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Is life real or just an illusion?

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:16 PM
Ive always wondered this same thing. After watching the matrix and also the truman show as a kid it struck a nerve in me and never lost interest in this philosophy. Ive been hospitilized for it and everything pretty weird. I grew up in north carolina and was told i was delusional but i didnt understand this because everyone else wasnt and they believed that jesus is real and was born from a virgin thats pretty far fetched to me. now its seven years later and im still questioning this reality i live in. If this is it to reality than this really sucks. Whats the point, i mean really, born grow work live pay bills work to live to pay bills die thats a pretty #ed up reality. I live in los angeles now and i look around and this world is really a sad place this cannot be reality its simply impossible. I actually question space and the galaxys out there. and now you cant convince me other wise because ive never been outside this atmosphere on this place we call earth. Maybe life on this ''earth'' is a testing center to see if you can make it and if you dont learn your lesson the first time you have to come back and try again i dont know. Or maybe its a dream and we wake up when we die. Please some one get back to me i had no idea that i wasnt the only one who felt this way its great to find a family of people who feel the same way. someone email me and let me know if there is groups out there that help with this. I can believe i actually searched this on google and found such a wealth of like situation in the world this is great i wish there was a way out of this earthly reality that would be great. well my email is: jared cole roberts at just make sure to take out the spaces between jaredcoleroberts and make it the at symbol. Thanks guys so much i would love some support

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Reality can't be an illusion

Do you see the contradiction there? You can't find the answer just by talking with other people, because every answer is different. Language is just a communication tool, it can only guide have to find it within yourself.

[edit on 4-4-2010 by Nostradumbass]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Look what the Matrix started LOL. But who knows right!!!

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Reign02

I know right. When I first started this thread, I didn't stop to think about rather or not every post would be center around the Matrix. However, it got people to start thinking about the world they live in and that's what I wanted to happen.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Rocketgirl

Imagine that a human being has been subjected to an operation by an evil scientist the persons brain has been removed from the body and placed into a vat of nutrients which keeps the brain alive the nerve endings have been connected to a super scientific computer...

My problem with such scenarios is that once you achieve the level of computing technology/power/capacity to fully simulate reality, you have surpassed the level required for simulating the brain, making the organic component superfluous.

That is to say, we would be unable to distinguish whether our brains are real or simulated, as well. I submit that it is just as, if not more, likely that we are all Sims.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 06:15 PM
I recently found a book called God's Debris: A Thought Experiment by Scott Adams. It is sorta philosophical and is stated to be completely fiction and some parts are just for entertainment and not logical validity.

I haven't read it thought I would like to.

Evidently it hints at panendeism, that God created this universe because he had complete knowledge/power/understanding of everything except his own lack of existence.

So since God wanted to know everything he self destructs or creates a new reality absent of himself and views it to see what happens. Thus God does exist but outside this reality and is viewing us for entertainment haha...

It is an interesting idea. I like the idea of panendeism. If I had to chose a name for my beliefs it would be pantheism/panentheism or deism.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 08:57 PM
Well guys ive looked on my own and cant find the answers please help me out guys come on i need some assistance [email protected]

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