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Israeli tanks enter Gaza

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:56 PM

Israeli tanks enter Gaza

Israeli tanks and bulldozers have reportedly crossed the southern border of the Gaza Strip, violating a truce between Hamas and Israel.

According to local residents, a number of tanks and bulldozers entered the Khoza'a area in eastern Khan Younis on Saturday and started destroying farms, Xinhua reported.

Israeli troops also clashed with Palestinians before leaving the city around midday.

An Israeli army spokeswoman confirmed the clashes but denied that Israeli tanks and bulldozers entered the territory.

She claimed that Israeli soldiers had approached the border fence in order to carry out controlled detonation of explosive devices planted there when they came under attack by Palestinians.

Hamas and Israel agreed to a six-month truce brokered by Egypt in June.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Seems like something big is going to blow up anytime now. Im honestly expecting an all out war between now and the end of the year, i doubt Hezbollah will just sit back and watch this, they will retaliate, the question is how long will they take this garbage.

Obama doesnt seem to be against the Isreali expansion, in fact i think he openly supports it whether he says it or not. He already said its ok for Isreal to launch a strike at Iran, so why not continue the destruction of the Palestinian landscape.

Guess we just have to wait and see, i feel sorry for the Middle East 2009-2012.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by serbsta

this stuff just makes me sick. unbelievable. Shame on both sides. there are so many people wishing and demanding peace over there and none of these people are heard.

makes me sick, I hope the politicians and beauracrats burn for this b.s.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by serbsta i feel sorry for the Middle East 2009-2012.

Oh, okay..
But the last thousand years of torture, killings, raping of their land you do not feel sorry for?

Some people are so ignorant, it's disgusting.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:06 PM
I am Jewish but not a Zionist. Zionism is a horrable agresive pollitical movement that has taken over the people.
There are other Jews that are anti Zionist, you can google and find the groups. News stories like this make me sick. The only jews that have any right to inhabit Israel are the sephardim, the darker jews with real middle eastern blood ,(I think about ten/twenty percent of us?) the REAL Jewish people.
I am Askanazi, or a white European Jew and our family converted many centuries ago but I do know in my heart and mind that religious coversion does not give you the right to claim a country that is not youre bloodright. There is a program called"birthright" that is pushed to Jewish kids to visit Israel , there country of"BIRTHRIGHT" for free. Most Jewish kids have no semetic blood and no right to consider it their birthright. My kids do not really want to go to a country of civil unrest anyway, and I do not either. To all those Separdim Jewish friends and people, no offence, you deserve to settle there....Even then some of the darker of us have Turkish, Georgian Russian, exc....blood that makes us look more middle Eastern,but not Semetic blood.
I dislike organised religions of any kind. I think parents should teach Children Echart Tolle philosopy, not religious eleitist sepratism....No race is more special than another race , We are a good people if our thaughts and actions are peaceful... Sorry about my bad spelling! Many of our religious leaders are not zionists as biblically speaking, Israel was to be given peacefully,and not to be taken by force, and only after the mosiah comes.
I aslo believe that there are some inspired verses in the bible, but most are fairy stories, or adaped stories with their roots in the old religions, earth cults. ( if Noah and his ark was a true story, and they were the only ones left after the flood, how did Negroes and Asians come about! ane of a heap of rediculous bible stories..)Any relion who pushes that they have all the answers are liars...haow can any finite mind understand the infinite mind of god? No one can, but so many elitist religions are talking on his behalf. Sorry about the rant... Peace to all.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Its funny that when the Palis shoot Kassams at Israel its OK but when Israel takes any action to stop the attacks they are the truce breakers. Hammas broke the truce long ago with rockets and thats a fact. Unfortunately many Antisemitic people here ignore it.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:42 PM
Sigh... why are we blindly supporting Israel all the time again?

I wonder if this will get the attention of Iran.

That could be bad...

"Duck and cover"

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
Its funny that when the Palis shoot Kassams at Israel its OK but when Israel takes any action to stop the attacks they are the truce breakers. Hammas broke the truce long ago with rockets and thats a fact. Unfortunately many Antisemitic people here ignore it.

Oh, but the Muslims only want to live in peace. Peace that is without Israel.

And as far as Iran goes, they should just shut up.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by xbranscombex

Originally posted by serbsta i feel sorry for the Middle East 2009-2012.

Oh, okay..
But the last thousand years of torture, killings, raping of their land you do not feel sorry for?

Some people are so ignorant, it's disgusting.

Yes, ignorance is disgusting, so why are you being ignorant?

Who said i dont feel bad for what has happened in the past, ofcourse i do, im just saying that i believe things are going to get a lot worse in the coming years.


posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 07:37 PM
Nothing will come of this. They will pull the tanks back when they are done, Hamas will fire a few more bottle rockets, another "deal" will be reached and they will have more "calm" LOL. IDIOTS on both sides.

I hope Iran does get nukes so they and Israle can all just eliminate each other and the world can focus on something else.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 07:43 PM
So the only Jews that should live in the country, set up for Jews, are the sephardim? What hapens when the ten lost tribes show up? Racism within the Israeli is foolish. If you live by the Torah you have the right to live in Israel! To separate because of Zionist schisms only helps the Muslim to eleminate you. Smarten up! Jews cannot afford to fight amongst themselves! The cohesiveness of your society is parmount for your survival!
Geees, I can't understand the ignorance!!


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