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Anyone still doesn't believe in the NWO?

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:11 PM
With all the crazy # that has happened does anyone still think it's all natural events? Please state your reasons and why.

Do you fear the future or are you hoping this will all pan out soon?

No flames, please. And don't bother converting each other. It won't work.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:15 PM
I have my doubt that it is real, however I'm always mindful in looking out for signs of it. I'm trying to keep a open mind about it. Mostly I just hope it's not real.

I want this new Administration and Congress to prove that it isn't real, however I doubt they will.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:40 PM
I am sorry, I dont buy into this NWO nonsense. We cant even get all of the politicians in one political party to agree on things, let alone the so-called power elite spread around the world to agree on anything, let alone conspire to a ''Master Plan''.

The world has too many languages, political ideologies, religions and is too diverse for a NWO. If all the above were one however, then maybe a NWO would be possible.

The only time I beleive it would be possible is if there was a threat to our existence from outside our planet ....... but until then no.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:30 PM
I believe it's real, I hope it's not real, and I know there's a chance it's all BS. So there.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:06 PM
To me it is obvious it is real.

But not maybe as well-organized as some people here seem to think. I think it is pretty much a proven fact that the global elite meeting in the Bilderberg Group is aiming for a global system similar to China: a maximum of state control with a maximum of profits for the corporations.

But in the sense of a unified NWO conspiracy... I don't think so. It is like the different elites are fighting each other over some issues while co-operating in most issues. Think about the split between the USA and France over how Iraq should be dealt with. Or the differences between Obama and Bush.

Bilderberg Group is well-known to us thanks to some brave journalists and researchers who are still doing their jobs instead of being just paid cronies. The way the mainstream media is silent on Bilderbergs is to me maybe the biggest evidence that this thing exists.

If there is something like "The Illuminati" somewhere above groups like Bilderberg... I don't know. We might never be able to know it. What would the proof actually even be, video and audio of a secret meeting between the top elite? Who would get the proof? Would Alex Jones sneak into David Rockefeller's office with a hidden camera? Would anybody believe him?

But to me there is enough proof that a conspiracy of the global elite exists. Actually it is not even a conspiracy theory, just look at what they are doing: More power to control the citizens, more and more power to the corporations.

But yes, a lot of this NWO stuff is to me a bit too wacky.

By the way allowing the internet to spread is probably the biggest mistake the elites ever did. I don't know if internet can ever be totally controlled but they will surely try. We should organize on street level fast before these people seriously attempt to block even the internet just like China is already doing. You can spread information on the internet but you really cannot make a change without actually having a popular mass movement and going to the streets.

And yes, if you want to know what the elite is planning for you just look at China. I believe that is their model for the world.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by ukuli]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:10 PM
Well lets see here

The Government is now into banking and mortgages and lets see hmmm

Universal health care is just around the corner not to mention big military spending

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
The Government is now into banking and mortgages and lets see hmmm

Remember this is socialism only in the sense of taxpayers paying the losses of corporations. The profits will still be private as they should be in capitalism...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 07:10 PM
Recent events provide no evidence the world is controlled by secret societies and shadowy groups and individuals with infinite power and unimaginable wealth and resources.

There is no NWO. Never has been, never will be. It violates every principle of social action and behavior. The problems we face are not some orchestration. They are real challenges faced by a free capitalist society.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well lets see here

The Government is now into banking and mortgages and lets see hmmm

Universal health care is just around the corner not to mention big military spending

Hmm, maybe new to you in the US but for most of Europe this has been going on for a long time, so nothing new or sinister there - part of everyday living.

Having a social policy or two does not mean that the state is socialist.

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