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Any pointers for a young medium (not me)

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:07 PM
She likes seeing her ghosts but as she put it to me, she'd like "five minutes alone." Does anyone have any understanding of how she can have some control over when entities can stop by to visit her?

I'm not a medium. i just do a little of everything.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:21 PM
I hate Pantera. That band is for fat people.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:57 PM
Spiritualism is evil in every sense of the word. My Mother and Sister used to take part in that religion, and it made them crazy and evil, always suffering from Demonic possession then wanting to kill anything around them and end their own life.

Stay far, and I emphasize Far away from this. Try to convince her to stop, or distance yourself from her.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by ablissfulman]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:13 PM

Spiritualism is evil in every sense of the word. My Mother and Sister used to take part in that religion, and it made them crazy and evil, always suffering from Demonic possession then wanting to kill anything around them and end their own life.

That is the MOST ABSURD THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. You should refrain from posting in this forum any further since you are a complete moron and do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about.

I have found non-secular religious people (spiritual) to be the wisest and most harmonious poople on the planet. It is in essence, the oldest form of religion in all of history. Thousands of years prior to Jesus.

You should NEVER try and convince anyone to change their religious beliefs. A persons individual journey is theirs alone, and it is NOT TO BE JUDGED.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Spirit Warrior]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:20 PM

Any pointers for a young medium (not me)

To answer the question you need to be more specific. Is it her desire to be left alone or simply some time off. In many cultures what she has is considered a gift. It may seem troublesome in the beginning, but once a degree of control is achieved it is somethig different.

There are various ways to achieve what you are asking. Protection visualizations, spells etc.. whatever you want to call them.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Spirit Warrior

Her desire is to have time alone from the sightings. At home and at school seems a bit much for her. An earth channeler told me, to tell her to follow the signs the spirits give her, but that's a lot to ask of a sixteen year old.

Thanks for laying into ablissfulman for me. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'll tell her to look into spells. I've enchanted a few items against demons myself
(the power of the human spirit) Any more sage like advice is appreciated.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Kiwiemperor]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 04:08 PM
One thing she might try is ancient Chinese meditations. They seem to have the power to immensely cleanse the mind if done correctly. If she can put her mind to rest, while conscious, she might be able to quiet the spirits attempting to communicate with her. It would be like silencing the cellphone, the light goes off... but you aren't annoyed to answer. At least, that has worked with me in spiritual instances.

Disclaimer: "I am not a medium so that may not work since her connection is stronger than mine."

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior

Spiritualism is evil in every sense of the word. My Mother and Sister used to take part in that religion, and it made them crazy and evil, always suffering from Demonic possession then wanting to kill anything around them and end their own life.

That is the MOST ABSURD THING I HAVE EVER HEARD. You should refrain from posting in this forum any further since you are a complete moron and do not have the slightest idea what you are talking about.

I have found non-secular religious people (spiritual) to be the wisest and most harmonious poople on the planet. It is in essence, the oldest form of religion in all of history. Thousands of years prior to Jesus.

You should NEVER try and convince anyone to change their religious beliefs. A persons individual journey is theirs alone, and it is NOT TO BE JUDGED.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by Spirit Warrior]

No. It stands to reason that it made them and everyone connected to them miserable. How do you explain the evil that surrounds this?

The house was always filled with incense and candles and all that fanatical crap, the rooms were always smoky. They would do "biddings" for their "entities", which I have no knowledge about. They would Suffer from Demonic Possession, this scared the life out of me many times. During these possessions they would try to kill any person or animal near them, and try to end their life by stopping to breath, crying themselves and trying to inflict physical harm on themselves.

Satanism is less evil than this, I swear to you.

Most Religions in the world state that conversation with the Dead is actually conversation with Demons or Fallen angels. Christianity as well.

From all my experience with Spiritualists (including some of my Family), I know this kills you inside, corrupts you and makes you evil. I am being straight and honest from my heart and soul. If anything, I ask that the OP be wary of it's intentions, and I pray good judgment and health to him.

God Bless.

[edit on 26-12-2008 by ablissfulman]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Well I am not a Spiritualist nor a religious person (agnostic here), But do believe in mediumship and ESP in general. I have to agree that meditation is the first and foremost thing she should learn. Not only can it help with the issue of controlling her ability it can also help in her day-to-day life. From what I have learned from reading and talking to mediums learning to focus your abilities and practicing it as well as meditating are the keys. It is definatley a gift that part of her brain has unlocked this gift so hopefully she is strong enough to embrace it and learn from it. Mediums describe thier gifts as being a bright light in a dark room that guides people to them for help or hinderance, depending. I would guess maybe seeking help from an experienced medium on how to "dim" her light might alleviate some of the "overflow"

[edit on 26-12-2008 by djvexd]

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Kiwiemperor

My daughter sees and communicates with spirits. She HATES to be alone in the house. They visited her at school and tried to talk to her while she was in class. The only advice I can give is have her talk to the spirits. Tell them that school time, tv time, & XX time is MY time but you can come talk to me during these other times.

Good Luck

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Some replies here can be helpful.

The wisdom here lies in the fact that everyone is different. You must not overlook the fact that we co-create our environments and experiences. That does not mean that there is no randomness or acts of will by others. The reality is still there.

So, in response to ablissfulman, I hope you realize that they 'the people in your story' were as ignorant about the events and processes as you are regarding the subject. I do not mean to use the term ignorant in a negative light. There are many things in life that are considered dangerous. In years past, secular religion found that the uneducated populous responded to claims of evil and bad spirits. So that is what they termed anything they could not understand evil because they saw possible danger. In reality it is no different than driving a car. Your fear behind the wheel would show, and it would also affect your ability to perceive and drive effectively. The same situation is before you in this subject. Fear only generates more negativity. Used in the wrong way, an automobile is dangerous. Does that make the car evil, or the person driving?

The problem here is perception. You have seen bad things happen and you are biased because of that. Consider that you have not experienced all that there is to the subject.

In response to Kiwiemperor, I recommend meditation very highly. Simple meditation will calm the mind and heal the spirit. She will need to decide to allow herself to keep her gift or let it sit in the background. This decision will be the intent with which to progress from here. She can still keep the ability and lead a normal life if she decides how it would be appropriate for her. Just visualize a door she can open and close whenever she chooses and not have it always open.

Now, to specifically address the issue with your friend a degree of focus and intent will be required. This is where visualization meditation comes in. After a short period of calming and centering mediation she can visualize a very bright and pure white light entering her head and filling her body. Let the feeling of warmth travel down the spine and extend like fingers throughout the entire body all over. As the light moves and warms it also harmonizes and relaxes the body further. She must really try and FEEL the energy moving. This is the key to the visualization. Now sit in the experience until the feeling is powerful and light is felt emanating out from every pore of the body. Let the light mix with your own energy and form a harmonious bond. Move the energy through the top of the head and have it curve down and re-enter your feet. This creates a bubble of light with you inside it. The bubble cannot be penetrated by negative energy. It will only allow what you want to come through and affect you.

This bubble is always around you in varying degrees of strength. This exercise strengthens it and also defines what you allow to affect you. It is non-religious and therefore should not offend anyones secular religious constitution. This method of visualization is thousands of years old and has stayed alive for a reason. It works. Hundreds of cultures throughout history have used this.


[edit on 29-12-2008 by Spirit Warrior]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 12:19 PM

I am happy to see that there are more and more parents who recognize that children are not crazy or have wild imaginations. They see a great deal that we do not because they have not been through the cultural conditioning that we all go through with experience here on Mother Earth. Your acceptance will go a long way with your child. She will be less likely to develop negative blockages associated with her gift and it's occasional cultural incomparability.

I wish you both well.


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by ablissfulman
Spiritualism is evil in every sense of the word. My Mother and Sister used to take part in that religion, and it made them crazy and evil, always suffering from Demonic possession then wanting to kill anything around them and end their own life.

Stay far, and I emphasize Far away from this. Try to convince her to stop, or distance yourself from her.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by ablissfulman]

Okay I'm sorry, but you might need to look up what "Spiritualism" is. I'd recommend a book called the "Spiritist Bible", which goes into detail as to what they truly believe.

Also, there are other forms of Spiritualism, not just "one evil one". For example, I consider myself a spiritual agnostic, because I believe in some parts of both religions. True, some people might choose to worship "other beings", but that is their choice-religion can play a part, but only so far.

To call spiritualism evil just because of one thing seems a little biased.

Anyway, Back to the OP, someone already stated a decent method of keeping the spirits from bothering her for a little: Set boundaries for the spirits. If they are coming to her for anything, like helping her, or that they need help themselves, they should respect that she needs some privacy.

If that doesn't work, you could always try what I did. Because I have an ouija in my apartment, I placed salt all around the my bedroom. Before, the room used to get very cold even in the summer (No AC in apartment), and you would feel as if you were constantly watched. Ever since I put the salt down, the coldness left, as well as the feelings. Now I only feel them outside of the room.

Lesson: A thing of salt from the nearest dollar store might do the trick.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 02:50 PM
If you do go in that direction, remember to charge the circle of salt. When you are preparing it be specific and keep that in mind while making the circle. Then after it is built, declare the purpose of the circle and how you want it to work for you.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 10:45 PM
Honestly - the best advice is to stay clear of it. Of course no one will ever listen to that advice, too much human couriosity. But couriosity did kill the cat.

She needs to focus her mind else where - sing, hum, pray, read - stay focused else where. The focus needs to be (for me) something that I have to think about. It takes a while to finaly be able to do it quickly, but once she is able to let it go / turn it off / clear the board... then when she does so she can add a pysical trigger (for me it's rubbing my thumb and finger together in an unnoticable way). Do this every time she clears the board.

After a while, she will be able to use this physical trigger like an on/off switch.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Yes, there are triggers and many other methods. Many different things can achieve the same goal. The idea is to find the right one for yourself.

I find it is a bit more helpful to offer suggestions and possible solutions to another. Telling someone what to do will not get the results you wish for. It is similar to your 'curiosity killed the cat' saying. The individual will find their own path regardless of sayings. Her path is her path; curiosity not withstanding. Trust that she will make the right choices for her path. She has guidance. And I'm not referring to this board.


posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Spirit Warrior
I find it is a bit more helpful to offer suggestions and possible solutions to another. Telling someone what to do will not get the results you wish for. It is similar to your 'curiosity killed the cat' saying. The individual will find their own path regardless of sayings. Her path is her path; curiosity not withstanding. Trust that she will make the right choices for her path. She has guidance. And I'm not referring to this board.


I agree with everything you said. One thing I didn't say out loud, nor did you mention... which is why my advice is to stay clear... If there is ANYTHING real to a persons ability - it is very easy to become addicted to it.

Ouch. I know that sounded terrible and wierd. But it's true. It seems most of us go through a spell where this stuff all but takes over our lives - only after that do we step back and get a clear head and view. But how many years or decades do some people let slip by. For me - way too many. Kids miss their moms, husbands get tired of sitting on the side line while the wife is busy with her quiet time, friends get tired of calls not answered or returned; time moves on and you sit in one spot looking into another whole world of treasures that has nothing to do with what we are suppose to be putting first - the people who need us now. It's intense. We loose sleep, our house is a wreck, and there is no time to take care of ourselves - not a great life.

I know no amount of telling a person will bypass that step for most - but I felt the need to try. Not to tell isn't being kind.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:49 AM
What you are saying is to STAY GROUNDED. This is very good advice. This is also why, in my culture, Shamans usually live out on their own. Outside the tribe they are a part of. There are a few reasons for this.

The point is, there are lines to be drawn in the sand. Define how you want your life to unfold and then start living it. The rest will fall into place if you are on your life path. Stay grounded so that you can still identify with those around you.


posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Speaking of staying grounded... funny, after everything 'normalizes' you tend to forget what happens automaticaly now...
About grounding yourself. I think those who are sensative to 'things' tend to be sensative enough to actualy feel the gounding.

Have your friend go outside bearfoot in the grass and focus on the feelings she gets from the ground benieth her. If she hasn't taken the time to notice this before, when 'scrambled', this is a good thing to do - grounding. (Many ways to do this, but it seems to be the easiest and the one people really feel)

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