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9-11 I am convinced, now what!

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Okay I will admit that 9/11 is or was a inside job without a doubt some strange power from behind a terrorist operation. A little common sense tells you that “caveman” couldn't have that much power controlling our Nora d and controlling the airlines from a remote cave in another part of the world. Now comes the real problem, what can we do about it? Think about this before a response. How does one get a government or any agency to do anything for our benefit that isn't already controlled by the government without using any type of violence to get the people punished responsible for such act?! I don't think we will get any help from any government agency, news media, or country that could have enough power to be able to do any good.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 03:27 PM
What can we do? We can keep our eyes open and continue to question the official story. Perhaps an opening for action will present itself in the future. I do however remain skeptical about that opening as there are still questions and theories about Kennedy,Peal Harbor,the USS Maine and the Lincoln assassination to name only a few. Hang in there buddy!

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 03:31 PM
What can you do? You can keep talking about it, so that this time the people responsible will not have a chance of rewriting history, and so the general population can become aware.

And don't worry, the majority already is, the problem is there is a corrupt media, centralized around Reuters and AP, that have made 911 conspiracy a taboo. But it dosen't matter, almost everyone now knows what happened, and only the asleep still believe the propaganda. Your role in all this is to keep the light of truth burning so that it will fuel change.

And not obamaesque psuedo change, real volksgeist change, a change in how people perceive and interact with big government and big business.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 03:37 PM
Spread the word. Educate others. Keep in mind how you came to this conclusion. And dare i say. Pray before engaging people in this conversation. Pray that you will say "His" words not "yours".

Welcome to the club - come on in, the water is fine.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by guliver
Okay I will admit that 9/11 is or was a inside job without a doubt some strange power from behind a terrorist operation. A little common sense tells you that “caveman” couldn't have that much power controlling our Nora d and controlling the airlines from a remote cave in another part of the world.

I'd suggest you start over and ask yourself who told you anyone was a caveman and didn't have the money, power, and capability to pull off 9/11.

Thinking critically and carefully will show you why 9/11 "Truth" is anything but.

Good luck.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:35 PM
I did lots of critical thinking....

I came to the same conclusion as the OP....


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:58 PM
My advice to the OP (and I'm not being funny) is to run like mad for about five years til you catch up with the rest of the sensible world.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:59 PM
Well, I believe it isn't that hard - organize people on a plane to hijack it by force and fly it into a building.

The only question is, if the skies are so protected, and the American government have such consolidated military procedures, why wasn't the plane intercepted within the given time frame?

But I don't know too much, perhaps the call for help wasn't made in time.
But if it was made - but too late, wouldn't we of seen numerous jets fly past the buildings after the collision?

I haven't read up on all the details - just throwing things out there...

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by marsha law

Actually Marsha, you ARE being funny!

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by guliver
Okay I will admit that 9/11 is or was a inside job without a doubt some strange power from behind a terrorist operation. A little common sense tells you that “caveman” couldn't have that much power controlling our Nora d and controlling the airlines from a remote cave in another part of the world. Now comes the real problem, what can we do about it? Think about this before a response. How does one get a government or any agency to do anything for our benefit that isn't already controlled by the government without using any type of violence to get the people punished responsible for such act?! I don't think we will get any help from any government agency, news media, or country that could have enough power to be able to do any good.

Don't mean to be negative, but I'm not sure anything can be done at this point. its too late to avert the course and events that have been set in motion via 9/11.
Of course its important to keep spreading the message about 9/11 to as many as you can, but because it would take a more intensive movement of the people in a larger mass to make drastic changes and bring the perps to justice, those in control are too powerful at the moment for such changes to occur. the truth has to reach into a higher percentage of the population for it to reach a critical mass and change things. I actually had a source that was on the inside so to speak who told me some very disturbing information about whats going on deep within the government right now and how a battle is being fought and getting more intense by a insiders against this powerful dark faction. These perps are pure evil as you've seen and have the ability to reach out and touch anyone they feel is a threat to their power base etc. Its frightening for most to even consider what i'm saying that things don't look good as to whats being planned. And sadly, this revolution will only occur when # hits the fan.

There's going to be a point of disbelief and shock because People and Major changes usually never occur unless a crisis occurs or the people are FORCED to change. Those who perpetrated 9/11 aren't done and the true evil they're capable of will be seen once Israel attacks IRAN and the USA enters the stage to "defend" ZION(ists).

One primary reason for 9/11 was designed to protect Israel, and only when this begins will things take on a whole new meaning. The world is about to enter the darkest period in its history. Only after this "clean up" (some call age of MAPPO in buddhism), will there be true change.

I just don't see the USA existing much longer, especially when its clear no one cares enough yet nor sees THE DANGER.

What can you do? PREPARE.. MOVE FROM MAJOR URBAN CITIES like NYC which are TARGETS for terror foreign and domestic. Most can't comprehend whats about to begin... most will be caught off guard. MARTIAL law is a near future in the US. Some will call this fear mongering... but if you look more carefully at whats going on and being planned (investigation into 9/11 puts you on the path to a wealth of knowledge and truth of this... but most don't want to consider the reality of our near future. and that your government can't protect you/ its citizens from WMD... 9/11 was a just a glimpse, and warning of whats coming. Those who pulled off 9/11 know the people are beginning to awaken from that LIE.. the only way to maintain their power and hide the truth to prevent this uprising is to create another emergency scenario to DISTRACT and impose more CONTROL. FEAR and manipulation of INFORMATION via the media who are apart of it... watch whats about to happen with IRAN. What did you think this war on terror is about?

again, while this might seem like fear mongering, if you prepare in a survival capacity ie supplies etc and consider this scenario more seriously, you'll look back and thank those who made these types of postings when # begins hitting the fan

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:01 PM
Spread the word...if you know anyone in law enforcement educate them...
most officers I have encountered have concluded that it was an inside job.. Inform local goverment officials(senate is a waste) and perhaps your house of rep.. we need to get the truth out... Many people I have spoken too don't even know about WTC7... because the MSM knows this looks too much like a demo. and do not show it.. SHOW IT TOO THEM... and compare it too any demo out there... EVERYONE i have shown this.. started questioning 911.. and then they started doing research.. and before you know it.. they go from your crazy too wow.. if one part stinks then everything else stinks..

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:05 PM
Violence is not the answer.. because it will give the excuse they need to squash us... don't give it too them..this isnt 200 years ago...We need to start local and spread the word.. Burn copies of ZERO investigation into 911.. and give it too all of your neigbors... tell them this is a new investigation into 911 and that they should watch it..Tell them that if they like the dvd they are free to copy and give it to other people.. or you could put it in the end of the dvd... we have so much technology that can spread info like a wildfire... USE IT.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Notice how msnbc fails too show the WTC7 collapse and instead shows a picture of the building..

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