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FED refuses to identify $2,000,000,000,000.00 bank loans!!

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:52 PM

FED REFUSES TO IDENTIFY $2,000,000,000,000.00 BANK LOANS!!

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Gemwolf]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:52 PM
I just am absolutely speechless....this is sickening.We can't trust the government,wall street,politicians,banks,the military or the police. When is it going to hit people that we are being hung out to dry!!! I am sick to my stomach now.

The legit link to this story is:
(visit the link for the full news article)

Lowercase title

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Makes me wonder if this is what had changed Obamas mood in his first press conference.Perhaps this is the news that may have ticked him off as many people had pointed out noticing how he seemed to be not quite happy.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:06 PM
I know, it's absurd. You know whats even more absurd? This has been going on for years, not just bank loans though. 1.7 trillion a year gets wiped right off the map for DARPA and black projects (many are one and the same).

Why do the tax payers stand by and take this abuse?? I'll never understand. But when you go hold a sign on the corner with a couple of friends (like i did recently) trying to get the public a little more tuned in to what the US governemnt is taking from the american citizens, you get flipped off and the cops tell you to leave... and threaten to arrest you for telling them to GET F'd.

So after that i gave up. Whats the point in being angry if no one wants to do a damn thing to stop them??? IT'S UP TO US LADIES AND GERMS.
The government is systematically digging a whole that we are not going to get out of in our lifetime or our childrens lifetimes.. but everyone seems to be just fine with that. The buys in charge are gonna keep this circus going as long as they can. Whats another couple trillion gone missing?? Whose going to stop them if not the citizens??? THIS IS OUR FREAKING MONEY GUYS, OUR FREAKING TAXES.

These people are criminals, and should be locked up for the rest of their lives. It drives me up the effing wall (if you couldn't tell), WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP? I hate to say it but Obama is powerless to stop the gears that are already in motion now. The point at which we could have possibly saved our countries finances has long passed, even before the bailout we were in a tight spot. Now post bailout you can bet the bank (pun, yes) that we are all going to be looking at tough times come 2009. After January 20th, IMO the S will HTF

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:13 PM
I have tried to tell everyone I know and even talk about these things to strangers...and all i get are these blank stares as though they don't understand what I am talking about. They think it is all in my head....yet hear it is in black and white yet no one wants to read about it when I present it to them. I get...."I can't walk around all day thinking about things like this or I will go crazy....stop being so negative." It mystify's me.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:20 PM
Is it really surprising when you consider how few citizens really understand what the Fed is and how our currency system works, as well as the fact that the Fed is a private entity. We can only speculate on whether or not any politicians may be involved with keeping that $2 Trillion shrouded in secrecy, but I'm willing to bet that there are many selfish motives involved for what is going on. It's a truly sad state of affairs when, in a nation of around 350 Million people, very few seem to give a damn about so much money being tossed around with little accountability. What can we do to change that? Anything? It seems like an insurmountable battle.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:21 PM
why don't we just make our own currency, we could start by having it pay for "underground" goods and services, and expand from there.

You could use this new cash to buy used or personal items from people,like on ebay or craigslist. Not buying new items from "official vendors" would eliminate much of the need for Dollars.

Of course it would be crucial to have people who are in control of natural resources on board with the new currency as well. Farmers may like the idea of dealing some crops in this new currency, while noting that they are actually saving dollars by more of their illegal immigrant workers wages being in this new currency.

a 2 tiered currency system to wean us off the dollar.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:32 PM
If anything !!! We should start the barter system back up .. But then again that is not going to work unless we get away from what america is putting us under ... Such companies as Best Buy and Walmart and so on and so forth ... We Americans are burying ourselves !!!!!!!! And yet we are so blind as to not see it .. Ridiculous.

Changed case

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by W3RLIED2
I know, it's absurd. You know whats even more absurd? This has been going on for years, not just bank loans though. 1.7 trillion a year gets wiped right off the map for DARPA and black projects (many are one and the same).

What is so wrong with black projects anyway? I guess you don't think we should be preparing for a war with an dangerous ET race, but I do, so I think it is fine that there are black projects.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
Makes me wonder if this is what had changed Obamas mood in his first press conference.

I haven't heard this. I've been in a news blackout, I guess. Any links?

With respect to the broader story of this thread, yes, I too was sick to my stomach reading about it.



[edit on 10-11-2008 by loam]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo
I have tried to tell everyone I know and even talk about these things to strangers...and all i get are these blank stares as though they don't understand what I am talking about. They think it is all in my head....yet hear it is in black and white yet no one wants to read about it when I present it to them. I get...."I can't walk around all day thinking about things like this or I will go crazy....stop being so negative." It mystify's me.

I hear you on that one.

Its beyond a joke in the UK as well.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by liquidsmoke206
why don't we just make our own currency, we could start by having it pay for "underground" goods and services, and expand from there.

You could use this new cash to buy used or personal items from people,like on ebay or craigslist. Not buying new items from "official vendors" would eliminate much of the need for Dollars.

Of course it would be crucial to have people who are in control of natural resources on board with the new currency as well. Farmers may like the idea of dealing some crops in this new currency, while noting that they are actually saving dollars by more of their illegal immigrant workers wages being in this new currency.

a 2 tiered currency system to wean us off the dollar.

Someone has tried to do this already. But the FED with the cooperation of the IRS and FBI went in and wiped these guys clean off all of their silver and gold.

*snip*. So if you're thinking of doing that ole Uncle Sam will have something to say about it.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by mybigunit]

[edit on 10-11-2008 by mybigunit]

Mod Edit: profanity

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Techsnow

What is so wrong with black projects anyway? I guess you don't think we should be preparing for a war with an dangerous ET race, but I do, so I think it is fine that there are black projects.

I support the need for a degree of secrecy. But in a true democracy the governments spending of citizens taxes should be transparent.

A degree of secrecy does NOT include 1.7 tril. a year for projects that the people know absolutely nothing about. That doesnt include 2 trillion wiped right off the face of the earth with absolutley no explanation..... thats this many zeros dude! 000000000.00 thats a lot of friggin money. too much money to even wrap your head around. But it gets thrown away at a whim to special interest groups and whatever else they're spending my taxes on.

I'm all for preparing for ET. Theres no proof that their hostile towards us. IMO theres more proof that would say they are benign. I've read hundreds of abduction reports, i know that people have probably been taken aboard ET crafts and possibly worked on by ET. That is neither here nor there in this discussion though. Hell the sheeple don't even know that there is an ET pressence! That all has nothing to do with where our taxes go! So before i totally de-rail this thread...

I'll end on the one word i really want to push: TRANSPERENCY. We have the right to know what our tax money is paying for. And we are OBLIGATED to know who its going to.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

*snip* We are trapped.

Even if we really try to make our own money the government won't allow us...LOL!

And to make matters worse... We (the taxpayers) owe the government $2 Trillion in Bailout debt to uhhh Who? Who did we bailout? Which Banks? They won't even tell us?

This country is a joke... 99% of our citizens are a joke... And I hate to say it, but the only way to stop this tyranny is by.... Well, I better not even say that on the internet in fear of big brother watching.

Educate the public all you want... They still won't care. We will still give the IRS the money without a fight.

Our Last Hope isn't Obama... It's Jesus Christ.

Quoted profanity snipped

[edit on 11/11/2008 by Badge01]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:24 PM
Unbelievable. Also couldn't help notice Barney Frank's name in the Bloomberg article - frankly I've gone from knowing very little about the man to outright revulsion. What the heck can we the people do to force mouthpieces like him out of congress !? House financial services comittee chairman ? Based on what credentials ?

Gotta love this quote - ``I talk to Geithner and he was pretty sure that they're OK,''

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Our Last Hope isn't Obama... It's Jesus Christ.

You are absolutely right!!!!! Jesus Christ is the only way out of the mess.

The Perfect Government of Peace

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Given the rare out cry of people over the bail out, and yet it is business as usual, I would have to conclude that our government no longer represents the people.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by CaptGizmo

I just am absolutely speechless....this is sickening.We can't trust the government,wall street,politicians,banks,the military or the police. When is it going to hit people that we are being hung out to dry!!! I am sick to my stomach now.

The legit link to this story is:
(visit the link for the full news article)

I've got some good news and some bad news for you. First the bad news; you also can't trust the lying evangelical pastors, the deviate priests, the medical doctors, the optomitrists, the dentists, the judges, the cops, the teachers, nor the oil companies. Now the good news! You can pretty much trust the drug trafficers, and the Mafia~ they make no bones about who they are, and you can generally believe what they say. Generally.
Jesus IS the way out of this mess, and it will be very soon. Just don't believe most 'Christians' that the bridegroom will come and take them away from the hell on earth, before they run out of oil in their lamps. In case you don't know what I mean, I am referring to a parable Jesus taught about precisely this evangelical lie, and HE said he would return after the tribulation. Look for two men, witnesses, that the whole world will hate, and they will tell you where to go and how to get out of all this stuff coming down. I think it is Matt. 25:27 where Jesus said post-trib rapture. But to hear one of these worms explain it, it does not mean what it says. 'The scripture cannot be broken' Jesus

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by roadgravel

Thats a little over simplified my friend. The government just doesnt give a damn about the citizens any more. We're just numbers to them. They play reverse robbin hood with our tax money! Take from us and give to the big guys.

I'm in agreement with you i just had to add the not caring part.... becasue it's the truth.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:12 PM
I betcha if they started checking pockets, they would find this money and much more.

I betcha they claim National Security on this one also.

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