the big deal?

change a pc terminal! since the USA is backed up by - well nothing , they can go on printing what they like -

In part true but the US still retains a very active work force which will be generating service or products for a long time to come. To bet against the reform ( "We don't owe you anything; we have more guns than you do) that might happen when Americans take back more of their government is probably underestimating all the positive forces for change which have driven and continues to drive the American consumer and economy.

and if you try and say the currency is worthless as your a service country? we`ll bomb you back to the stone age - iran WILL be hit as will saudi arabia when they stop backing the usa and selling oil in USA.

Real possibilities so how does this suggest that the US national security state can not continue to defend the neo-liberal economic practices that are destroying the world as well as the American consumer? Americans should demand bailouts for such vital industries as long as the American government insists on fighting it's foreign wars against the will of the American public.


posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by LoneInDarkness
This country was once full of ideas and people who were intelligent seeking individuals!

Your right, and you can thank Bush for silencing that which you brought into recall.

We are a nation of thinkers and a people in persuit of justice and right, and not a nation of bull headed obstinate closed minded racists.

This election has seen, as some termed it, " hate grown up ". With racism rearing its head, and what is right, showing the unethical a mirror. Through it all, the truth will be seen. Black man, white man, yellow man or red, all will walk as the brotherhood of man. Gone will be the days of a single race of man thinking they are entitled by skin color alone.

We hold these Truths that all men are created equal means ALL men. Not just Americans.


[edit on 27-1-2009 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:21 PM
12-22-2008: "This President will Soon Thank Bush

1-22-2009: "Proud To Call Him Mr. President

Hey, she was right.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by logician magician
12-22-2008: "This President will Soon Thank Bush

1-22-2009: "Proud To Call Him Mr. President

Hey, she was right.

One man hardly represents a generation. A polling of the people will indicate that the World as a whole, shows no tears for the exiting Bush Junior.

Nobel Peace prize winner Jimmy Carter:

"I think as far as the adverse impact on the nation around the world, this administration has been the worst in history," Carter told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in a story that appeared in the newspaper's Saturday editions. "The overt reversal of America's basic values as expressed by previous administrations, including those of George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon and others, has been the most disturbing to me."

There will always be those that will applaud Bush, but truly, the voice of the people has made resounding din in the political landscape this year, uprooting any potential residue of the former admistration with a landslide change of power in all three branches of Government.


[edit on 27-1-2009 by HIFIGUY]

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective
For what exactly?...Laying down the foundations for an American Police State...Nah not buying it.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

They are trying no harder to rewrite history than Barack Obama and his goon squad. They are bound and determined to start a race war. Obama's speech to blacks, "Start Marching" for jobs and equality is lunacy and is utterly derisive of Whites and Jewish people.

This country is at a critical tipping point. Either blacks realize we are all in this together and shut up their, "kill Whitey, it's the man's fault" crap, or we accept the failure of multiculturalism and let the chips fall where they may.

posted on Sep, 25 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by The Bald Champion

You Bush apologists are sick and funny. You guys carry his bucket regardless.

Well just remember how history will see him and try to remember that your children and grandchildren will be paying for YOUR awful choice.

Hitler had apologists / followers.. Manson had "family".. sad but true, people can be duped into supporting evil. bushbama GOP/DNC are no different.. chronic liars who kill people 1000s of miles from US soil... as the hobgoblins of partisan fakeness cheer their dear leader.

I find it hilarious just how much regurgitated TV sound bite blather is used to justify exporting cruelty.. "he kept us safe" is such an intellectually crippled POV.. believing that simpleton media spun rhetoric is, imo, a reflection of party loyalists not clever enough to critically think deeper than 2 sentences.. "followers"... who are proud of their 1930s German mentality.

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