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Patients Have Just Six Months to Claim Organs Stolen From Them By UK Hospital

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Patients Have Just Six Months to Claim Organs Stolen From Them By UK Hospital

Did you wake up from surgery missing a kidney? No worries, mate: The hospital that stole them from you has set up a hotline that will allow you to claim the body parts they stole.

Of course, the body parts are dead, but who's counting anyway? It's all part of the Alder Hey hospital body organ theft scandal, which now involves parts from over 10,000 children and 1,000 fetuses.

Body parts that are NOT claimed will be buried by the hospital with -- get this -- "Dignity and respect."

(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 01:47 PM
WTF?? Is this for real? How can they steal body parts, and why would they want to?

Dr Mark Caswell, Alder Hey's assistant medical director, said: "The university and the trust are committed to conducting the release and interment with dignity and respect."

The official Redfern Report into the organ scandal was published in 2001.

It stated Dutch pathologist Dick van Velzen ordered the stripping of organs from children who underwent a post-mortem examination during his time at the hospital, between 1988 and 1995.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:42 PM
In all fairness, the blurb from propagandmatrix isn't exactly correct. As stated in the BBC article, the organs were stolen during post mortem examinations. So, there were no cases of people going in for appendectomies and later realizing that surgeons had helped themselves to a kidney while they were in there.

I'm not saying that the doctor or hospital were right in doing this at all. In fact, I find it disgusting. But, at the same time, I feel what was written on propagandamatrix was a bit misleading

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:45 PM
This is bizarre. Who on earth would think it appropriate to remove the organs of dead children without first consulting their grieving parents? Perhaps the thought process was something similar to their current state of mind:

The hospital will not be in direct contact with those affected to avoid causing distress to bereaved parents.

Right-o, it's all in the interest of the parents! It's not that we're too cowardly to speak directly with the people we've so offended, it's that we're just too god damn considerate!

See now? It all makes sense. They would have consulted the parents before chopping up their children, but they just didn't want to cause any more grief to individuals who were already having such a tough time. And I was so presumptuous as to assume they were just being cruel and inconsiderate.

extra DIV

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by zephyrs

True I didn't catch that...

But shouldn't they be arrested for this? or sued? the families compensated in some way, if possible?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 03:39 PM
they are not the only hospital guilty of taking organs etc..
the royal victoria hospital in belfast sent a letter to my mother got a few years back telling her they had the spinal column from my dead sister who died in 1967 aged 3 months from Spinabifita\theodolite ..
they told her it was preserved in a jar and if she didnt want it they would like to keep it or destroy it for her..
we collected it and buried it in her grave with her...
my mother was a wreck for weeks....

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by fatdad

That's absolutely horrible, how could they do something so disrespectful?


posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:37 PM
Well, could we suspect that the doctors would "help" someone to die in order to provide a transplant to a rich person for example?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:49 PM
It is massive insult that they considered it ok to remove dead people (and childrens) organs, it is even a bigger insult they are now offering to return them to the familys, only if the family somehow noticed their dearly beloved had any missing in the first place!

For all we know any organs removed have been used for transplants, experiments etc, now that the story was brough to light last year, they are attempting to ammend for their wrong, but again for all we know, any organs returned could be from new deceased patients, other deceased patients who had their organ studied for an experiment etc etc. There is no real way to know your getting your actual childs organ back (and since most will be decayed beyond testing, dna tests would be pretty useless).

It is the invasion of the body snatchers as far as I am aware, it is totally wrong, it is immoral and for all those on the receiveing end of transplants through such dark methods, are probably non the wiser, I wonder how they would feel if they knew the truth?

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by sty
Well, could we suspect that the doctors would "help" someone to die in order to provide a transplant to a rich person for example?

Actually I heard a story a while back in the media (or maybe on here I forget lol), about how doctors were purposefully letting people classed as technically dead, yet saveable by the doctors die! All this so someone could benefit from the organs of these poor poor people.

Not so sure rich people would need for this kind of method, since they can easily goto third world countries, pay a small amount (compared to black market organs in the west) and have someone killed for major organs, or have someone willingly sell them a minor organ for the cash! Disgusting practices, but if you have cash, you can buy almost anything, including an extension on your life expectancy.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by fatdad
they are not the only hospital guilty of taking organs etc..
the royal victoria hospital in belfast sent a letter to my mother got a few years back telling her they had the spinal column from my dead sister who died in 1967 aged 3 months from Spinabifita\theodolite ..
they told her it was preserved in a jar and if she didnt want it they would like to keep it or destroy it for her..
we collected it and buried it in her grave with her...
my mother was a wreck for weeks....

Your not wrong there, I worked there while the searches where going on, every filing cabinet every cupboard checked. Makes it worse tho is that place had an investigation into an illegal experimental operation caried out on a baby without the parents consent. At the time of me leaving it had emerged the surgeon involved had faked the parents signatures but was still working there. Numerous mistakes and horror stories from the hospitals in the surrounding area.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 05:30 PM
How morbid.
This is nothing more than a Frankenstinian Lost and Found.

Who do they they expect will walk in tho claim there body parts?

Patient, oh, what's her name?
Abby, something or other,

Abby Normal

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:14 PM
I feel a little faint. I have only had one major surgery in my life, a c-section. I have my daughter and last time I checked all my other parts were there (thank God I was awake during it). This just reinforces my phobia of hospitals and surgeries. How do hospitals get away with this when you have to be signed up as an organ donor for them to take from you (and that's after you are dead!)? Is it because this is another country?

[edit on 25-11-2008 by raven bombshell]

edit- I missed some information on my first reading- its only the dead folks, but still they need permission.

[edit on 25-11-2008 by raven bombshell]

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Needless to say, the title is a bit of 'shock' journalism, as it is not descriptive of the actual event they are reporting.

However, and more importantly, the hubris of harvesting organs, for whatever reason, while excluding the family from the decision is tantamount to theft, if not legally, morally.

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