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Did We Make the Wrong Choice for President?

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 06:34 PM
I'm all for giving Barack Obama a chance to do some good for our country, but whenever I really think about it the conspiracy theorist half of my mind can't get past all the things I've learned over the years. Now, I know we really didn't have a choice in the matter either way since the MSM got the good candidates out of our mind a while back and left us with the two that would fulfill whatever agenda (I'm not even going to pretend I know for sure), but I was really trying to be optimistic this time!

But something I've learned: Joe Biden is a hardcore member of the CFR, as is Obama, but also that all three candidates attended this year's Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. Not to mention James A. Johnson who was in charge of selecting Obama's running mate. (This is all a violation of the Logan Act and an arrestable offense.)

Was the meeting a vetting process? Choosing who they would like best to become president next?

"Both Bill Clinton and Tony Blair attended Bilderberg meetings in the early 90’s before becoming President and Prime Minister respectively."

"In 2004 it was reported that John Edwards’ Goody Two Shoes performance in front of the Bilderberg big boys in Italy was a factor in his selection as John Kerry’s Number Two. Edwards was so in sync with the brass that attendees even dispensed with house rules to applaud him at the end of the speech he gave about American politics."

"Having to march along to the tunes of Bilderberg Blues Band makes Obama’s promise for change something of a mirage."

(quotes from articles by Canadian Free Press.)


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