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Skeptical Of UFO/ET Skeptics: Motivation, Tactics, Persistence Called Into Question

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by silver6ix

When a child is born into the world, the child sees the possibilities, understainds reality in a way most adults never can. Why?

Because life itself as we live is a process of deception which begins at birth to create the lie which serves those who choose to destroy. We send our children to school and it there that the painting of false ilusions. It is there that the ignorant teach your child to become ignorant of truth and possibility.
You are just going on-and-on with your metaphysical psycho-babel. The reason why kids see "reality" in their way, is because they don't know any better and try and get answers to subjects they don't truly understand. Its basically what Religion did before science came about and started to give answers to reality. Religion just said God did this and that, because they couldn't fully grasp the underlying knowledge of nature and science. So, are you saying that kids are much more aware and have a higher understanding of life then grownups?

So strong is the illusion that people have made it a solid thing, they talk of proofs and evidences as if they are some concrete answer, when in truth they are the devices which enforce further the lies.

Those who seek truth will see through the lies. Those who open their minds will transcend the illusions of the real and unreal.
WHAT?!?!? Are we talking about UFOs or your metaphysical "reality". If we both walk into a room we've never been in, and we both see a table, then that table is actually there. Its true, its real, and not an "illusion".

You live in three dimension because someone told it was so and you have long accepted the lie. You believe that stone is a solid thing because someone told you it was so, and somehow you refuse to see the obvious truth.

All things are made of atoms and beyond that all things are bound by the force of creation, how can they be solid? The stone is no more solid than the air, the air no more real or unreal than the stone, they are the same. YOU create the illusion of solidity, you create the web that bind the illusion and you and you alone carry in you the eye which sees the truth.
Then by all means, Silver6ix, transcend your entire body, or mind, or thoughts, or feelings in front of/on to me. In fact, I'm very open to this idea actually happening. If we can do this together, then I will open up my "closed mind" and see through all of this "ignorance".

They exist to show the transcience of matter, to show you that while form may change, energy never dies, it only changes form and you like all the forces are energy like all things.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? What came before energy, what supplies energy, and how do you even understand energy if you don't believe in what scholars and teachers have been teaching for many years?

The skeptic and those in denial are those whose fear is greater as the illusion functions on fear, on acceptance, on communal belief as those are the lies that bind.
You're defining "skeptic" like you know all sides of the story. I truly do believe in life outside of the Earth. I do believe in crafts that are beyond what we have, or understand right now. That doesn't mean I truly believe that extraterrestrial creatures are the ones traveling in these crafts. For all I know, it could be Earthly in origin.

I'm willing to be humbled by true answers, but smart enough to raise an eyebrow at a possible hoax. I, being a seeker of truth, am actually looking for just that: Truth. There are way to many hoaxes out there, to be fooled into thinking every pic or video footage is undeniable evidence. Yes, I'm a believer, as I have seen a UFO extremely close, but I'm also VERY skeptical on people who act like they have proof or answers, when in fact, they are just hindering us seekers from the very goal we are trying to get to in the first place: Truth.

To the OP: Like I have said in this post, I have witnessed a UFO at close range. Me and my friend saw a craft about 300-400 feet in the air. It was a redish-orange, pulsating craft that was stationary in the sky. We stared at it for about 30-45 sec, before we knew it, the craft zoomed off. This experience has made me a believer that there is something out there. I don't know if its extraterrestrial, or humane/man-made crafts. I do know what I saw, yet, I'm not here to convince anybody otherwise. I have no proof or evidence, other then my friend that can back me up. Having enough common sense should tell me that nobody should believe me, and rightfully so. Again, I'm here to figure things out, and sift through peoples scams. Without any hard evidence, I would just keep the story to yourself, and start on the journey of finding out the truth. Good luck, my friend.

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